Sapper's collection (3 Viewers)

Thanks Wayne and Robin for the kind remarks. Here is one photo I forgot to post. Regards Greg.
Great looking display and effective ww1 scene Gregg. Well done !:salute:::salute::

Keep them coming Greg.Some wonderful displays here;You are very fortunate to be able to display each part of your collection as a mini diorama.Most of us lack the space.Well done that man.
Thanks Tony and Steve for your interest. Will post my diorama of the Eight Army on Saturday. Regards Greg.
A break for Monty while talking to the troops. Greg.









Another beaut of a display Greg well done !

Having a problem with images in this thread.

Am using an IPad and have looked at this thread before using same IPad without any problem. However can't see the images posted by Greg on this page and also further back in the thread. In his most recent post when I clicked reply I can see some text related to images.

This is strange as just popped into a couple of Jenkins threads and TomNT's US thread and can see the images there.

Hi Greg, I can't see your photos here or on the Vietnam thread, same with some of your earlier threads, I've tried Internet Explorer and Google Chrome.
Same here Greg. Are you using a photo hosting service? I also switched to Chrome and received the same result.

nice pics for your Vietnam collection...

I'm using Chrome and I can see all of them...
went to the beginning of the thread...
and can view all of them...
Don't know what the glitch was but it seems to have sorted itself out now as I can view your photos perfectly fine and that's another good looking dio you've done Greg with the newly released 2nd part of the Aussie patrol.

Well done :salute::


Oh and I see you've got the same plastic Buddha as me now. I spray painted a grey primer on it and added a green wash to give it the been outside a long time look.
I can see from Greg’s photos that he was using the Forum software so it was probably an issue on their end.
Thanks Gents for the concern and the interest. I have corrected the problem. Another photo for the road. Regards Greg.
Greg, I have missed your thread till now and I’m happy I came across it! Simply fantastic collection you’ve got! Congratulations, is a delight to see!

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