Saxon village under attack from viking raiders (1 Viewer)

Hello gents, the diorama is just about finished with some more figures to be added with the next post. As you can see a lot more has been done but
there is still some areas to be filled in. With answering a question, the roofing was made from a material that resembles fur and bought from a cloth store.
I think it looks like weathered thatching. Now getting onto the making of the shields and for these i used steel washers. They are more durable then using
balsa wood. The middle of the shields are made from screws and any round head screw would do as long as the screw hole can be filled in. Here i used solder and then it was filed flat. The shaft of the screw was then cut off using a Dremmel tool, or a small grinder would do. The middle was then glued to the washer, primed and painted. That's about it for this post Regards








like balsa wood. The middle of the shield is a screw with a round head and any sort of screw could be used as long as it can be filled in. Here i used solder
Wonderful diorama. You made it look effortlessly to build, but there is a lot of work here. Hardest thing now is to get it all in one photo being so huge. Well done. Robin.
Well done Greg I have enjoyed this from its beginning until now and you have done a wonderful job thank you.
Excellent Greg, the wash around the ships turned out great. You have created a work of art that will give you pleasure for many years to come. Thanks for the progression pic's and explanation on how you created the diorama.

Sorry gents for the malfunction at the end of this post, don't know what happened there. It's rather comical though if you had not read the actual message.Regards Greg.
Really great looking dio all the better that you did a lot of it yourself.{bravo}}{bravo}}
Some more photos.

Outstanding diorama !
Great mix of figures, work very well together.

Seems like all your planning and execution came to fruition very well.

Thank you for sharing the process !

When you solder on the washers & screws, do you use a soldering iron or torch ?
What type of solder ?
I have a dickens of a time on those 'shiny' washers, getting solder to stick...even when I 'rough up' with a file or sandpaper.

Great job on the water & wake.
Thankyou gents, for the likes and thankyou Ivanhoe, Marco, Tom, Wayne, Bob and Robin for the replies. About your question Ivanhoe, when i do soldering i use a flux dabbed on the area to be soldered. This cleans the area and enables solder to stick. I use resin core solder an a soldering iron. You would not necessarily have to use solder, some sort of filler that sets hard or a glue that you can sand and paint would do. Regards Greg.
Hello gents, here are some more photos of diorama with added figures. Still to fill vacant areas and i will be purchasing more FL and W.Britains when they become available. The illustration photo looks very much like a Conte scene previously posted. I think they might have got their inspirations from this. Some FL figures have made their debut in the diorama and i really like these. I have started making a viking boat from a figure purchased. It is the front of a boat with viking warrior attached. I will buy another one, remove the figure and use it elsewhere. The two ends will be joined up with balsa wood and it should make a nice piece. Until next time Regards Greg.







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Excellent Greg and I like how you covered most of the figure bases. The viking ship is coming along nicely but I'm curious to know, why make one when you are able to get hold of those beaut ships that are on your dio and modify them so well?

This will only be a boat Tom and contain a few fiigures. I don't know how it will fit in with the ships. Regards Greg.
Sweet, thanks for sharing the updated pictures. All the new figures look great, I have begun painting a bunch of figures to add with some First Legion and Britains figures that I have. I hope to do something like this one day. :)
Thanks End Times, Howard and Tom for your comments and thanks to the other gents for the likes.

Tom, a loyal follower and supporter of the project.

Howard, my American friend and fellow viking and indian collector. I'am looking forward to your next posts.

End Times, i will spend some more time responding to you as you have expressed an interest in creating something similar. Firstly, i like that you are
going to paint some figures. Buying them unpainted and if you are a reasonable painter will work out alot cheaper for you. Your mixing of the different
brands will work out as long as you try and position them according to size. The brands you mentioned are all different in size. The unpainted Russian
figures come in all different sizes. I'm sure you will work it out and if you have any questions, let me know.
Some more photos Regards Greg.




No question you have completed a dramatic dio with the Viking boat as a centre piece. All your work has paid off big time. You have cornered the market with this series. Hopefully you can fine tune it with upcoming releases to keep it exciting. Robin.
Thanks Robin, another loyal supporter and friend. I'm just doing my little bit to keep the interest up in this fine hobby as you have many times. Regards Greg.

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