"Sneak Peek at the Alamo" (2 Viewers)

UkSubs and Mitch, I recommend you wait until you actually have information before making your negative assessments on price, etc. I think people will be pleasantly surprised. The process to make resin figures is vastly different, and the quantities produced help make up the costs of development, etc.

Nobody will force you to buy anything...so if you are not interested (Mitch, you have mentioned this in every thread about these figures) I recommend you move on and allow those who are excited about them to enjoy some cool images of the Alamo!
UkSubs and Mitch, I recommend you wait until you actually have information before making your negative assessments on price, etc. I think people will be pleasantly surprised. The process to make resin figures is vastly different, and the quantities produced help make up the costs of development, etc.

Nobody will force you to buy anything...so if you are not interested (Mitch, you have mentioned this in every thread about these figures) I recommend you move on and allow those who are excited about them to enjoy some cool images of the Alamo!

Peter I think if you read my post I did say wait and see what the price is to be fair
We asked for pic's and boy did we get em! The "wow" factor on this dio is second to none! Thanks for posting Andy, im gobsmacked!


Not sure where I am being negative? I stated they would not be for me but, I am interested in price, detail etc as is everyone else. Most of the questions have arisen from the way the information has been put out here but, you seem to be saying everything I have heard is wrong???

It makes sense to have these as restricted releases if, as you say, we will be pleasantly surprised at cost then if its anything other I for one do not want to see a surge of collectors buy plastic!!!! and less buy metal meaning that its either stopped as a production medium or, see further price costs. That could happen

Its a discussion forum and this is something new and we are discussing it from all the leaks good and bad is obviously what comes from that discussion
Call it a wild guess, but I have a sneaking suspicion those Texans are in trouble {eek3}

Brilliantly executed Gents.
I am in awe. This is fantastic.
I am still working on my 40mm Alamo wargame. So this is quite an inspiration. Thank you!!

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Absolutely killer diorama!!! If the prices are decent enough on the new resin/plastics and do a variety of ranges (WWII, western plains Indians, Cowboys count me in, as I would love to do a large dio featuring either one...Sammy
To get back on topic I just think Gordon's diorama work superb, it was him and Bob that finally got me to have a go myself. This Alamo scene is sublime, though I dare say some will be picking holes in it.:rolleyes2:

Call it a wild guess, but I have a sneaking suspicion those Texans are in trouble {eek3}

Brilliantly executed Gents.

Yes, looking at it from that direction it does not look good for them does it?!!{eek3}

The dio is amazing, outstanding! Congratulations to both Andy and Gordon! On another note it certainly is exciting news, as it indicates the dawn of a new front, which by all means certainly doesn’t imply at all the sunset of the ones in place, just another path in the many the hobby already marches in. Let's wait and see until all the information is on the table to better understand the scope and span of this new move.
The dio is amazing, outstanding! Congratulations to both Andy and Gordon! On another note it certainly is exciting news, as it indicates the dawn of a new front, which by all means certainly doesn’t imply at all the sunset of the ones in place, just another path in the many the hobby already marches in. Let's wait and see until all the information is on the table to better understand the scope and span of this new move.

Brilliantly put if I may say, we don't even know the prices or figures yet!

WOW That's an amazing display! Anyone know how many figures are in the display?
looks like one of the best diorama's i have see :salute::
I would like to know about the dirt pile next to the wall, was this a strategy to gain access over the wall...something that really took place in history, in this war?

It is a sensational job!!!
Andy and Gordon, the diorama is really wonderful it made my day! If the marching figures are plastic, then, I cannot wait to see them in the flesh.

How about more of Skinners horse in plastic? The Alamo is just awesome.

UkSubs and Mitch, I recommend you wait until you actually have information before making your negative assessments on price, etc. I think people will be pleasantly surprised. The process to make resin figures is vastly different, and the quantities produced help make up the costs of development, etc.

Nobody will force you to buy anything...so if you are not interested (Mitch, you have mentioned this in every thread about these figures) I recommend you move on and allow those who are excited about them to enjoy some cool images of the Alamo!

Well said. Although I don't think anyone was being overly negative this discussion somehow went from its origin ( the Alamo diorama the subject of thread and what the majority are looking at ) to prices and speculation . Let us all enjoy this sublime dio and not get sidetracked into prices and quality of figures that none of us have even seen yet, there will be plenty of opportunity for that very soon:salute::!.

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