"Sneak Peek at the Alamo" (1 Viewer)

I can't get to the first posts on this thread1.Is there a problem?

"Is there a problem" as Bowie said to Crockett when asking for an update of their situation.

Just imagine if they had Facebook at The Alamo. Status update : Not looking good{sm2}.

Anyway I am getting sidetracked. Was OK for me a few minutes ago but have had a problem with one of the Alamo threads but not today.
Would 48 'likes' constitute a record?
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The Mexican Infantry in the red uniforms in the last but one image are not metal unless they are repaints and I would guess that whole column is resin .

At least my Christmas will be sorted:)


I think the figures in red you are referring to are the drummers in reverse colors.

Had noted same thing and most I have seen.

Me too!{eek3}

On a side note I wonder what Bob will think of these figures and whether it will make him want to make any larger Alamo scenes now for his Alamo thread?

I also wonder which ranges will get these figures first? LAH, ACW, Naps????

The fort is impressive for its quality and size, really great....

But, to add realism and drama , there should also be "dead figures" and "smoke"...Cannon fire smoke and explosion smoke. This is a museum dio and not a toysoldier advertising display; so it is more than the structure and the figures to be made....

I would say that it is almost finished, but it needs some important details such as the ones I wrote above for example....
Maybe you can get on the next jet plane and finish off their "imperfect"
work :rolleyes2:
The fort is impressive for its quality and size, really great....

But, to add realism and drama , there should also be "dead figures" and "smoke"...Cannon fire smoke and explosion smoke. This is a museum dio and not a toysoldier advertising display; so it is more than the structure and the figures to be made....

I would say that it is almost finished, but it needs some important details such as the ones I wrote above for example....

Well I would be happy with it ^&grin
Anytime I see a diorama of this scale and magnitude irrespective of what era it portrays it is simply magnificient! :cool: The vast time, energy and financial resources to put something together like this demonstrates pure passion for history and that is to be commended for anyone daring enough to take the risk.
Great pictures of an awe inspiring display! The place opens in like a weekish. You have to see it in person. Mike
This will all be deleted soon! It is frustrating about the gadflies though. Jack told me about his catch-up with you, wish I'd been there!

You must come over next time, drinks on me:salute::

Anyone else thinking of asking the missus if they really need the dining room anymore and how good a massive dio would look in there?:wink2:

Anybody have a guess on what effect these new figures will have on the value of the metal fugures?
Anybody have a guess on what effect these new figures will have on the value of the metal fugures?

If you think that it might attract more people to collect Alamo then my guess is that it would create more interest in the metal Alamo figures.
If you think that it might attract more people to collect Alamo then my guess is that it would create more interest in the metal Alamo figures.

It would be impossible to measure but I wonder what effect the actual diorama will have on sales of the Alamo figures. It would be a range too far for me but if I was thinking of a Rorkes Drift or Naps display and I saw the equivalent diorama with a promise of cheaper figures to fill out the ranks, that would probably tip the balance. Given that the cheaper figures will (I assume) be genric marching, standing firing, kneeling firing type poses, you would still need the metals to have a decent representation of an event.
I'm staying at the Menger in San Antonio 28th-29th...I will definitely go see this and try to take some close-ups if allowed...

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