Thanks, I thought it was just me...…………….^&confuse...…………..still no clue what the actual problem here is.
I'd also like further elaboration about the Chicago show and what he found so terrible about it.
I've been attending Chicago for 23 years, first time was with Bill Murphy, I thought at the time and to this day it's by far the greatest toy soldier show on the planet, a **** ton of fun, you get to meet collectors and dealers from all over the world that you'd otherwise never get to meet, you also get the social aspect during the room trading, at dinner and at the bar each night.
I was able to meet and befriend dealers like Julie from TFT, Nick from TSSD, Larry from For the Historian, Mike from Sierra, Shannon from TFT, Paul from The Toy Soldier Shoppe, Ted from TedToys, Ed and Laverne from Gettysburg Toy Soldiers, Larry from March through Times, Ron Barzso and Norm from Memphis Toy Soldiers among others, collectors like Tom Dubel, Brian Dietz, Chuck Challans, Greg Guy, Gary Kuepfert, Tom Kontos, Jason Evans, John Bennett, Louis Badolato, Brad Lewin, Hans Hedrich, Albert Venezio, Tim Sheehan, Jim Clouse, Rusty Kern, Marc ***nes, Steve Boetger, Marc Rezzonico, Carlos Codina, Bill Acuna, Stephen Chong, Paul Cook, Anthony Samuel and Tom and Howard from down under among others. Some of those dealers are now retired and sadly, some of them are no longer with us, but I have fond memories, which makes me feel good.
99% of my experiences as a collector and a dealer have been positive, I'm not going to let the 01% ruin it for me.
I had so much fun attending with my Dad, now recently with my partner in crime Larry Allen; myself, my Dad and Larry have had some comical adventures. As much as I enjoyed attending with my Dad, Larry taught me to enjoy the show more and soak it all in, so it's his fault four years ago when I got blitzkrieged at the bar Friday night and felt like death warmed over on Saturday...……………..

The former TFT owner Shannon taught me that as well; just go and have fun, don't be all work/no play there, just enjoy the moment.
Thanks Shannon...………………..not gonna lie, I miss her everyday...…………...
At the end of the day, this is a hobby; what you choose to make of it is up to you, don't let outside things or people or things that are out of your control detract from your enjoyment of it, the hobby has been in my blood since I was knee high to a grasshopper and nothing anyone says or does is going to change that, it will be something I enjoy until the day I take my last breath.
As I write this, I am soaking in my latest diorama based on Sugar Loaf Hill, proof positive of what I just said.