Socializing (2 Viewers)

Notably, my father (Pat Sr.) is very stable and happy and social.
It is I, the collector and History-buff, however, that decides what we buy or not

I began collecting English toy soldiers from English people. Then I went to the OTSS. Hated it. Cut out collecting for a while
I began collecting English toy soldiers from English people. Then I went to the OTSS. Hated it. Cut out collecting for a while

Became friends with Lynn Kenwood, Paul Herrmann, Ken Clark-Jervoise (sp?), Thor Johnson, Charles Biggs, Len Taylor, and many, many others. They are (or were) usually very kind and creative people
Became friends with Lynn Kenwood, Paul Herrmann, Ken Clark-Jervoise (sp?), Thor Johnson, Charles Biggs, Len Taylor, and many, many others. They are (or were) usually very kind and creative people

Now we enter the era of Facebook. Of being cut out of deals because I (we) don't post pictures of our dog quite enough. Do I like gay people? Yes, as a matter of fact, I have always liked them. What does that have to do with the Aztec Temple?
It is the use of Facebook that has always, always been bordering on criminal. It will not be tolerated by free-thinking people anymore. Like Trump or Stalin or Hitler or Mao, if you are in with Facebook you are in with the devil.
So, as a protest, I shall stop collecting forever. $165,000 later, not a bad choice.
But Best Wishes to You (seriously, as long as you let me sell it NOT online someday)
And Happy Collecting forever (though we are done, and yes because of socializing)
Because what makes you happy is all that matters.
Now, truly, bye forever
Now we enter the era of Facebook. Of being cut out of deals because I (we) don't post pictures of our dog quite enough. Do I like gay people? Yes, as a matter of fact, I have always liked them. What does that have to do with the Aztec Temple?
It is the use of Facebook that has always, always been bordering on criminal. It will not be tolerated by free-thinking people anymore. Like Trump or Stalin or Hitler or Mao, if you are in with Facebook you are in with the devil.
So, as a protest, I shall stop collecting forever. $165,000 later, not a bad choice.
But Best Wishes to You (seriously, as long as you let me sell it NOT online someday)
And Happy Collecting forever (though we are done, and yes because of socializing)
Because what makes you happy is all that matters.
Now, truly, bye forever

Just woke & reread this and realize it's a bit arrogant. I feel that I have wasted the time of a social forum by positing the idea that all socializing is basically bad. Also, Jazzeum is clearly a truly good lawyer. Run for judge!
So, anyway, just please carry on with the fun things you are doing with the hobby. It has, apparently, been good for everybody except me these days. Treefrog should be complimented for the forum because it is a service to everybody (even though I still dislike its social nature) and because, well, they support it:p
I am sorry that this termination of all business is on this forum, but, then, by the nature of social media, where else would it be?

Night night I hope if my phone stops ringing & now bye UNLESS (ha!) you pose a direct Q & then I will eventually answer. Probably.
Best Wishes to Hobbyists
Only say positive things {eek3} Sorry:( I never wanted to destroy the fun of History & Hobby which I used to love so dearly
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I have reread your posts a couple of time and from what I can tell, you had a bad experience with Facebook although I can't tell if it had anything to do with toy soldiers. Regardless, my suggestion is that you avoid Facebook, which is what I do generally since it's a platform I don't trust and I have a low regard for its management. As a matter of fact, it's losing a lot of users because of the various security breaches.

Getting back on topic, if you have spent that much money on the hobby, I think you're only punishing yourselves if you decide to stop collecting because of something that took place on Facebook. Of course, the final decision is yours.


I have reread your posts a couple of time and from what I can tell, you had a bad experience with Facebook although I can't tell if it had anything to do with toy soldiers. Regardless, my suggestion is that you avoid Facebook, which is what I do generally since it's a platform I don't trust and I have a low regard for its management. As a matter of fact, it's losing a lot of users because of the various security breaches.

Getting back on topic, if you have spent that much money on the hobby, I think you're only punishing yourselves if you decide to stop collecting because of something that took place on Facebook. Of course, the final decision is yours.


Good points and sound advice. I also while looking back on my own posts were condescending and I attribute that to the fact that your posts confused me. Same feeling as Brad after re reading your replies you had a bad experience. All I can tell you is that life is way too short to let little things get in the way of your own enjoyment. If you don't like the dog posts, that's ok, don't read them. There are posts on here that don't interest me, I just move on. Everyone is different, you don't have to be a dog lover to belong here. Those posts are for a small contingent of the forum, just like basketball, football, etc.

A very entertaining thread and I hope it continues......

I'm still none the wiser as to what the actually problem is, but I completely understand the frustration with social media.

I'm all for members having a moan and groan from time to time. It can be a cathartic experience and enlightening all in one.

I do hope the forum never becomes so PC that members can't vent now and then without an unreasonable backlash.

In saying that being rude or obnoxious is not helpful or constructive.

There are some very talented and wise members on TF and also a raft of members who don't have the confidence to post their thoughts or desires for fear of a negative response. I encourage everyone to have a go and have a say.

At the end of the day we're all collectors and enthusiasts with a passion for the hobby and it's your posts that keep the forum alive.

Have fun folks!:salute::
I'm still none the wiser as to what the actually problem is, but I completely understand the frustration with social media.

Thanks, I thought it was just me...…………….^&confuse...…………..still no clue what the actual problem here is.

I'd also like further elaboration about the Chicago show and what he found so terrible about it.

I've been attending Chicago for 23 years, first time was with Bill Murphy, I thought at the time and to this day it's by far the greatest toy soldier show on the planet, a **** ton of fun, you get to meet collectors and dealers from all over the world that you'd otherwise never get to meet, you also get the social aspect during the room trading, at dinner and at the bar each night.

I was able to meet and befriend dealers like Julie from TFT, Nick from TSSD, Larry from For the Historian, Mike from Sierra, Shannon from TFT, Paul from The Toy Soldier Shoppe, Ted from TedToys, Ed and Laverne from Gettysburg Toy Soldiers, Larry from March through Times, Ron Barzso and Norm from Memphis Toy Soldiers among others, collectors like Tom Dubel, Brian Dietz, Chuck Challans, Greg Guy, Gary Kuepfert, Tom Kontos, Jason Evans, John Bennett, Louis Badolato, Brad Lewin, Hans Hedrich, Albert Venezio, Tim Sheehan, Jim Clouse, Rusty Kern, Marc Gaynes, Steve Boetger, Marc Rezzonico, Carlos Codina, Bill Acuna, Stephen Chong, Paul Cook, Anthony Samuel and Tom and Howard from down under among others. Some of those dealers are now retired and sadly, some of them are no longer with us, but I have fond memories, which makes me feel good.

99% of my experiences as a collector and a dealer have been positive, I'm not going to let the 01% ruin it for me.

I had so much fun attending with my Dad, now recently with my partner in crime Larry Allen; myself, my Dad and Larry have had some comical adventures. As much as I enjoyed attending with my Dad, Larry taught me to enjoy the show more and soak it all in, so it's his fault four years ago when I got blitzkrieged at the bar Friday night and felt like death warmed over on Saturday...……………..;)………………….

The former TFT owner Shannon taught me that as well; just go and have fun, don't be all work/no play there, just enjoy the moment.

Thanks Shannon...………………..not gonna lie, I miss her everyday...…………...:(

At the end of the day, this is a hobby; what you choose to make of it is up to you, don't let outside things or people or things that are out of your control detract from your enjoyment of it, the hobby has been in my blood since I was knee high to a grasshopper and nothing anyone says or does is going to change that, it will be something I enjoy until the day I take my last breath.

As I write this, I am soaking in my latest diorama based on Sugar Loaf Hill, proof positive of what I just said.
It's impossible not to like the Chicago Show and have a good time there.
My Man George! Beautifully articulated...

“At the end of the day, this is a hobby; what you choose to make of it is up to you, don't let outside things or people or things that are out of your control detract from your enjoyment of it, the hobby has been in my blood since I was knee high to a grasshopper and nothing anyone says or does is going to change that, it will be something I enjoy until the day I take my last breath.”

In truth, I loved your entire post but the part above stood out like a Raptors jersey in Oakland!

Fight On,
My Man George! Beautifully articulated...

“At the end of the day, this is a hobby; what you choose to make of it is up to you, don't let outside things or people or things that are out of your control detract from your enjoyment of it, the hobby has been in my blood since I was knee high to a grasshopper and nothing anyone says or does is going to change that, it will be something I enjoy until the day I take my last breath.”

In truth, I loved your entire post but the part above stood out like a Raptors jersey in Oakland!

Fight On,

Thanks Marc, I shoot strait from the hip, I call them like I see them...…………...always nice to hear from you.
Man O man this is one of the strangest threads I've read on this forum in 9 years. I also do not have a facebook account or twitter or any other social media accounts for the similar reasons. I think it encourages people to say things they would not say in person. It also allows people to stick their nose in your personal life because you put it out there. But to quit a hobby that you "love" because of someone comments??

This hobby is full of people who have been helpful and kind since I've been going to the Chicago show 27 years or so. Have I ran into a jerk? Sure, like I do on the street every so often. But most are very fine people. Granted we all share a common interest so we have something to talk about already but I don't think we have to agree beyond that. It's a love for the hobby that brings us together in the meeting places (forum, shows).

As far as quitting the hobby over someone else's view on my view on how I view peoples personal sex life or dogs or politics??
To me, that would be as silly as comparing someone who's political views I disagreed with, to individuals who killed millions of other human beings thru organized industrial murder machine, arranged famine or polices to control the population. (10 to 12 MILLION in the camps,18 to 30 MILLION in great famine, 40 to 50 MILLION between 58 to 62 in the gret leap forward) I used the low estimates.

Point is, have fun and ignore jerks, your outlook is what you decide.
I'll put my soapbox away now.
I don’t care for FB for the reasons stated in my post from yesterday but I do like Twitter. Among other uses, I find it a way to talk to writers of articles that I may read. Sometimes they respond, sometimes not. I try to avoid overtly political themes as I just don’t want to get into a back and forth, plus those conversations tend to get heated sometimes.
Yep don't understand this thread fully but great post George well said.
(Go Saint's RE the Aints lol)
Sorry to the forum for the rant portion of that response. I avoid politics like the plague. For the last 30 years or so it seems that everyone compares, people who they do not like for a variety of reasons, to men who oversaw regimes who willing killed close to a 100 million what were essentially civilians between them. Not in conquest or mismanagement. But a implemented plan for the most part.

Let those evil basta$^ stand alone.

Back to your regular program.

Thanks, I thought it was just me...…………….^&confuse...…………..still no clue what the actual problem here is.

I'd also like further elaboration about the Chicago show and what he found so terrible about it.

I've been attending Chicago for 23 years, first time was with Bill Murphy, I thought at the time and to this day it's by far the greatest toy soldier show on the planet, a **** ton of fun, you get to meet collectors and dealers from all over the world that you'd otherwise never get to meet, you also get the social aspect during the room trading, at dinner and at the bar each night.

I was able to meet and befriend dealers like Julie from TFT, Nick from TSSD, Larry from For the Historian, Mike from Sierra, Shannon from TFT, Paul from The Toy Soldier Shoppe, Ted from TedToys, Ed and Laverne from Gettysburg Toy Soldiers, Larry from March through Times, Ron Barzso and Norm from Memphis Toy Soldiers among others, collectors like Tom Dubel, Brian Dietz, Chuck Challans, Greg Guy, Gary Kuepfert, Tom Kontos, Jason Evans, John Bennett, Louis Badolato, Brad Lewin, Hans Hedrich, Albert Venezio, Tim Sheehan, Jim Clouse, Rusty Kern, Marc Gaynes, Steve Boetger, Marc Rezzonico, Carlos Codina, Bill Acuna, Stephen Chong, Paul Cook, Anthony Samuel and Tom and Howard from down under among others. Some of those dealers are now retired and sadly, some of them are no longer with us, but I have fond memories, which makes me feel good.

99% of my experiences as a collector and a dealer have been positive, I'm not going to let the 01% ruin it for me.

I had so much fun attending with my Dad, now recently with my partner in crime Larry Allen; myself, my Dad and Larry have had some comical adventures. As much as I enjoyed attending with my Dad, Larry taught me to enjoy the show more and soak it all in, so it's his fault four years ago when I got blitzkrieged at the bar Friday night and felt like death warmed over on Saturday...……………..;)………………….

The former TFT owner Shannon taught me that as well; just go and have fun, don't be all work/no play there, just enjoy the moment.

Thanks Shannon...………………..not gonna lie, I miss her everyday...…………...:(

At the end of the day, this is a hobby; what you choose to make of it is up to you, don't let outside things or people or things that are out of your control detract from your enjoyment of it, the hobby has been in my blood since I was knee high to a grasshopper and nothing anyone says or does is going to change that, it will be something I enjoy until the day I take my last breath.

As I write this, I am soaking in my latest diorama based on Sugar Loaf Hill, proof positive of what I just said.

An excellent post George and a pleasure to read. I've not yet made it to a Chicago, but hope to make it one day. cheers!
I think many people are put off by the arguments that can occur in a forum or social media where you bring together people who don't know each other. Just as in your actual daily interactions there are people that you meet that you don't like, you will similarly meet people in platforms like this one or Twitter that you don't like. However, I have found that the people you don't or may not like are significantly outweighed by those who you do.
I think other people know how to be eloquent about what I think better than I do. Thanks jazzeum, and Pat Sr too but then you are both lawyers.
I ain't. My heroes are Tom Baker and Kerr Avon and my own parents so members of the public should only approach me with caution. Pat Jr or Paddy only,yes only, likes things which don't involve bonhomie because, in the end, he will dislike peoples ways and will turn on his own hobbies. I (Paddy) find it best to be alone, to place achievement before attitude and I truly dislike anything that becomes social. The rest of you should just move on and have fun. Sorry I posted it. Enjoy life, however you do. Bye now
I think other people know how to be eloquent about what I think better than I do. Thanks jazzeum, and Pat Sr too but then you are both lawyers.
I ain't. My heroes are Tom Baker and Kerr Avon and my own parents so members of the public should only approach me with caution. Pat Jr or Paddy only,yes only, likes things which don't involve bonhomie because, in the end, he will dislike peoples ways and will turn on his own hobbies. I (Paddy) find it best to be alone, to place achievement before attitude and I truly dislike anything that becomes social. The rest of you should just move on and have fun. Sorry I posted it. Enjoy life, however you do. Bye now

I don't mind strange, but this thread has now definitely left the tracks and gone walk-about into the Never-never.........{eek3}^&grin
I think other people know how to be eloquent about what I think better than I do. Thanks jazzeum, and Pat Sr too but then you are both lawyers.
I ain't. My heroes are Tom Baker and Kerr Avon and my own parents so members of the public should only approach me with caution. Pat Jr or Paddy only,yes only, likes things which don't involve bonhomie because, in the end, he will dislike peoples ways and will turn on his own hobbies. I (Paddy) find it best to be alone, to place achievement before attitude and I truly dislike anything that becomes social. The rest of you should just move on and have fun. Sorry I posted it. Enjoy life, however you do. Bye now

I think I'm starting to see this gentleman's thoughts on the forum, as I have a young nephew who has similar sounding issues with life in general fortunately he has been able to go to a special school for autistic children. I'm not saying that Pat jr is or has the the same, just that there are so many different mental health issues affecting so many of us today such as Anxiety, ADHD, Asperger's, depression, stress etc the list go on, that social interaction just becomes overwhelming and he feels it's better to retreat from it because of the anxiety or whatever stressful situation for him, he thinks it causes.

I think I'm starting to see this gentleman's thoughts on the forum, as I have a young nephew who has similar sounding issues with life in general fortunately he has been able to go to a special school for autistic children. I'm not saying that Pat jr is or has the the same, just that there are so many different mental health issues affecting so many of us today such as Anxiety, ADHD, Asperger's, depression, stress etc the list go on, that social interaction just becomes overwhelming and he feels it's better to retreat from it because of the anxiety or whatever stressful situation for him, he thinks it causes.


Not a bad call by you or others. Yeah I (P Jr) have some anxiety. Difficult for me to keep up with any expensive Hobby because of it. (is that depression? whatever. I have soul-searched and it is still my opinion and yet I regret posting my angry diatribe to the world) Just sorry I vented at Treefrog and JJD. Guess it's all-to-Human/Animal to lash out at those closest. Anyway - love that Roman ship! Scale is perfect - small but does the job. Sure the Temple will be the same! Buy it and maybe later we can trade:eek:.
Anyway this is the 4th time I have typed this (or similar) so I still hate tech
But keep collecting!

Pat Jr (who would say more but there is apparently a time-limit for my typing online)
Thanks for putting up with me & Best Wishes
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