Sopranos, What did you think? (1 Viewer)

Last nights show leaves me thinking.
I,ll bet Christopher is next!
Last nights show leaves me thinking.
I,ll bet Christopher is next!

From the previews, it looked like Paulie was moving up to the top of the "hit parade":D . His biggest muscle is between the left and right ear.:rolleyes:
Needless to say, expect people to get whacked left, right and center from here on out.

I've had a funny feeling since one of the episodes a few years ago that Tony gets his in the last scene of the last episode walking down to pick up the morning newspaper, last night set it up pretty good where he blew a gasket complaining about having to go get the paper every morning. Call it a hunch, we'll see................
Gentle Friends,

Might we have a period of silence on this particular thread? Somehow, all the discussion of who was whacked, who ordered it, and who is next does not seem approproiate to me in light of the terrible events this morning at Virginia Tech.

Thank you for your consideration.

Warmest personal regards,

Those gangsters really know how to dress when they are down in Miami. No wonder they get all the women. Is there some special store in the NE that sells those shirts?
A strange episode last night. I guess the cards are starting to fall. The trip to Vegas looked like a last fling. BTW: There are rumors about two "Deadwood" movies in 2008 for anyone intereted in that series.
Nice way to get rid of your nephew. Wonderful human beings. It gave me great comfort to see what these carting companies did with the ACM (asbestos containing material).

Sounds like AJ will be joining the family business soon.

Who's next?
Nice way to get rid of your nephew. Wonderful human beings. It gave me great comfort to see what these carting companies did with the ACM (asbestos containing material).

Sounds like AJ will be joining the family business soon.

Who's next?

The big question is will Tony get it in the end? Almost anyway that plays out it will disappoint some people - shootout (too predictable); walks away with a deal with the feds (no justice); prison (anti-climatic); or maybe nothing happens and it just ends on an ambiguous note. The last seems most likely to me.
If the point of this latest episode is to get the viewers to hate Tony to the point where we want to see him go out in a hail of bullets, it worked. That was beyond horrible what he did to Christopher, I feel like the guy is the lowest form of life.

That said, the writers of this series are incredible, to get a viewer like myself to hate a character as much as I hate him now shows how brilliant they really are..........................
I agree with George, this year seems to be to turn viewers against Tony, the gambling episode got me thinking along these lines.
All thruout the years Tony always referred to those "degenerate gamblers", and now he is one!
Wonder if all of AJ,s recent criminal behaviour will get him sent to prison, causing Carmela to blame Tony, who in turn due to his sometimes depression, will take the blame and kill himself.
Now that would be a different ending.
Poor Paulie, he bought 500 mass cards and nobody showed up at the funeral.
Paulie might be my favorite charector.
I have to think that NJ vs. NY mob shootout scene is coming. It is too obivious for Tony to get wacked - I think there is going to be a twist like a NJ hit on NY mob in the next episode.
....come on guys...the tree came through the window and destroyed the baby seat! :eek: Tony was only thinking of the well being of the baby! :rolleyes:
I love to Hate these guys, the way I see one scum bag down, many more to go. But the series is very entertaining to, I am still re watching all the reruns, and love hateing every minute of it.Mike:D
Nice way to get rid of your nephew. Wonderful human beings. It gave me great comfort to see what these carting companies did with the ACM (asbestos containing material).

Sounds like AJ will be joining the family business soon.

Who's next?

Just proves you should not drink and drive it could get you killed.

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