Sopranos, What did you think? (2 Viewers)

Sopranos book signing in NYC this week:

Get The Sopranos: The Book signed by members of the cast! They will be on hand in two NYC locations on Wednesday May 23, 2007.

HBO Shop
212-512-SHOP (-7467)

Borders Books
10 Columbus Circle (Time Warner Center)
Was listening to the radio last night and the host was talking about the Sopranos and he believes that during the episode where Christopher died that Christopher was wearing a wire.
He believes this because as he and Tony were in the car prior to the accident they were discussing Phil Leatardo, however whenever Tony began discussing business Christopher would turn the radio up real loud to drown out Tony,s voice so as not to incriminate Tony, just Leatardo.
He also stated that the Sopranos will not be on TV the next two weeks and that the final episode will be two and a half hours long.
Last weeks episode I thought dwelled a little to long on AJ,s problem, but got back to normal when Tony knocked the guys teeth out and then later found a tooth in the cuff of his pants.
There is some info on the final two episodes. Don't read if you want to remain totally in the dark

The final two are titled: "Blue Comet" and "Made in America".

Blue Comet summary:
The allegiance of those closest to Tony is put to the test. And a case of mistaken identity has serious ramifications.

Google search:
The “Blue Comet” was a luxury coach train that ran between New York City and Atlantic City, New Jersey from 1929 to 1941. So buy them up if you are in the toy train hobby.

ON MIA: the only relevant hit was a discussion of Al Capone and Italian American families that came to the US in the late 19th Century.
If the point of this latest episode is to get the viewers to hate Tony to the point where we want to see him go out in a hail of bullets, it worked. That was beyond horrible what he did to Christopher, I feel like the guy is the lowest form of life.

That said, the writers of this series are incredible, to get a viewer like myself to hate a character as much as I hate him now shows how brilliant they really are..........................


I had lunch with him when they were filming in the City I work in. The action was taking place in my Battalion, I had to over see the general safety of the area with my troops. He was a pretty cool guy:cool: . I watched him warm up for a scene, it was weird to see him transform himself into character. Alex
That series is going to be a real miss when it ends. I still watch all the old reruns on A&E, stay informed by you guys. I hope they leave it hanging, so AJ and the others can carry on in the coming years. I don't think the Mob ever really dies. I think it just lays low, and waits for it's chances to pounce on anything.There will always be gambling and prostitution, dead bodies being found. I feel all the Superbowl games are a fix, most pro football, and many College football. As long as there is sports, there will be gambling. As long as theres gambling, there will be Mobs.As long as there is Mobs, there will be dead bodies poping up. Just remember, these people they are showing us are the scum of the earth. Even though they try to show their family side, they would kill you for a buck. I don't mean this just about Italian Mobs, I mean all Mobs, gangsters are gangsters, they don't discriminate. Mike:(
I couldn't agree with you more, Mike, the scum of the earth. From what I understand, the Russians make the old Mafia, look like amateurs.
I couldn't agree with you more, Mike, the scum of the earth. From what I understand, the Russians make the old Mafia, look like amateurs.

Don't forget the Tongs from China and the Yakuza from Japan. They have been at it for literally thousands of years, and probably forgot more about organized crime than most American and Russian mobsters know at this point.
Unfortunately, I think the American "mafia" has grown a lot smarter and many "legitimate" corporations less ethical to the point that it is hard to always distinguish the two.
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We had a meeting the other day at work with the State Police. We got a two hour class on inner City Gang activity. It was fascinating, this is a huge sub culture of incredible violence, with their own dress code, language, rank, financing, structure and recruiting. I am reluctant to relay any of the info I received, but is very scary.

After the class I rode around the city, and I was amazed to see how much gang activity there actually was, now that I could recognize it. This activity is directly responsible for the amount of shootings you see on the news. Then I responded to one of the City Schools on a reported student with a hand grenade and a automatic weapon. Luckily it was just a threat. Glad I am retiring soon. Alex
The action is really starting to heat up now. Any predictions on how the last episode will end?

I think Paulie takes out Tony and we find out he has been working for Phil. Notice how last night he was in charge of the hit and it got totally Fubared. At the safe house, he was more worried about food and paper plates than getting taken out, plus he is not on Phil's hit list, just Tony, Bobby and Silvio..................just my .02.........................
The action is really starting to heat up now. Any predictions on how the last episode will end?

I think Paulie takes out Tony and we find out he has been working for Phil. Notice how last night he was in charge of the hit and it got totally Fubared. At the safe house, he was more worried about food and paper plates than getting taken out, plus he is not on Phil's hit list, just Tony, Bobby and Silvio..................just my .02.........................

Sounds reasonable. What about the reverse, Ton finds out about Paulie and offs him. Last man standing sort of thing. Somebody has to come through that bedroon door with Toni and his gun from his brother-in-law, sentimental feelings and all that. Kill a few that got him.

The end is not the end, the tale goes on, its just we don't get to know any of it.
Tony LIVES and Phil is TOAST :eek:

Thats my take ..... I mean HBO has to have a movie in the back of their minds they want to do - too much money went into this Show to Finish it off for good.
Interesting theory. That hit on the Ukranian couple reminds me of what happened years ago when Tony "Crazy" Gallo was supposed to be killed at Umberto's Clam House but the killers wound up killing two innocent businessmen.
The thing I really noticed last night is how old and tired all of the characters are starting to look; Tony is a fat slob, Paulie is losing his hair bigtime, Sylvio looks like he's had one to many face lifts, Janice is an old hag and Tony's shrink looks about 110 years old. Man was she hot in Goodfellas 1,000 years ago.............the thing the show has done is shown us how the life they all lead gets you nowhere; Uncle Junior, once a boss, is now broke and is in a state facility, what is Janice and her kids going to do now, can't stay in that big beautiful home now can they, Christopher is dead, John died in prison broke...................
The guy who got whacked instead of Phil was the father of Phils girlfriend, they screwed that hit up bigtime...............
The action is really starting to heat up now. Any predictions on how the last episode will end?

I think Paulie takes out Tony and we find out he has been working for Phil. Notice how last night he was in charge of the hit and it got totally Fubared. At the safe house, he was more worried about food and paper plates than getting taken out, plus he is not on Phil's hit list, just Tony, Bobby and Silvio..................just my .02.........................

The homeland security/fed angle is still hanging out there. Maybe Tony makes another attempt to reconcile with NY and then turns to the feds as a way out. Hard to say. Going out in a blaze of glory would be anticlimatic in my opinion. I've read that David Chase was surprised that so many people liked Tony - so maybe he makes him a rat in the end. Some references to the "The Departed" this season so that might make sense.
Great show last night. That is how they should have been for the past two seasons. Too bad they are getting really good and its going to end next week.
I assumed it was a Lionel product from days gone past. That's why the $8,000 pricetag.

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