Sopranos, What did you think? (2 Viewers)

I just can,t see Tony being killed. That would do away with any chance of any further Soprano movie. As someone posted earlier there,s a lot of money here.
I also think the theory that Paulie gets whacked as a turncoat has lots of possibilities, however his nonchelont attitude does go with his tough guy image.
And George, I too noticed how old a lot of the charectors look.
I still think the Sopranos is the best TV series EVER!
Thanks for offering up your thoughts as you were missing in the discussion up until now.

One more to go, I go back and forth as to whether the ending will be off the charts original or stupid beyond belief...........
I watched it from my DVR and I thought it ran out of room when it went blank at the end but then the credits came up. That ending was intense. I couldn't sit still and it was driving me crazy because it was building and building and I said something happen please because I can't take it anymore. I guess they left it like that so you can build your own conclusion.
I was talking to the actor who played "Eugene Pontecorvo" in the series on Saturday night. He wouldn't tell me anything about the series finally except that a lot of people will not be happy with the ending. Man was he right. I guess it's now really open to a movie or two.
I have no idea. You would seem to think that when that guy walks into the can. All I know is that when it ended, I said, well you can imagine what I said. What a dumbas* ending. Guess it leaves the possibility open for a movie, especially with so many plot lines left unfinished.
I think that I'm glad I don't live in New Jersey, or Wiscosin or Virginia for that matter. i think shows like the Sopranos both reflect and encourage what seems to outsiders to be a very worrying culture of violence in the USA.
Damian Clarke
There is no bigger Sopranos fan than me, but what a disrespect to the fans to have such an ending. If at the end they would have posted "to be continued" I would have said ok, but this!
I always believed that Tony would be left open for future episodes or movies, but this was a real disappointment.
I just read about the ending, not seeing it, my take is, it will be back in about five years from now. There will be fatter older very well payed actors slobbing up more of our time. It will help revive HBO from all the disgruntle fans who know doubt are all disapointed with the ending. There is alot of money to be made here, and they know it. Will it be a movie, or a plead of the fans for one last season. These actors are not stupid, they are coming back, money will be the reason. They need some time off, the writers and directors are plannig I bet for one more big juicy season. Tony will die, AJ will carry on the scumbag family and buisness. But you can bet, it's not over till the fat lady sings. I don't know if they showed that NY boss's wife singing in last night episode, but get outta here, this ain't over yet.Mike;)
I think this one is done, but like any hollywood product they leave open the possibility to cash in again down the road. Couple of things led me to believe Tony is killed just as Meadow enters the restaurant. First, Tony's conversation with Bobby about whether ever the shooting victim ever knows what hit him. Second, what point would Meadow's difficulty parking the car have to the scene if nothing happened when she walks in? Third, going to black before the credits - still part of the show which is seen mostly through Tony's eyes.
When the screen went to black, we (the audience) got "wacked". Very cool ending.:cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:
The more I think about the ending, the more I like it. The ending is what ever the viewer wants it to be--Tony gets wacked, Tony gets arrested or Tony has a meal with his family and things go on as they have.
The more I think about the ending, the more I like it. The ending is what ever the viewer wants it to be--Tony gets wacked, Tony gets arrested or Tony has a meal with his family and things go on as they have.

Yes, that last scene may become the Zapruder film of the series. The HBO discussion forum is the absolute worst I have ever seen to follow, but a few interesting observations there. Tony is wearing a different shirt when he enters than when he is sitting at the booth; a number of the patrons are relatives of various victims who appeared in earlier seasons (or Tony paranoia?); Meadow appears in the very last shot (or not); Tony is already dead and he is greeting his family one-by-one in the afterlife(!) or its a dream sequence & on and on. OK, enough of that - where are the HB Sherman pictures?
All I know is I did a show yesterday in New Jersey and rushed like a maniac to get home it time to see the last episode (I DVR'd it, but wanted to see it "live" so to speak).

That last scene had me literally on the edge of the couch, something is going to happen, Tony is looking around, Meadow can't parallel park to save her life, SOMETHING IS REALLY GOING TO HAPPEN NOW, she's going to walk in on a bloodbath, the picture goes to first thought was my TV crapped out on me, I was in a state of panic for afew seconds, then the credits start to roll..........................

TERRIBLE ending; way too open ended, one can assume 10,000 things, a lousy way to end. If that was done on purpose to set up a movie, shame on them. As Gary said, they screwed over all of their loyal fans.

Brad, you mentioned yesterday people who shelled out big money to go to FL to watch the final episode with the cast members; wonder what they all thought at the end...........................lousy way to go out, shame on them.....................
I think that I'm glad I don't live in New Jersey, or Wiscosin or Virginia for that matter. i think shows like the Sopranos both reflect and encourage what seems to outsiders to be a very worrying culture of violence in the USA.
Damian Clarke


Youre post cracks me up...........:rolleyes:

For one thing - New Jersey, Wiscosin or Virginia dont even come close to holding a candle compared to South Africa for Violence - it would take us years, and years to catch up to that standard.

And another thing - we Americans always loved to be talked down to by outsiders who ingnore their own problems and preach to us about ours.....pleeeeeeeaaaaaaasssseeeee !

Like I said - this post cracked me up :D :p ;)

After watching the final episode again tonight, I've done a 180 on this thing. I recall the episode where Tony and Bobby spend a "quiet" weekend at Bobby's cabin and during their trip around the lake, Bobby mentioned that when you die, everything fades to black and you never see in coming.

As Meadow walks through the door, Tony looks up and everything "fades to black"...................could mean he just bought the farm, I guess the only people who know the real meaning of the last shot will never tell us, but I'm going to stick with that theory...........

Regarding the political comment, just proves two things; politics and toy soldiers do not mix, and those who live in giant glass houses should be the last ones to throw stones.

Yeah, I'm sure outsiders look at the US just the way you described it.

I just seen the Pine Barrens episode again last night on reruns on A&E, I could not stop laughing. That is definitely one of the best episodes, Paulie and Chris in the van freezing eating frozen ketchup packets, priceless. Talking on a cell phone to Tony fading in and out, what a riot. He kill 16 czechs and he's an interior decorator, this was one of the comical ones I remember, great stuff. Mike:D
BTW: Anyone who thinks things here get a bit snippy from time to time should take a look at the HBO/Sopranos discussion forum. Not to mention the poor design that makes it almost impossible to follow, the folks over there are total maniacs gone wild - even before the finale hubbub.

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