SPQR: Britannia (1 Viewer)

With the alliance brokered by the Druids, the two tribal Chieftains meet and make their plans to rid their ancient lands of the invading Romans.

Back at the Fortress Festus spends his afternoon helping to clear the ditch surrounding the walls of the fortress watched over by a bored sentry who daydreams. As day turns into evening the work detail return to their quarters, Festus being made to strip and wash before his comrades will allow him back inside !

The sentry comes out of his daydream aware that something is going on outside the walls and just as he straightens up a Briton who has somehow crept close to the wall jumps up and looses an arrow which takes the sentry in the eye.

His screams are heard by the watch in the nearest tower who sound the alarm and man their posts just as ladders are thrown up against the wall and the Britons start to storm up them.

Perfect story telling Steve and than finding the pictures to match. The arrow in the eye has gotta hurt. Robin.
Perfect story telling Steve and than finding the pictures to match. The arrow in the eye has gotta hurt. Robin.

Thanks Robin, I get a rough idea in my head of what's going to happen in the next stage of the story and then set the scenery and add the figures, sometimes having to construct an item, which being the first time of doing this tends to be a bit of a learning curve of what will work and what won't. Naturally I hope as I go along my ability will improve !{sm4}

There certainly is a shortage of more peaceable posed figures in most ranges, with civilians being non existent in many.
For Roman Britain after taking the last lot of photos I managed yesterday to do a few more minor conversions such as adding milliput to create hair where the manufacturer just painted the skull or colour changes to costumes adding the odd hand made accessory to cheap Del Prado figures that I purchased for this purpose, again something that is pretty new only having done a few Naps before.
These I will use more as background figures that makes a scene more believable these will appear in later episodes.

Next installment will be more of the Britons surprise attack on the Fortress !

I think you have done a great job Steve on the fort wall and I suspect at little cost, which is a bonus. Robin.
I think you have done a great job Steve on the fort wall and I suspect at little cost, which is a bonus. Robin.

Thanks Robin ! {sm4}
As a stop gap fine, since it was only Pence/Cents and about 20 mins to make in total. But I'll need to improve on it a lot to have on display or bite the bullet with K&C, when the exchange rate improves enough!

1.jpg3.jpg2.jpg5.jpgOn the points the Britons have chosen to assault they have varying success in gaining the walls and defeating the Roman Legionarys and once over they jump from the walls into the Fortress itself, with the alarm having been sounded they find themselves quickly trapped as the Romans close in. Determined to sell their lives dearly the Romans suffer heavy casualties.

Those captured are questioned under torture and then quickly killed, it may disappoint the Slavers but the Legionarys want revenge for the killed comrades.
A brutal attack to say the least. The Britons almost had control, maybe next time with more numbers. Roman reinforcements are urgently needed Steve. Robin.
A brutal attack to say the least. The Britons almost had control, maybe next time with more numbers. Roman reinforcements are urgently needed Steve. Robin.

Romans I'm doing quite well with, but enemies of Rome I could do with a few more.

Two of the figures in the last post were castings that I've painted up and I'm quite pleased with them, so I'll buy a few more though there still isn't much choice even then when it comes to enemies of Rome with most looking like Germanic tribesmen, but it's a start and it helps bulk out the Rebelling Britons a bit !

Taking a break from Britain for the next episode, for a scene elsewhere in the Empire where revolt is often just below the surface as I want to explore through a few scenes from other Countries / Provinces the same timelines I intend doing.

I have ordered the new JJD mounted Romans and the 4 Gauls, so probably October before I rethink Romans. Would like to see Romans on a camels in Egypt where they also operated. That would make a good looking scene. Catch you later Steve. Robin.
I have ordered the new JJD mounted Romans and the 4 Gauls, so probably October before I rethink Romans. Would like to see Romans on a camels in Egypt where they also operated. That would make a good looking scene. Catch you later Steve. Robin.

I look forward to seeing your Auxiliary Cavalry and Gauls in Dios Robin !
I will be after the Cavalry myself at a later date as well a couple of the Gauls
TG say perhaps October for their Chariot so could be an early Christmas present to myself !
There certainly are lots of possibilities with Romans whether TG plans for Byzantine Romans will work out is another thing as I can't see so many collectors wanting them as much as Early Empire Romans and your ideas would make great scenes. Whether I will pick any of the Byzants up depends on how impressed I am with them !

Besides Celts we could use some Parthians and Rebel Jews to counter Imperial Romans made by K&C, TG and FL.......JJD Gauls are great but more appropriate for Caesar's Republican armies.
A two parter departure from Britainnia to Judea.

Since Aaron's wife had died an innocent in the rebellion a few years before he had bought up his two sons himself and sharing the chores with his sons. This morning he had gone to the well and after waiting patiently for the two Auxiliaries to fill their bottles was only wanting to use the well himself, but one of the Auxiliaries was a bully and took pleasure in others discomfort and so denied Aaron the use and heeped abuse upon him, where as feeling his heart racing he staged back to their home, where upon calling for his sons he collapsed.
His sons reached their Father just in time for his dying words. In their anger they shouted at the Auxiliaries and threw some stones. When the soldiers advanced they threw shut the gates and taking their Fathers body back into the house they locked themselves in.J1.jpgJ2.jpgJ3.jpg

Part 2

The Auxiliaries reporting the assault by the two youths to their Optio were dismissed. The report makes its way to their commander who immediately instituted a raid on the property for the arrest of the boys.
Breaking down the gates and then the door to the house.
The Legionarys come under attack from the boys throwing stones from the roof of the house. One throws his Pilum and wounds one of the boys. The boys are quickly grabbed and beaten into submission as they are dragged from the house.

The arrest of the boys received quick Roman justice for non citizens being condemned to the mines.
The heavy handedness was witnessed by the neighbours and was another grudge being stored against the Romans for revenge when the time came for open Rebellion.

Part 2

The Auxiliaries reporting the assault by the two youths to their Optio were dismissed. The report makes its way to their commander who immediately instituted a raid on the property for the arrest of the boys.
Breaking down the gates and then the door to the house.
The Legionarys come under attack from the boys throwing stones from the roof of the house. One throws his Pilum and wounds one of the boys. The boys are quickly grabbed and beaten into submission as they are dragged from the house.

The arrest of the boys received quick Roman justice for non citizens being condemned to the mines.
The heavy handedness was witnessed by the neighbours and was another grudge being stored against the Romans for revenge when the time came for open Rebellion.

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Great scene, great village, the earth work {sm3}{sm3}
Back in Britainna as the night turns to dawn and with no further attacks, Agricola calls a meeting for the senior officers.
With so many detachments away from the Fortress. Agricola available effectives is low, but determines that if left to lick their wounds the Druids will convince the warriors and last nights attack it will not be the last.
Having the Chief of the Ordovices daughter bought before him, who is one of the hostages that the Romans keep of the local worthies familes as a bargaining chips. He tells her, that her Father and the tribe will all be killed or enslaved if they do not give up the Druids and submit to Rome immediately and he has until nightfall to make peace and present himself at the Fortress.
The Girl having lived the life of a Roman and enjoyed this life with them for several years is then freed to go to her Father.

With her gone Agricola orders that damage caused last night to the defences is put right this coming day with the ditches cleared extra pits with stakes dug that the romans call lilies and that the following day the troops legion should be ready to march !

Dismissing the Officers to their duties, Agricola wife having been up all night berates him for letting the Soldiers wear their hobnailed boots on the new mosaic !


This is great! Keep them coming mate! Hiping to see the 9th Legion in action being massacred!😁


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