Sudan Campaigns 1880 - 1898 (13 Viewers)

Wow, Martyn, amazing pickup!😎😎😎😎. Couldn’t happen to a nicer guy!

Many thanks Louis :salute:: I shall take a picture of the Royal Horse Guards alongside the 1st Life Guards, both Regiments took part in the Midnight Charge at Kassassin in the 1882 Egyptian War

Merry Christmas

Many thanks Louis :salute:: I shall take a picture of the Royal Horse Guards alongside the 1st Life Guards, both Regiments took part in the Midnight Charge at Kassassin in the 1882 Egyptian War

Merry Christmas


Picture as promised Louis

Merry Christmas

Hi Damian

The various films, although with the same basic story line, tend to jump around the Egypt and Sudan campaign quite a bit.

The 1939 and 1955 versions feature Omdurman, whereas the 2002 version is set in 1885 and the Battle of Abu Klea (thirteen years before Omdurman) and instead of winning this battle the British lose:confused:



The made for TV version with Beau Bridges is my favorite Four Feathers movie.
Must have missed that one Martyn. Outstanding scene. Nothing like seeing a galloping squadron of horses.

3 x Set# SM. 39 - THE HEAVY CAVALRY CAMEL REGIMENT - 2nd LIFE GUARDS - Trooper mounted on a walking camel




Martin, do you know when Len switched to rectangular bases for horses and camels? I have the same set of CC and found that they always tipped over which was frustrating. I'd place a small ball of wall mounting putty under each hoof to keep them standing on the display shelf.

That's one impressive terrain board. Anything is going to look good on this. Just amazing. Robin.
That's one impressive terrain board. Anything is going to look good on this. Just amazing. Robin.

I used an off-white muslim cloth (no pun intended) for the terrain and then enhanced it with som Woodlands Scenics extra fine railroad ballast and bits of lichen scattered here and there.

I also made some Acacia trees made from plastic flowers purchased at Michael's Stores: clip off the ends and glue them to a wood round base, then cover the base with Red Devil Spackle Paste and dip into a pot of fine ballast.

The table in the pictures was 6ft by 15ft, since reduced to 12ft long.
Martin, do you know when Len switched to rectangular bases for horses and camels? I have the same set of CC and found that they always tipped over which was frustrating. I'd place a small ball of wall mounting putty under each hoof to keep them standing on the display shelf.


Hi Jim

I think they changed to based horses and camels around the end of the 1980's. I sold the bulk of my un-based sets because they were prone to topple over.

Love your table top dio :salute::

All the best

I only have one of the camels with a base but the sculpting on these, in my opinion, is better and more aesthetically pleasing.

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