The 2023 chicago toy soldier show has been cancelled................... (1 Viewer)

george, whats it matter to you now? You said you were not going to do the show anymore and you have great on line business now.
If you are going to comment be more positive. Don't just try to drag shows down because it does not fit your business model anymore.
There are a lot of people that this show has been a big part of their life every year. So lets all work for the better


I asked you a simple question, no negativity, you said "the show will be back", so I asked you what are you basing that on, when and where and will there be room trading.

How is that being negative?

I took a break from that show in 2021 due to COVID and in 2022 due to gas being 5.00 a gallon and the outrageous expenses I would have been saddled with, not to mention my show helper retired so I had no help.

That show was the highlight of my show season, I made a **** ton of money there over the years thanks for all the loyal customers who attended year after year, including you by the way and also thanks to the efforts of Don and then Roger and his family, I've got a MUCH bigger stake in this than you can ever begin to comprehend.

I had been in discussions with the Garfields about returning and we were figuring out what rooms he was going to put me in and where I was going to be on the selling floor.

So there you go.

Due to COVID, I changed my business model from heavily show based to heavily internet/alternative selling platform based, I never said I was not going back to that show or any other show.

How I run my business is just that, my business, I can freely decide whether or not I want to attend one show or twenty, I reserve the right to change my model based on how things are going economically and how the business is flowing, if it stalls, then it's time to get creative and look at other selling opportunities.

I HOPE THIS IS CLEAR TO YOU, AS IN CRYSTAL; tell you what, in the future if you have something you want to say to me, call me or email me, don't do it on a public forum.

I asked you a simple question, no negativity, you said "the show will be back", so i asked you what are you basing that on, when and where and will there be room trading.

How is that being negative?

I took a break from that show in 2021 due to covid and in 2022 due to gas being 5.00 a gallon and the outrageous expenses i would have been saddled with, not to mention my show helper retired so i had no help.

That show was the highlight of my show season, i made a **** ton of money there over the years thanks for all the loyal customers who attended year after year, including you by the way and also thanks to the efforts of don and then roger and his family, i've got a much bigger stake in this than you can ever begin to comprehend.

I had been in discussions with the garfields about returning and we were figuring out what rooms he was going to put me in and where i was going to be on the selling floor.

So there you go.

Due to covid, i changed my business model from heavily show based to heavily internet/alternative selling platform based, i never said i was not going back to that show or any other show.

How i run my business is just that, my business, i can freely decide whether or not i want to attend one show or twenty, i reserve the right to change my model based on how things are going economically and how the business is flowing, if it stalls, then it's time to get creative and look at other selling opportunities.

I hope this is clear to you, as in crystal; tell you what, in the future if you have something you want to say to me, call me or email me, don't do it on a public forum.
no problem george, i am glad you feel that way, you have had past posts that did not come across that way or people might have interpreted differently.
Yopu are a big part of the hbby george and everybody missed you at the shows. It would be wonderful to see you come back. No malice was intended. We just need
all hands on deck to save the chicago show. Take care
I have spoke to the Garfield's and other show promoters like Joe Saine and Steve Connell. Thor Johnson, Ron Barzso and others have reached out to me as well. Roger and Jan gave me and or a group of us his blessing to try and organize a show.
We have started contacting venues and I will circle back to the Hyatt. I have all the contacts at the Hyatt. Room trading may be a thing of the paste. A 2-3 day show may be a possibility.

There is still a huge amount of interest and plenty of local collectors. I believe Roger sold 325 tables last. The show will go on. The prospect of purchasing CTSS, Inc. is on the table as well. Who will be the main contact going forward is not known yet. Roger offered for me to buy the show last year. I have seen all the financials from the last 5 years. There still is much life in this show going forward. Before Roger bought it, Don was going to hand over the reins to me if there was no buyer.

Thanks, Matt
Meanwhile, come to our show in May! Friday and Saturday, the 5th and 6th.

Vendor invites went out last night.

What made the Show an attraction to people nationally and internationally was the room trading. That’s why people went. If room trading is a thing of the past it will become a regional show (which is great for people who live within a few hours of Chicago) but it will probably cease to attract people from other parts of the nation and the world. Nothing stays the same. That’s just reality.
What made the Show an attraction to people nationally and internationally was the room trading. That’s why people went. If room trading is a thing of the past it will become a regional show (which is great for people who live within a few hours of Chicago) but it will probably cease to attract people from other parts of the nation and the world. Nothing stays the same. That’s just reality.

Piggybacking off of this; IMO, perhaps it would be prudent to conduct polls, whether they be here, on other forums, on the various FB toy soldier pages, perhaps in the Toy Soldier magazine and strait up ask former attendees;

IF there was no room trading and instead in it's place was a 2/3 day show, would you still attend?

As a caveat to that; would manufacturers come? Would international buyers and sellers come?

I recall in 2019, the last year I attended Chicago, there was the initial sea of humanity that came stampeding into the lower ballroom at 10:00am, then when the second wave usually occurred, say around 12:00/12:30....................................there was nothing.

I heard the same was true in 2021 when everyone per the state of IL had to wear hazmat suits/masks/whatever and also in 2022; the show for all intents and purposes was over by 12:30 or so.

If that was the case; explain to me how you are going to sustain a 2/3 day event?

As someone who used to do the majority of my business (north of 70%) via room trading...............not sure, just not sure, Steven Chong alone would swoop in and drop more dough than the GNP of Venezuela, just him not coming would give me pause, or the duo of Bennett/Hedrich, or Frick and Frack, I heard those two were joined at the hip for the entire show last year, Matt from HB locked the door on his store on wheels downstairs in the lobby when Bennett walked in and fired up the cash register.

Atta Boy Matt!!

Gee, not trying to be negative, just asking prudent questions as a vendor who has to drive 18 hours and incur north of 3 large in expenses to attend what is currently being floated.

Matt! As You know I have attended 39 of the 41 shows and plan on attending future shows, Regardless of the Venue, assuming I`m Alive and Kicking! The show is Simply part of my year! Thank You for picking up the Guantlet! Regards!
Matt! As You know I have attended 39 of the 41 shows and plan on attending future shows, Regardless of the Venue, assuming I`m Alive and Kicking! The show is Simply part of my year! Thank You for picking up the Guantlet! Regards!

That's great Bill!! Glad to see you're going to attend future shows! Really happy that the show means so much to you! Glad for you that someone picked up the Gauntlet!
In response to George’s question, I want to first add that I’ve been to every show between 2005 and 2019 (except for two I missed due to work and family obligations). If there was no room trading, making it in effect a one day show, it wouldn’t make any sense for me to go (as I live in NJ). Even if it were a three day show, what would be the second and third day like? Once you’ve seen all the offerings from dealers on the first day, what else is there to see? I’m not trying to be negative but that’s my perspective.
I am in, I like the annual visit. My opinion is that a 2 day show would certainly do well. It allows for spreadover attendance and this show is large enough, it is usually worth the travel IMO, there are a lot of vendors. As a small seller, AND buyer/collector this show is worth my time, it is just a good show.

I find it interesting that a thread that announced the 2023 Chicago Show is cancelled is only up to 3 pages with a handful of collectors chiming in.

If this was 5/10 years ago, it would be 20 pages long by now with dozens of people commenting.

To me and others I've spoken with, that's a huge tell.

Edit; up to 4 pages now....there are over 1,000 views, so maybe people are too stunned to comment.

Yeah, that's got to be what it is.
I've only attended 1 Chicago show in 2016 or 17 but the big draw for me was the room trading, it was so fun to wander the halls at my leisure and talk with collectors and buyers, sellers without being on a time-line, I hope the show goes on as they say but if there isn't the room trading aspect the show will lose many of its customers in my humble opinion, Again I wish the Chicago Show all the best and hope whoever is involved can resolve the issues and keep the show up and running!!
I've only attended 1 Chicago show in 2016 or 17 but the big draw for me was the room trading, it was so fun to wander the halls at my leisure and talk with collectors and buyers, sellers without being on a time-line, I hope the show goes on as they say but if there isn't the room trading aspect the show will lose many of its customers in my humble opinion, Again I wish the Chicago Show all the best and hope whoever is involved can resolve the issues and keep the show up and running!!

The room trading was my favorite aspect, as you stated I could chat up customers, take my time, no be rushed, a nice, slow and steady pace. My Dad and I and Larry afterward had some wonderful conversations with customers over the years, Sunday was great, but Mother of God, just way, way too hectic, impossible at times to get to every prospective buyer, a madhouse, the room trading was a real pleasure.
The room trading was my favorite aspect, as you stated I could chat up customers, take my time, no be rushed, a nice, slow and steady pace. My Dad and I and Larry afterward had some wonderful conversations with customers over the years, Sunday was great, but Mother of God, just way, way too hectic, impossible at times to get to every prospective buyer, a madhouse, the room trading was a real pleasure.

The other great thing about the room trading was it allowed me to decompress after that 18 hour slog from Boston, it knocked the **** out of me, usually caught up to me by Friday, but again, the room trading allowed me to decompress.

If Chicago turned into say a two day show, I'd have to leave Thursday, get there Friday, set up Friday night, do the show Saturday and Sunday, pack it all up and head back Sunday, get back on Monday, leaving me zero time to decompress, a 36 hour round trip drive in a 5 day window would be a total non starter, I just turned 62 and the days of that sort of moronic driving are over for me.

The year my Dad died, I drove to Chicago to pick up a huge collection in April, left Friday morning, got to the ladies house Saturday around noonish, loaded the van and left, got home Sunday afternoon, it was Greek Easter and my 5 foot tall ball of fire Mother was all torqued off I was going to do this on Greek Easter weekend, I literally walked into her house as she was laying out the feta, greek olives and grape leaves, my two brothers and two sisters were laughing there ***** off over my timing, Mama bear had the Moe scowl going from the three stooges, thought for sure she was going to blow a gasket.

I recall when I first started doing that show, we'd leave Tuesday night, drive strait through, get there Wednesday, set up the rooms and be open Wednesday night, then leave right after the show Sunday and get home Monday afternoon; if I tried that now, I'd end up in a coma...............or drive off the road and there would be little metal army guys scattered all over route 80 East.........................
The other great thing about the room trading was it allowed me to decompress after that 18 hour slog from Boston, it knocked the **** out of me, usually caught up to me by Friday, but again, the room trading allowed me to decompress.

If Chicago turned into say a two day show, I'd have to leave Thursday, get there Friday, set up Friday night, do the show Saturday and Sunday, pack it all up and head back Sunday, get back on Monday, leaving me zero time to decompress, a 36 hour round trip drive in a 5 day window would be a total non starter, I just turned 62 and the days of that sort of moronic driving are over for me.

The year my Dad died, I drove to Chicago to pick up a huge collection in April, left Friday morning, got to the ladies house Saturday around noonish, loaded the van and left, got home Sunday afternoon, it was Greek Easter and my 5 foot tall ball of fire Mother was all torqued off I was going to do this on Greek Easter weekend, I literally walked into her house as she was laying out the feta, greek olives and grape leaves, my two brothers and two sisters were laughing there ***** off over my timing, Mama bear had the Moe scowl going from the three stooges, thought for sure she was going to blow a gasket.

I recall when I first started doing that show, we'd leave Tuesday night, drive strait through, get there Wednesday, set up the rooms and be open Wednesday night, then leave right after the show Sunday and get home Monday afternoon; if I tried that now, I'd end up in a coma...............or drive off the road and there would be little metal army guys scattered all over route 80 East.........................

George mate,

I have to totally concur with your post. Room trading gave me the time to get over jet lag and enjoy the company of other collectors. Flying time Melbourne to LA was 18 hours and then LA to Chicago another four. 22 hours in a plane is a real bummer. To travel that distance I needed to make the trip worth while so I would arrive on the Tuesday before and fly out on the Tuesday after the Show. Five days of room trading as various dealers would open up each day was a great experience. Morning walks with young Andy, counter lunch at the Hyatt Bar with different collectors and ending the day going out to Dinner with collectors, dealers or manufacturers topped the day off nicely. After 7 days of hectic FUN I would then sleep on the plane all the way home to Melbourne.

I have always promoted to Collectors here in the Land of OZ that in their lifetime they need to experience at least one Chicago Show. I was lucky enough to enjoy 3 in 2010, 2011 and 2013 and made many good mates around the globe. To ask someone to travel this distance for a one or two day show without the magic of room trading would be a difficult task to pull off.

Stay safe my good mate and I still have fond memories of enjoying a cold beer with you and your Dad RIP.

Cheers Howard
Let me chime in. I never missed one show from 1993 until 2019.The last 4 or so years I attended was half of what this show used to be. I would arrive Thursday at noon and by late Friday I'm stumbling down vacant halls and rooms looking for something to do because it was to early to open my first beer. . I had seen and purchased everything I wanted and in some ways it was almost buy something because I made the trip. I'm sure the Hyatt caused headaches but the demise of this show didn't help. When I use the term demise I don't mean it in a way it was anyone's fault but the show just lost it's "WOW" that it had.
As for no room trading, forget it, that's what made this show.
It was cancelled in 2020 and 2021 because the covid rules were still in effect I said no and last year I said why and from everything I heard I made the right decision. Someone described it as like a toy soldier flea market. Unless there was some sort of drastic change meaning new products being announced and things of that sort unless the show moved to within an hours drive I'm staying home.
....I recall when I first started doing that show, we'd leave Tuesday night, drive strait through, get there Wednesday, set up the rooms and be open Wednesday night, then leave right after the show Sunday and get home Monday afternoon; if I tried that now, I'd end up in a coma...............or drive off the road and there would be little metal army guys scattered all over route 80 East.........................

George, I can relate to that as I recently did a Ten hour each way road trip to Sydney with my older Brother of 72 years. He wouldn't let me drive as he thinks he's a terrific driver, I consider myself lucky I got back home alive.

Some moments of the trip were like the following ^&grin

George mate,

I have to totally concur with your post. Room trading gave me the time to get over jet lag and enjoy the company of other collectors. Flying time Melbourne to LA was 18 hours and then LA to Chicago another four. 22 hours in a plane is a real bummer. To travel that distance I needed to make the trip worth while so I would arrive on the Tuesday before and fly out on the Tuesday after the Show. Five days of room trading as various dealers would open up each day was a great experience. Morning walks with young Andy, counter lunch at the Hyatt Bar with different collectors and ending the day going out to Dinner with collectors, dealers or manufacturers topped the day off nicely. After 7 days of hectic FUN I would then sleep on the plane all the way home to Melbourne.

I have always promoted to Collectors here in the Land of OZ that in their lifetime they need to experience at least one Chicago Show. I was lucky enough to enjoy 3 in 2010, 2011 and 2013 and made many good mates around the globe. To ask someone to travel this distance for a one or two day show without the magic of room trading would be a difficult task to pull off.

Stay safe my good mate and I still have fond memories of enjoying a cold beer with you and your Dad RIP.

Cheers Howard

What a great post.

I feel blessed to have been able to attend so many Chicago shows, there is only one like it, that's for sure. I got to meet people such as yourself that I probably would not have been able to meet any other way (I was also fortunate enough to see you at the NJ show after one of Louis' shindigs, yet another very good show that has gone done the shitter), it was a pleasure to get to know many of the attendees and also vendors through the Chicago Show.

No matter what the future holds, I will always have those memories, no one can take them away from me.
George, I can relate to that as I recently did a Ten hour each way road trip to Sydney with my older Brother of 72 years. He wouldn't let me drive as he thinks he's a terrific driver, I consider myself lucky I got back home alive.

Some moments of the trip were like the following ^&grin

I'm laughing at this as it reminds me of my Pops, I did all the driving and one year coming home from Chicago I was wiped out, so he drove for a spell, I remember us coming around a curve and up ahead was a sea of brake lights, accident ahead, I also couldn't help but notice we were still whipping along vs slowing down, so I looked over and Pops was half asleep, so I yelled "DAD!! TRAFFIC AHEAD!!" and he hits the brakes, then looks over at me and says "WHAT ARE YOU YELLING FOR!!"........almost had a one way ticket to toy soldier dealer heaven on that one...................
let me chime in. I never missed one show from 1993 until 2019.the last 4 or so years i attended was half of what this show used to be. I would arrive thursday at noon and by late friday i'm stumbling down vacant halls and rooms looking for something to do because it was to early to open my first beer. . I had seen and purchased everything i wanted and in some ways it was almost buy something because i made the trip. I'm sure the hyatt caused headaches but the demise of this show didn't help. When i use the term demise i don't mean it in a way it was anyone's fault but the show just lost it's "wow" that it had.
As for no room trading, forget it, that's what made this show.
It was cancelled in 2020 and 2021 because the covid rules were still in effect i said no and last year i said why and from everything i heard i made the right decision. Someone described it as like a toy soldier flea market. Unless there was some sort of drastic change meaning new products being announced and things of that sort unless the show moved to within an hours drive i'm staying home.
the propblem is you probably have everything you need after collecting for so many years. Ha ha i know you never have everything you want in this hobby.

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