the britains catalogus 2011 (1 Viewer)

Craig - Charity piece will be Matte.

Scott - Induna looking like May or June- ended having to add some cowtails to his waist - an oversight on our part on the first sculpt but Ian caught it on the final production review.

Thanks Richard
Fort Necessity would be great! There is so much that can be done with this range! Since WB did a Jane Austin set, maybe they could do one for the Last of the Mohicans!!

Man, I wish somebody will do a LOTM range, I have the Barzso LOTM set, but they are just too small for Britains, Frontline, Jenkins. Probably a deterrent is the cost of licensing from 20th Century Fox :rolleyes2:
Man, I wish somebody will do a LOTM range, I have the Barzso LOTM set, but they are just too small for Britains, Frontline, Jenkins. Probably a deterrent is the cost of licensing from 20th Century Fox :rolleyes2:
Sign me up....
Hi there,
I sculpted all of the components of that Barzso Playset except one Native warrior, two women and the cliff. As I recall there was a person in licensing at the time that liked toy soldiers so the fee was very fair and Ron moved forward with the project. I enjoyed getting copies of the stills to use as a guide for the costuming of the main characters and these were the only figures I kept for my collection. The process used shrunk all of the originals much more than I had hoped to see.

The reality is that the novel could be used as a guide without these entanglements. Further more, why use that as a guide when the real history and elements can be recreated with military, native and civilian components.

The Seven Years War and the Struggle for Empire in North America has elements of interest for everyone. I am sure that other manufacturers will visit this subject in one format or another in the future.

All the Best,
Hi there,
I sculpted all of the components of that Barzso Playset except one Native warrior, two women and the cliff. As I recall there was a person in licensing at the time that liked toy soldiers so the fee was very fair and Ron moved forward with the project. I enjoyed getting copies of the stills to use as a guide for the costuming of the main characters and these were the only figures I kept for my collection. The process used shrunk all of the originals much more than I had hoped to see.

The reality is that the novel could be used as a guide without these entanglements. Further more, why use that as a guide when the real history and elements can be recreated with military, native and civilian components.

The Seven Years War and the Struggle for Empire in North America has elements of interest for everyone. I am sure that other manufacturers will visit this subject in one format or another in the future.

All the Best,

Great job on the sculpts by the way :smile2: LOTM is the only barzso set I have, mainly to get the character figures! If I remember correctly, I think Ron told me that some Fox executives approached him about making the set, they mainly had their own interests in mind as they wanted a LOTM boxed set. I think I remember Ron saying something that the characters actually could've looked like the actors more, but didn't on purpose, maybe that's where the fair priced fee came in :confused:

I see what you're saying about real history being a better guide than movies, which I agree. I was in 2nd grade when the movie came out, so there's a lot of posterity involved for me ^&grin

I agree that military, civilian, and native components are better in reality. Just for fun I'd like to see some LOTM figures. But what I'd like even more, that goes along with what you said, is some figures based off of Robert Griffing paintings. He is one of my favorite artist, I have both of his books, and as I understand it, he puts a lot of research into his work to make it super accurate. A range based off his "charming field for an encounter" would be excellent example :cool:

Do you foresee Britains tapping into the SYW/FIW era, to the extent of the current Civil War, Zulu, etc. ranges?
Any signs of a catalogue.

Awaiting mine very patiently....:)

I have a copy of the proof in my hands already. Richard stated that it should be in the mail in about two weeks or so. Remember that this year we have broken out the products that are not limited into a standard catalog and the 2011 Winter collection will be the catalog with new, or limited editions.
Be patient!
I have a copy of the proof in my hands already. Richard stated that it should be in the mail in about two weeks or so. Remember that this year we have broken out the products that are not limited into a standard catalog and the 2011 Winter collection will be the catalog with new, or limited editions.
Be patient!

Thank Ken.

Come there from this year a third Fight for the works Blue-Gray collection???
I hope so!!!

No, not yet


Thanks, I have a lot of Britains but I must say the delivery or non-delivery of figures and indeed the 2011 catalogue makes collecting hard, but this is the only situation I have ever known when i think of Britains.

Saw Toy Soldier magazine and it has some pictures of the new Napoleonic sets but would like the info in the catalogue.
Saw Toy Soldier magazine and it has some pictures of the new Napoleonic sets but would like the info in the catalogue.

Peiper, Hi.....I'm strictly a NAP collector...If you wouldn't mind, could you please give me a heads up on the new NAPS you saw in the Toy Soldier Mag. Thanks..............Joe
I pre ordered and paid for every Zulu/Nile 10 months ago (with multiples, some 50 sets) and they have been drip fed to me ever since with only 1 Zulu and 4 Nile to come (have held off ordering the 2 ox wagons and wounded Natal, till after they are released, they were November and originally seemed too far away, how right I was), it feels as if I have not bought any Britains for nearly a year. This was where I had been spending most of my money, but now several other manufacturers have overtaken. This time last year I was excited with 2010 catalogue and relishing the thought of all the new figures, which would have been dampened considerably if I knew than, a year later I would still be waiting for some. I was hoping the February Standard would ignite my passion again for Britain's, but it seems they are still struggling with production issues. Ken says he has a copy so I guess it exists. Lets hope any new figures when the catalogue finally surfaces, are not going to be delayed for months to come. Cheers, Robin.
Hi all,
Please know that Richard and the owners of W. Britain are taking the slow delivery problem to heart and are working to solve that problem.

I was told earlier today that 12 new figures just arrived at the warehouse this morning, although I cannot tell you which ones, I did not ask as we were discussing other topics at the time.
I know that he will be at the West Coaster on Sunday so perhaps someone can ask him which figures beyond the club figures arrived. I wouldn't be surprised if he will have catalogs at that show too, although I cannot confirm this as last I heard they were at customs here in the US.
Thank you for the update Ken, I am sure its as frustrating on your side of the fence as ours. On the up side every collector should have no monetary problems keeping up with the new releases. Have an enjoyable show this weekend. Cheers, Robin.
ps just want to buy more Britain's, Zulu/Nile/Durbar.
just got stock catolog and 2011 Winter collection,Nile series Yorks and Lancs look really good,lots of mounted naps, British 1st Royal Dragoons look fantastic.There are few nice Zulu war figures and artillery gun.
Hello Guys

Do not think the deleted posts were unfair, thought they were very accurate, delivery from W Britains is very poor, Christmas 2010 set delived in Feb 2011, still outstanding sets from the ZULU range from the 2010 and others not yet delivered.

Seen this happen in the K & C forum as well,

Come the revolution.
Doe3s anyone know what the new 4th lancers are? How 'bout WWI and 95th rifles? By the way, I am almost finished collecting the coldstream band! It's totally awsome (and HUGE)!
just got stock catolog and 2011 Winter collection,Nile series Yorks and Lancs look really good,lots of mounted naps, British 1st Royal Dragoons look fantastic.There are few nice Zulu war figures and artillery gun.

Hey, this is great news. I would love to see these if anybody out there has a scanner handy. :rolleyes2:

This is one regiment I have been hoping to see some day. :smile2:


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