the britains catalogus 2011 (1 Viewer)

March 4th and still no new ACW figures announced ? No new catalogs ? I have almost every matt ACW release since 1999. I have never seen new releases so far off the scheduled release dates. When was the barn due in November 2010. At this rate I may see it by Christmas 2011. What gives ! I'm getting antsy.
There are no ACW Zouaves, but theres plenty of other ACW sets,it also says its just the first of 4 quarterley new release catologs planned for this year.
six,Officer,Bugler,Guidon Bearer and three Troopers

Thanks, and wow! That is a big group right out of the gates. Could be costly from the sounds of it. :smile2:

Also, meant to ask if they are SL items???
Dissappointed that nothing is new in either the WWI or WWII ranges. Hopefully there might be something in future 2011 catalogues. Still there is a very nice set in support of "Help for Heroes" (HforH) showing a contemporary British Army stetcher party with a wounded soldier based on the HforH logo. Looking forward to that in July.
March 4th and still no new ACW figures announced ? No new catalogs ? I have almost every matt ACW release since 1999. I have never seen new releases so far off the scheduled release dates. When was the barn due in November 2010. At this rate I may see it by Christmas 2011. What gives ! I'm getting antsy.

Are there any ACW Zouaves in the new catalog ?

Here are scans of the catalog pages with the new ACW sets. I also know that there are many 114th PA Zouaves (see stetcher bearer) that will be forthcoming.

I will be getting every one of the new Confederate figures - some very nice looking new poses. Most of the Union figures (31093, 31094, 31095, 31096) are single re-releases from previous 2 to 3 figure sets which I already have


Both gun w/crew sets and both separate artillery men will be must haves for me


Some very nice looking personality figures especially the early war CSA generals PGTB, ASJ, and JEJ

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Thanks for posting those catalog pages Mike, very helpful. Really like that Iron Brigade colorbearer. -Ken
Thanks Mike. Now, if I can find a way to work that Fight for the Works flagbearer into my Gettysburg Angle diorama.
Mike: Richard and Ken have promised more Confederate Cavalry. Hopefully by summer. The 1st Virginia needs reinforcements!
Hey Ken & Richard, can we get the water cart as a separate piece? I don't do Zulu, but I do do Sudan, and I am making a supply depot.

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