The great crusade (2 Viewers)

Hi Nick & Alex,

Your latest installment of the Great Crusade is absolutely fabulous! I love how you blended the hobby and the actual history together into your multimedia presentation. I can't wait to see the next installment. Awesome job and keep up the great work!!

By the way, may I ask what musical soundtrack you used? Sounds like the score to The Expendables but I'm not sure.

Too clever by half, so much effort has gone into this with great effects and use of images, just amazing, well done boys. There is so much TS these days by makers to cover every aspect of WW11. Looking forward to ep3. Cheers, Robin.
Too clever by half, so much effort has gone into this with great effects and use of images, just amazing, well done boys. There is so much TS these days by makers to cover every aspect of WW11. Looking forward to ep3. Cheers, Robin.

The soundtrack is royalty free music we purchased and believe it or not some music we composed ourselves, with a computer program. We just got contacted my a soundtrack composer who wants to contribute to Episode III, also a French architect who wants to advise us on buildings, scenery and terrain of specific incidents we will be depicting. Alex
Hi Nick & Alex,

Your latest installment of the Great Crusade is absolutely fabulous! I love how you blended the hobby and the actual history together into your multimedia presentation. I can't wait to see the next installment. Awesome job and keep up the great work!!

By the way, may I ask what musical soundtrack you used? Sounds like the score to The Expendables but I'm not sure.


OOPS I answered your question in the previous post. Alex
Still from Episode II of TGC....The Cafe Gondree (Left Rear), was the first liberated building in France, scratch built by BSP. As was the section of the Pegasus Bridge. OH...and the two lamp posts. The Figarti figures were weathered and camo netting was applied to the helmets. The helmets were ground down before applying the camo.

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We do realize there is one disadvantage to a slide presentation, you can't concentrate on a particular photo. So we will do a series of stills with some explanation. Also if we did a good job on the presentation, everything should blend into one. And that is what we are hearing loud and clear, so we are pleased.

This pic portrays the 82nd and 101st landings on June 6th 1944 in the town of St. Mere Eglise. The main feature was the famous church in the center of town. BSP spent 3 months constructing a Very close replica measuring 3' by 2', if you look at the church from the top, it is essentially in the shape of a cross. You will see more of this church in Episode III. Alex

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Here is a shot we actually forgot to put in TGC.....It was of course was color so we gave it the old B&W treatment

We got the idea for this shot from The Longest Day......But it was a scene that involved Brit Paras.......The Greenhouse and the small building on the right were scratch build by BSP. The rest are Figarti buildings. This project has been much more work than expected. I think the best we can do is an Episode every 4 months. Episode III may be ready in 2 months, as we have some of the scenes done already, but then we get ideas and create more work for ourselves. We don't want to use the same setting over and over again. We are also leaning to more specific scene recreation, with actual buildings, terrain, lighting and the time of day of the action. It takes a LOT of time and research. But we love it !!!! Alex

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Excellent pictures. I think for me, the moonlit building with the conte dead para hanging from the lampost (my first conte set) is one of the most evocative pics I have seen on here
Excellent pictures. I think for me, the moonlit building with the conte dead para hanging from the lampost (my first conte set) is one of the most evocative pics I have seen on here


I think that was my first set when I began in this hobby. My personal passion is US and Brit Paras and the events we just depicted. So we gave that scene a lot of attention. We will also find a way to come back to the Airborne Operations when / if TGM does their US Airborne. And of course all of the Airborne actions after D-Day.

When you are doing a series like this you do have to pay attention to the climate and time of day. The night time shots were difficult. The lense flair in the pic was unintentional, but it accented the dead Para.

I am already thinking about the Bulge and how I want to make that look, but gloomy seems to come to mind. Some with snow and some without. And what about Market Garden, Cobra, Berlin etc. It all has to be researched. Alex
Alex and Nick - amazing! I really have to keep from looking at your dioramas during the day or I do not get any work done!

Alex and Nick - amazing! I really have to keep from looking at your dioramas during the day or I do not get any work done!



Thank you for your Kind words, and your support in The Great Crusade. Alex and Nick
Too clever by half, so much effort has gone into this with great effects and use of images, just amazing, well done boys. There is so much TS these days by makers to cover every aspect of WW11. Looking forward to ep3. Cheers, Robin.

wonderful work

We have been asked here and on other venues we show our work on, including our own website, to participate more with information on scene development and building construction etc........

Honestly we just don't have the time........The research and development for or 14 minute presentations are taking approximately a 6 hour work day, for about 6 months.

The Logistics are staggering. We are currently trying to computerize our inventory, so we know what we have available for various scenes.

BSP is constructing a new 14' by 24' headquarters on my property, in the midst of all of this.

Here is how an episode is developed.

We have the 10 Episodes outlined already which took some research.

While we are constructing the scenes for the current episode, we are researching the next. We have about 300 books and a hundred or so DVD's to draw from.

Scenes have to be correlated into a storyline that gets the point across without being too long.

What do we have available to play out the scene in the way of soldiers and vehicles.

What has to be constructed in the way of buildings and accessories.


Then put all of the piece together along with a soundtrack and sound effects. We are buying royalty free soundtracks (Expensive) and we are writing some soundtracks ourselves. We also had to secure permission to use the artwork and the dialogue.

We have no formal photography or music training. We just dive in. Yes you learn and get better but it gets daunting at times.

Then we are occasionally commissioned to do a scene or building for a collector or manufacturer, besides THE GREAT CRUSADE.

So please forgive us for abruptly coming and going, but it is the best we can do. As a whole I will complement many of you for some excellent creations.

We would also like to again thank all of those who help make this presentation possible. Alex
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