The great crusade (1 Viewer)


We had a problem with the pic on the previous post... here it is again...Sorry


The 507th, commanded by 1st Lt. Joseph, 507th Parachute Infantry, flight led by Captain Minor, Air Corps. Flight took off on time at North Witham. Dropped on designated DZ accurately, on time. At time of drop, pathfinder personnel and pathfinder aircraft were subjected to heavy anti-aircraft fire. The jumpers, on reaching the ground, found themselves in a German Troop concentration. Due to aggressive action of enemy troops, the DZ was not set up according to SOP. No lights were turned on. One Eureka was set up by this pathfinder team twenty minutes prior to scheduled drop of first serial. Eurekas were triggered fifteen minutes prior to drop of first scheduled serial. All elements appeared on time. These elements were widely scattered upon arrival, apparently due to action of enemy anti-aircraft fire. A maximum of fifty aircraft dropped their parachutists on the DZ. Eureka remained in action twenty minutes after scheduled time of last serials. A few strays dropped after scheduled time
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Great stuff

Thanks Mitch

They will be seen in color in Episode II of TGC. I just hope the true collectors will not shoot us for the heavy modification we did to a classic Britans set. But that is what we are all about. Definitive realism, not necessarily collecting. We are on a roll with this, we are butchering up many old collectable sets, and we love it......To each his own I guess.

That pic does captivate me. I am an Airborne fan, and for me it had to be down and dirty........Alex

The recognition that TGC has brought to BSP our SPONSORS and the HOBBY in general, has had one negative effect. We just can't keep up. Projects for Collectors, heightened Sponsor needs, preparing magazine articles, uncompromising and enhanced quality for the production itself, will delay EPISODE II until at least AUGUST. We thank you for your patience.

We will post periodic stills.........Alex
Boy.. has this hobby ever been so exciting.........BSP is trying to get Episode II of TGC off the ground.....We do a scene....then...BAM...a new product comes out....the scene gets scrapped, and we start all over again.....

Build-A-Rama has come on board with us, along with W.Britan......

Then we make a new scenic discovery, or decide to build a new building we didn't want to take the time to build.....

We are studying European architecture.....

We have no less than five very special buildings and scenic accessories in production.....Check the Figarti Pegasus thread for a hint of one of them...

We are still shooting for August for Episode II......Should be exciting !!!
OK you Brit Para know they started the show with their precision action ...... they have my deep respect and BSP will do our best to represent them. We put a lot of work into this one with custom buildings, scenic features and heavily modified Figarti figures. Alex

UP THE ACTION BOYS !....Major Howard.......He was refering to Episode II of The Great Crusade !







I thought the first Episode was a lot better than most of the stuff you see on the History Channel these days. I loved the Veterans' interviews. I can't wait for the next episode. Great work gentlemen!^&cool^&cool^&cool^&cool^&cool
I thought the first Episode was a lot better than most of the stuff you see on the History Channel these days. I loved the Veterans' interviews. I can't wait for the next episode. Great work gentlemen!^&cool^&cool^&cool^&cool^&cool

I would have to say that is the best complement we have ever received.......Thank You......The pressure is really on to top, or at least equal Episode I.....You know we will give it our best shot. Alex

The success of Episode I keeps bringing assets to BSP that will be employed in Episode II. More figure and scenic Manufacturer are coming on board. We have also received support from notable Military Artists and cooperation from a film studio, which is currently being ironed out.

We are still shooting for August, but we have an overwhelming amount material to wade through, and editing has become a mammouth job. We will not release until it is right....But again hopefully August. Alex
Re : The Great Crusade Video

Hi Guys,

Congratulation on BSP’s excellent video on YOUTUBE.

One small point however… your video would be seriously under populated without the huge numbers of K&C GI’s… Tommies… Germans… Trucks… Jeeps and other fighting vehicles you utilized in virtually every scene…

Even though we don’t get an actual mention I’m sure plenty collectors can recognize the huge variety of K&C fighting on and off your beaches…

Well done and thanks for the plug! Best wishes,
Andy C.
Hey everyone

Check this months issue of Armchair General Magazine.....You guessed it, BSP is in there. !!! ^&grin

Despite previously having our updates etc. termed as AGGRANDIZING, few of you realize the mission of The Great Crusade. So I will define it again.

1- To bring new members onto collecting world. More members mean more sales, happy manufacturers and more good stuff produced for all of us.

2- To honor our Veterans.

Yes we WILL AGGRANDIZE, and it has paid off.

We have had thousands of contacts from those who would become new members. Remember this Forum is not the only show in town for us. We are everywhere. Our own website, You Tube, other Forums, Magazines and film related venues.

Due to TGC we see a definite momentum building in provoking interest in the hobby.....Yes through our AGGRANDIZING, and through those who support us.












And more coming on board every day. Notice we are not supporting a particular manufacturer, they are all jumping on board to help this hobby through these economic times. All were invited, those who delcined will benefit also.

So you tell me if the AGGRANDIZING was worth it, when your favorite manufacturer produces the piece you dreamed of partially due to our efforts. Or the hobby still remains intact as a whole.

ANYWAY......We are constructing the last set, and as soon as I film it, and edit it into what I have done already, we will be ready to release Episode II. This set will contain an element the likes of which I don't believe has ever been attempted in military modeling before. Between Episode I and Episode II we have constructed 16 sets. This is not a production with one or two sets and just changing the figures around...... there will also be about 50 more sets with at least 30 custom built buildings and accessories. I think we will attract the attention of the new collectors we seek for the betterment of this hobby.......................... Alex

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