The Great Patriotic War. 1941-1945 (1 Viewer)

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Girls versus tanks.

On August 23, 1942, Soviet anti-aircraft gunners of the 1077th anti-aircraft artillery regiment stopped the Germans in Stalingrad

The 1077th anti-aircraft artillery regiment was transferred to Stalingrad in early 1942.
The regiment, like many of the anti-aircraft units, was made up almost entirely of teenage female volunteers, barely out of high school.

The vast majority of its personnel (up to 63%) were female volunteers. There were a total of 75 girls in the regiment.
The average age of the 1077th anti-aircraft artillery regiment military personnel was 18 years.

The regiment was armed with 37-mm anti-aircraft guns 61-K and 85-mm anti-aircraft guns 52-K.


On August 23, 1942, the battle for Stalingrad began.
The 14th Panzer Corps under the command of the general from infantry Gustav von Wietersheim was going to attack in the north of the city towards the Stalingrad Tractor Plant.

The Stalingrad Tractor Plant was protected by three anti-aircraft batteries of 85-mm guns,a total of 37 guns with an artillery crew of female volunteers under the command of Captain Luke Ivanovich Dukhovnik.
A militia battalion of the factory workers, two T-70 tanks and three armored tractors were there to help the girls. There were no other troops in Stalingrad at this time.

The rest of the Soviet 62nd Army was tens of kilometers away from the city and fought on the left bank of the Don River.


The German tanks rushed to positions which was defended by the anti-aircraft guns with the 18-20-year-old girls gun crews. The girls were not trained to fire at tanks but they had no chose so they lowered the guns barrels of the 85-mm anti-aircraft guns 52-K and opened the fire. From both sides it was a direct fire. Each position of the 37 anti-aircraft guns turned into an island of defense. Time after time the Germans launched the tank attacks and each time they rolled back leaving behind the wrecked tanks and dead soldiers on the battlefield.

After each unsuccessful tank attack the position of the anti-aircraft gunners were bombed from the air by JU-87 the diving bombers and attacked by Me-109 the fighters which were flying on a low-level hight However, the anti-aircraft gunners were ordered not to open fire on planes in order to save the 85mm shells to fight the tanks.


After regrouping, enemy tanks resumed the offensive with three columns in the direction of the Stalingrad Tractor Plant. The stubborn struggle lasted all evening 23rd and the morning of August 24th. Only at 12 noon of August 24th the enemy manage to seize the firing position of the battery, which, under the command of Lieutenant A. Shurin, fought to the last shell and to the last man.

During the battle the anti-aircraft gunners of the 1077th regiment destroyed or damaged 83 tanks and 15 other vehicles carrying infantry and they destroyed or dispersed over three battalions of assault infantry.


The Germans were so embittered by this stubborn resistance of the regiment that, according to eyewitnesses, they did not take captured anti-aircraft gunners into captivity but insted the Nazis threw them (about 40 wounded girls and men) in an abandoned coalpit to die...

Because the 14th Panzer Corps was unable to cope with a handful of anti-aircraft gunners and a battalion of the factory workers the Wietersheim was removed from his command position.

After reading this story, some people wonder why:

Why the countries of the Europe show such minimal resistance to the German aggressor and why they surrendered to the enemy without any resistance?

Why the French and British were not able to arrange the second Verdun to German in the summer of 1940?


Panzerkampfwagen IV G (PzKpfw IV) Sd.Kfz 161.
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Snipers of WW2.

The Soviet Union was the only country in the world where the training in sharpshooting was put on the stream, it practically covered the whole population of the country.

The older generation probably still remember the
most popular badge the “Voroshilovsky shooter” between the young people of USSR before the Great Patriotic War.


The high quality of the training was verified durring the WW2 by the so-called sniper “death lists”, from which it is clear that only the first top twenty Soviet snipers killed 7400 Nazis. ( confirmed )


The military command understood the need for centralized training of the sharpshooters. There were open special “sharpshooters schools” (SHOSSP) in each military districts. Training program was going on for 3-4 months.


Soviet sniper V.A. Sidorov with a Mosin sniper rifle with a telescopic lens PE mod 1931.

The sniper equipment:

# A variety of field binoculars (often 6– and 8 multiples) and trench periscopes TP and TP-8.

# The standard sniper rifle Mosin rifle mod. 1891 / 30 with PU sight.

# For self-defense a sniper often took several hand grenades, a pistol and a knife.

# A sniper group often was supplemented by a PPSh or PPS submachine guns.

Top snipers WW2

- Mikhail Ilyich Surkov sniper (4 SD) - 702 confirmed killsСурков,_Михаил_Ильич

- Vladimir Gavrilovich Salbiev (71 GVSD and 95 GVSD) - 601 kills.

- Ivan Nikolaevich Kulbertinov (23 individual redb.; 7 gu. Airborne des.p.) 587 kills.

- Vasily Shalvovich Kvachantiradze (259 p.) - 534 kills.

- Akhat Abdulkhakovich, Akhmetyanov (260 joint venture) - 502 kills.

- Sidorenko Ivan Mikhailovich (1122 sp.) - 500 kills. + 1 tank, 3 tractors

- Nikolai Yakovlevich Ilyin (50 GW.sp.) - 494 kills.

- Vladimir Nikolaevich Pchelintsev (11 sb.) 456 kills (including 14 snipers)

- Nikolai Evdokimovich Kazyuk - 446 kills.


Snipers practise the fire at an enemy aircraft.

There are 17 Soviet snipers, whose accounts exceeds the 400 kills (confirmed).

The 25 Soviet snipers have over 300 kills (confirmed)

The 36 Soviet snipers destroyed more than 200 enemy soldiers ( confirmed).

The sniper of 81Gv.sp. Vasily Golosov killed 70 German snipers out of his 422 kill list.

In october 1941 the sniperMikhail Lijsov of the 82nd Rifle Division shut down Ju-87 with the AVS-36 sniper rifle.

At June 1942 the sniper of 796th Rifle Div. sergeant major Antonov Vasily Antonovich shot-down Ju-88 with 4 shots from Mosin rifle mod. 1891 / 30 with PU sight near Voronezh (Воронеж).


By 1943 more than 1000 women were among the Soviet snipers.
During the war women snipers counted more than 12,000 killed fascists.


The best of women snipers is considered Lyudmila Mikhailovna Pavlyuchenko. She managed to kill 309 enemy soldiers and 36 of them were the German snipers.

Finn Simo Häyhä, who has a list of 504 kills ?äyhä

Some of Häyhä's figures are from a Finnish Army document, counted from beginning of the war, 30 November 1939:

  • 22 December 1939: 138 sniper kills[SUP][19][/SUP] in 22 days
  • 26 January 1940: 199 sniper kills[SUP][20][/SUP] (61 in 35 days)
  • 17 February 1940: 219 sniper kills[SUP][5][/SUP] (20 in 22 days)
  • 7 March 1940 (when Häyhä was seriously wounded): total of 259 sniper kills[SUP][5][/SUP] (40 in 18 days) (confirmed)
Häyhä never discussed it publicly but his own private diary, discovered in 2017, shares a figure: he begins by stating that "this is his sin list", and estimates the total number shot by him to be around 500.[SUP][6][/SUP][SUP][7][/SUP]
Historian Risto Marjomaa questions the large number, as confirmation of casualties was difficult.[SUP][21][/SUP]

The best Wehrmacht snipers:

Mathias Hetzenauer with 345 killed on his account is the 27th in the list of the top snipers.

Sepp Allerberg with his account of 257 kills has the 53rd place in the list of the top snipers.

Please note:

# The German “snipers” under such names as “Erwin König” and “Heinz Torvald” are fictional characters.
They never existed in documents and there are no archival documents which would confirm evidence of their existence at the front.
Of course, Vasily Zaitsev had a duel with a German counterpart in Stalingrad, but the fact is that it wasn’t the Erwin König. More likely it was just another German sniper.

# Finn Simo Häyhä, who has a list of 504 kills ?, by definition, cannot be on the list of the best snipers of the Second World War, since his official list is not for the Second World War, but for the Winter War between the USSR and the Finland in 1939 -1940.

The Simo Häyhä list of 504 kills is a very controversial, since this list wasn’t documented by anyone and it was largely compiled Haya himself.
The Finnish war lasted for 100 days. To kill some 504 people Simo Häyhä had to kill 5 people every day what is highly doubtful...

In addition, Simo Häyhä acted alone, without a partner so his words are simply no one can confirm...


Light tank T-26 mod 1933
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[h=3]1701-1800[edit][/h]Early forms of sniping or marksmanship were used during the American Revolutionary War. For instance, in 1777 at the battle of Saratoga the Colonists hid in the trees and used early model rifles to shoot British officers. Most notably, Timothy Murphy shot and killed General Simon Fraser of Balnain on 7 October 1777 at a distance of about 400 yards.[SUP][26][/SUP][SUP][27][/SUP][SUP][28][/SUP] During the Battle of Brandywine, Capt. Patrick Ferguson had a tall, distinguished American officer in his rifle's iron sights. Ferguson did not take the shot, as the officer had his back to Ferguson; only later did Ferguson learn that George Washington had been on the battlefield that day.[SUP][29][/SUP]

Baker rifle, an early 19th-century rifle, much more accurate than a smoothbore musket.​

A special unit of marksmen was established during the Napoleonic Wars in the British Army. While most troops at that time used inaccurate smoothbore muskets, the British "Green Jackets" (named for their distinctive green uniforms) used the famous Baker rifle. Through the combination of a leather wad and tight grooves on the inside of the barrel (rifling), this weapon was far more accurate, though slower to load. These Riflemen were the elite of the British Army, and served at the forefront of any engagement, most often in skirmish formation, scouting out and delaying the enemy. Another term, "sharp shooter" was in use in British newspapers as early as 1801. In the Edinburgh Advertiser, 23 June 1801, can be found the following quote in a piece about the North British Militia; "This Regiment has several Field Pieces, and two companies of Sharp Shooters, which are very necessary in the modern Stile of War". The term appears even earlier, around 1781, in Continental Europe, translated from the German Scharfschütze.

“Five Red Army snipers destroyed 1860 Germans; well-trained shooters are taught to beat a squirrel in the eye."

«The New York Times», USA.
October 2, 1942.

“The Red Army has the opportunity to take advantage of the experience of thousands of snipers trained in peacetime."


"MOSCOW, October 1. - Yesterday it was reported that in two months, five Russian snipers killed 1860 Germans.
Today, special attention is paid to the role of snipers in Stalingrad, and the latest issues of the Soviet newsreel contain close-ups of Germans killed on the North-Western Front by an Asian sniper.

Lieutenant General G.E. Morozov in an article for Moscow News says that the development of sniper units in the Red Army actually began under the influence of one British major. For the first time, snipers were deployed on a large scale in the last war to counter the extremely accurate fire of German shooters. When the Red Army was organized, training of snipers was put on a professional basis using the principles set forth by British authority Major Pritchard in the book “Combat Use of Snipers in France”.

During the war, Major Pritchard advocated the organization of front-line schools for snipers. British snipers worked in pairs: one was observing, and the other was shooting from a rifle with a telescopic sight. The Germans used 20,000 riflemen, specially trained before the war, who worked individually.

The Russians have a slightly different organization from the British. Although the Russians also work in pairs, both shooters are armed and sometimes shoot together. The Red Army has the opportunity to take advantage of the experience of thousands of snipers trained in peacetime. For example, Siberian hunters are professional shooters who can kill a squirrel or an ermine with a shot in the eye so as not to spoil the skin.


General Morozov claims that the use of snipers, especially useful in positional and defensive combat operations, is also effective in the offensive, when snipers move in front of their units, destroying enemy reconnaissance. During attacks, they are placed on the flanks. During the retreat, they are often entrusted with the suicidal task of covering the retreating with machine gun fire.

Snipers are especially effective after heavy rain, when the enemy, forced to leave the flooded trenches and dugouts and they become a good target. Many Soviet snipers took the mark of one hundred Germans killed during the spring flood on the Leningrad, Northwest and Western fronts. Although they had to limit their activity in the open spaces of the Southern steppes, now when the war has spread to the Caucasus, snipers in the South again play an important role.

A soldier of the 5th company 128 motorized regiment of the 23rd tank division Johannes Ebergardt said:
“In July, there were 140 people in our company, and now there are no more than 20. These are the people who managed to escape with Captain Buchner. The Red Army is fighting extremely fiercely. The most dangerous and terrible thing for us is the Russian snipers. They are causing us great damage. "



Panzerkampfwagen IV (PzKpfw IV Ausf F2) Sd. Kfz 161
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There is no way to contest, except that this is the most glorified stinking propaganda of all time .
Next time you will speak about Youri the Fork who one handed using is fork as a lever put a Tiger Tank on its flank, then with his bare teeth cut the jugular vein of the Nazi and received for that the Glorious Medal of The Metallurgist Association with 2 Goats .

But that is not what put me in shock
You seems to be proud to have trained young children far before WWII to murder peoples, assassinating them cowardly and you rewarded them for that with medals of all sorts . This is exactly what Hittler as done with the Hittlerjugend . Barbarian attitude, total disrespect for life values, a killing of childhood .
If there is something less glorious than this kind of killing, tell me . Yes there is sometime a real need and it's a pity that this need arise .
STOP glorifiying this . Executioners for torturing, maiming, hanging, beheading were also in needs says all te barbarians of old time but at least they were never gloryfied .... Except recently by facists and communists , both extreme are the same face of ugliness, tyrany, total disrespect of life . And once again I don't speak about the peoples, but the ideology that was imposed by force on them .

The article: “Five Red Army snipers destroyed 1860 Germans; well-trained shooters are taught to beat a squirrel in the eye.”

The article was written by an American journalist and it was published in the American newspaper “New York Times” on October 2 1942 .

There is no propaganda in the article, only facts, the American journalist tells these facts to the American people.

The internet generation, for your information: in 1942 the newspapers were the main sources of information to the public in America about the World War II in Europe.

We shouldn’t forget that the news like in this the article were needed to help to lift the morale spirit of the future soldiers.

In fact, in 1944, it might be that some lives of Allied soldiers were saved on the beaches of Normandy because Soviet snipers managed to kill 1860 Nazis in Stalingrad.

- “this is the most glorified stinking propaganda of all time .


Is this what you, Mirof, think about US veterans?

Mirof, please clarify: Are you the Nazies lover?

The German occupants invaded USSR in 1941 and they killed 27,000,000 people.

The Germans soldiers destroyed thousands cities, towns. The German soldiers burned thousands vilages with the residents in USSR.

"Of the9,200 settlements destroyed and burned downby German occupiers and collaborators in Belarus during World War II, more than5,295 were destroyed along with all or part of the population during punitive operations. [1] [2] (According to other data,
5295 - the number of settlements destroyed, including 628 - together with the population.

186 villages could not be reborn, as they were destroyed with all the inhabitants, including mothers and babies, weak old people and disabled people.) [3]Список_уничтоженных_нацистами_населённых_пунктов_Белоруссии

Do you feel pity for the German soldiers?

Mirof: “STOP glorifiyingthis . Executioners for torturing, maiming, hanging, beheading were also in needs says all the barbarians of old time but at least they were never gloryfied” ....

The German soldiers tortured civilians, raped women and killed children.
Almost every Russian family lost someone because of them. My grandfather died on the Front fighting the Nazies.

Should I feel guilty for the Soviet snipers punishing the 1860 German murderers.

I don’t think soo. I am proud that the Soviet snipers worked well.

No one invaited the German in Russia.

The German barbarians got what they deserved.

"Whoever comes to Russia with a sword will perish by the sword!"

In the Gospel of Matthew there’s the phrase of Jesus - “Those who take the sword will perish with the sword”.

Mirof, please clarify:
Are you the Nazies lover?

Mirof: “You seems to be proud to have trained young children far before WWII to murder peoples, assassinating them cowardly and you rewarded them for that with medals of all sorts.

For a Couch Expert you are a way too discerning.
Let’s look at the history of Russia through the eyes of Russians.

- “Russia is a dwarf "- said Charles XII in the begging of the XVIII century. “I'll brought her on it's knee".
Sweden forever lost her superpower status.

- “I’ll conquer the backward Russia" - Frederick the Great said in the mid of the 18th century.
In 1760 the Russian Army entered the Berlin.

- “Russia is colossus with feet of clay" - the Napoleon said in the begging of the 19th century.
In 1814 the Russian Army conquered the Paris.

- “I will conquer the Soviet Union by the end of the year". - Hitler said in the 20th century.
In 1945 he suicide when the Red Army entered the Berlin.

These events taught Russians to remember and follow the adage:

“Si vis pacem, para bellum
(Classical Latin: [siː wiːs ˈpaːkemː ˈpara ˈbellumː]) is a Latinadage translated as “ if you want peace, prepare for war”.

A friendly advice to Mirof:
Sometimes it’s better to be silent so people think you’re smart.
You must learn to read
.... facists and communists , both extreme are the same face of ugliness, tyrany, total disrespect of life ..; I wrote

The US journalist was in Moscouw and his mission was to be friendly with the Soviet . He was a YES man . He said what the Soviet expected him to say, YES man, SURE man, AS YOU SAY man . No contest and " Don't make wave " we are together against the Nazi .

I do not contest the use of snipers
I'm disgusted by peoples who trained children, brain washing them in thinking that killing and dennouncing their family was the right way of living as a good facist/communist ( your choice ) .

What peoples said of Russia in the past is here completely irrelevant ....
and just naming me a Nazi is normal policy in the communist dialectic . Arras you ennemy, suggest he killed is father, he tortured little cats is a great classic for rightly detracted gloryfying extremist peoples who found themselves trapped in their own semi-truth .

By the way NAZI meant National Socialist oh ... yes like Mussolini ...
2. Mussolini was a socialist before becoming a fascist.
Born to a socialist father, Mussolini was named after leftist Mexican President Benito Juárez. His two middle names, Amilcare and Andrea, came from Italian socialists Amilcare Cipriani and Andrea Costa. Early in Mussolini’s life, for instance, those names seemed appropriate. While living in Switzerland from 1902 to 1904, he cultivated an intellectual image and wrote for socialist periodicals such as L’Avvenire del Lavoratore (The Worker’s Future). He then served in the Italian army for nearly two years before resuming his career as a teacher and journalist. In his articles and speeches, Mussolini preached violent revolution, praised famed communist thinker Karl Marx and criticized patriotism. In 1912 he became editor of Avanti! (Forward!), the official daily newspaper of Italy’s Socialist Party.

And above all I completely agree with you when you say
what we were expecting from you a long time ago
Sometimes it’s better to be silent so people think you’re smart
Mirof mate I seriously wouldn't waste your time with 'Tank' whoever they are? You'd have more success banging you head against a brick wall.{sm2}

We all know Stalin's mob murdered more of his own people over his 30yrs reign than Hitler and the Nazis could ever achieved in WW2.

The cruelty dished out by the Russian Communists on their own people between 1917 and 1960 is simply astounding!!!!

Of course Mao put both Stalin and Hitler to shame, but that's an entirely different topic.
Last night I was sorting through the old photographs and stumbled upon a photograph of my father.
What a great man he was ...

He passed away a long time ago, but I still vividly remember his salty jokes and nutty sayings, and I love them more and more ...
If you don't mind comrades, I would like to share one of my favorites with you:

“The biggest problem with an idiot is that an idiot cannot understand that he is an idiot because he is the idiot”

What an elegant thought, isn't it.

To all members of the forum who post on this topic:

Please stick to the topic with your posts.
If you are not interested in the topic under discussion, please do not disturb.

Thank you.

Snipers WW2


It is hardly possible to dispute the fact that the German army completely lost the sniper war on the Eastern Front.
Not in any other army was such a sweeping scale of the sniper movement as it was in the Red Army in those years.
And the result of this Soviet snipers destroyed tens of thousands of German soldiers and officers during the Great Patriotic war.


Nikolai Yakovlevich Ilyin

This is confirmed by the words of the former Wehrmacht lieutenant colonel Eike Middeldorf the author of the famous book “Tactics in the Russian Campaign”:

-“the Russians exceeded the Germans in the art of conducting night combat, fighting in wooded and swampy areas and fighting in winter, in preparing snipers, as well as in equipping infantry with machine guns and mortars. ”


At the same time, on the other side of Europe, in Normandy the German snipers were able to achieve much greater success.

The American war correspondent Ernie Pyle, describing the first days after the allied forces landed, wrote:
“Snipers are everywhere. Snipers in trees, in buildings, in piles of ruins, in the grass. But mostly they hide in high, dense hedges that stretch along the Norman fields, and are on each side of the road, in any lane. ”

American veteran John Haighton, who was 19 years old during the landing in Normandy, recalls his meeting with a German sniper.

When his gun crew tried to mount them gun on the top of the hill the German sniper showed himself. Every time when a soldier tried to come to the gun sight, a shot could be hear in the distance and the gunner settled with a bullet in his head.
According to Haighton, the distance to the German position was about eight hundred meters.


First of all, such a high activity and combat effectiveness of the German snipers can be explained by the extremely small number of snipers in the Allied forces, who were unable to provide quick opposition to sniper terror from the enemy.
In all European armies (with the exception of the Red Army), sniper art was considered simply an interesting but insignificant experiment during the positional period of the Great War. The future war was seen by military theorists as a war of motors, where motorized infantry would follow tank armies with the support of front-line aviation to a quick victory.


In addition, a purely psychological moment cannot be discounted: the British and especially Americans, subconsciously still perceive the war as a kind of a risky sport.
It wasn’t surprising that many Allied soldiers were morally suppressed by the presence on the front an invisible enemy, who stubbornly unwilling to comply with the gentlemanly “laws of war” and were shooting at them from an ambush.


In the early days of the fighting, up to fifty percent of all losses in the US units were accounted for by the enemy snipers. The natural consequence of this was the panic of the soldiers before snipers, which became a serious problem for the officers of the allied forces.

Like snipers of any army, the German sharpshooters tried primarily to hit the most important targets: officers, sergeants...
The captured German sniper explained the British during the interrogation how he could distinguish officers at a great distance, despite the fact that the British officers wore the same field uniform as the soldiers and they had no insignia. The sniper said: “We just shoot people with a mustache.” The fact was that in the British army, officers and senior sergeants traditionally wore a mustache.


The following fact speaks about the number of German snipers on the shores of Normandy: when the 2nd battalion of “royal shooters of Ulster” moved to capture commanding heights near Perrier-sur-le-Den. After a short battle British captured seventeen German prisoners, seven of them turned out to be snipers.


On June 26, SS private Peltsmann was shooting the Allied soldiers for several hours from a well-chosen and carefully disguised position. When the sniper ran out of the ammunition, he climbed out of his position, smashed his rifle and than shouted to the English soldiers: “I have finished enough of yours and I have run out of bullets... Now you can shoot me!”. He wouldn’t need to asked them twice, the British infantrymen gladly complied with his last request. German prisoners present at this scene were forced to collect all those killed by Peltsmann in one place. One of these prisoners then claimed that near Peltsmann’s position he counted at least thirty dead Englishmen.

The Allied soldiers gradually in practice comprehended the basics of the precautions against sniper fire that the Germans themselves had learned three years ago, finding themselves in the same situation at the sight of Soviet snipers.
Nevertheless, a sense of danger became a constant companion of Alied soldiers in Normandy.

Allied soldiers and lower-level officers who were most affected by sniper terror tried to develop various methods of dealing with enemy snipers. But in the end,they had to admit that the most effective way to deal with the German snipers was to use their own snipers.


According to statistics, during World War II, an average of 25,000 shots were usually required to kill a soldier.
For snipers, the number of shots that would kill a soldier averaged 1.3-1.5 shots.

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Thats such a classic flick. I remember when it was released. Man I feel old. {sm4}
Yes The Beast of War was released some time ago, I remember renting it on VHS way back in the 1980s when videos were still popular. A great movie considering its low budget. I've since discovered it was based on a play called Nanawatai, which was of course the cultural phrase that saved the tank drivers life when he was captured. It was full on action from start to finish, some memorable scenes, especially where they ran the tanks track over the villager. Man you'd need a few guys to hold me down for that, that guy was so brave and dedicated to his cause. Little wonder they defeated the Soviets so easily.
You wrote
“The biggest problem with an idiot is that an idiot cannot understand that he is an idiot because he is the idiot”

Tell me : what did you not understand in his say ?
I was hoping you could possibly draw yourself away from providing us with all those lovely statistic's for a moment and maybe provide us with some insight into what was behind this particular incident involving some of your countryman during WW2 and the Great Patriotic War please?


Happy Easter to everyone.

The Great Emu War.

The Sun Herald, 5 July 1953.

"If we had a military division with the bullet-carrying capacity of these birds it would face any army in the world... They can face machine guns with the invulnerability of tanks. They are like Zulus whom even dum-dum bullets could not stop.”


The harsh year of the 1932.

Australia sheltered many veterans of the First World War, who were engaged in agriculture. However not everything was going wel at that time. The prices for agricultural products fell, there were no promised subsidies and herds of poisonous insects ran through their farms. Sadness drove the souls and stomachs of farmers, and they minds were tormented by pessimism.

Suddenly, a new misfortune overtook the unlucky farmers.


Tens of thousands of emu ostriches did migrate from the inner regions of Australia to the farmers land. Insatiable ostriches surrounded the farm gardens and raided them by day and night. Unaware of pity, the emu robbed the farmers, and by doing so they threw the whole country into the abyss of ostrichophobia.

Minister of Defense Mr Pearce was a decisive man so he punched the table and... declared the war on ostriches (for which he was nicknamed “Minister of Defense from Ostriches”).


George Foster Pearce

An experienced veteran of WW1 the Major Meredith was appointed commander in chief of the Anti-Ostrich Operation.

The 2nd of November 1932 marked in the History of Australia as the day when the Great Australian army march against the treacherous ostrich invaders.


The Australian Regular Army unit immediately took decisive action, but everything went wrong right away.

The fact is that ostriches were so arrogant and self-confident that they did not even bother to make the military formations. Instead of concentrating and engaging in a fierce battle with the Australian Army the emu ostriches scattered around as if nothing had happened...

The Australian soldiers began to shoot from the Lewis machine guns but they could not hit the enemy just because the ostriches decided to make a tactical retreat. After a few hours of running along a field bumps in a machine-gun fume the Australian army unit returned back to its base.


Two days after mulling over combat plans, Meredith finally came up with a cunning tactical move.

He managed to lure a thousand ostriches into an ambush at a dam. Finally, these elusive ostriches were trapped and no one could save them from the inevitable defeat
What a brilliant victory of human genius over the arrogant ostriches it was!

The atonement was close, and the major Meredith in anticipation of a historic victory with an ironic tone in his voice, ordered: Open the FIRE! Destroy the Enemy...


Unfortunately on this solemn note the machine gun broke and all those emu unhindered left the ambush site and as usual went to farms to torture the farmers.

Having suffered another shameful defeat, Major Meredith decided to change his tactics by loading a machine gun on a truck.
This exceptional move was going to change the course of this brutal war!
According to the plans of the major, this military operation was supposed to end with a stunning defeat of the cruel Ostriche Army.

So, the battle began...
The truck jumped over the bumps of the Australian plains... The machine gunner was shooting at everything that was moving,.. More than 2000 rounds had been spent...

But Meredith luck again betrayed him...
The reckless ostriches completely ignored machine gun fire.
They ran around the unfortunate shooter and insulted him with obscenities...


It was unbearable!
In the whole world there is no one who could stand such humiliation, so major Meredith stopped the war operation. He took the machine gun off the truck and on November the 8th and in six days after the first “battle” he sent his official report on the conduct of hostilities to the Government of Australia.

He indicating there that by November the 8th:
- 2500 rounds had been spent.
-The number of birds killed is unknown.”
Among other things the official report of Meredith reported thathis people did not suffer any losses...

One of the sources says that about 50 birds were killed, but other source indicate the number of the Emu casualties could reach up to 200 birds.
Well, there are no easy wars - the enemy was harsh and dangerous.

On November 12, Secretary of Defense Pierce assigned a new combat unit under the Major Meredith comand for a second attack.


From November 13 to December 10 of the 1932, the Army squad was traveled the inaccessible expanses of ostrich citadels, frantically fired from the machine gun at the retreating enemies and without fail to reported on successes of the raid to the Goverment.

The end result of the war was arguably that the emus won via outlasting the humans. While there were no human casualties, only 986 of the roughly 20,000 emus were killed, and 9,860 bullets had been used up.
With an exact 10-1 ratio of bullets to dead emu,

To be honest, the ostriches did not noticing the losses anywhere except the report.
They continued to scamper around the farmer gardens and impose their ostrich dictatorship on citizens as: - the Victors of the Great Emu War.


Germans at Stalingrad : Well that was the most humiliating defeat ever.
Emu : Hold my beer.,wn

Happy Easter to everyone.

The Great Emu War.

The Sun Herald, 5 July 1953.

"If we had a military division with the bullet-carrying capacity of these birds it would face any army in the world... They can face machine guns with the invulnerability of tanks. They are like Zulus whom even dum-dum bullets could not stop.”


The harsh year of the 1932.

Australia sheltered many veterans of the First World War, who were engaged in agriculture. However not everything was going wel at that time. The prices for agricultural products fell, there were no promised subsidies and herds of poisonous insects ran through their farms. Sadness drove the souls and stomachs of farmers, and they minds were tormented by pessimism.

Suddenly, a new misfortune overtook the unlucky farmers.


Tens of thousands of emu ostriches did migrate from the inner regions of Australia to the farmers land. Insatiable ostriches surrounded the farm gardens and raided them by day and night. Unaware of pity, the emu robbed the farmers, and by doing so they threw the whole country into the abyss of ostrichophobia.

Minister of Defense Mr Pearce was a decisive man so he punched the table and... declared the war on ostriches (for which he was nicknamed “Minister of Defense from Ostriches”).


George Foster Pearce

An experienced veteran of WW1 the Major Meredith was appointed commander in chief of the Anti-Ostrich Operation.

The 2nd of November 1932 marked in the History of Australia as the day when the Great Australian army march against the treacherous ostrich invaders.


The Australian Regular Army unit immediately took decisive action, but everything went wrong right away.

The fact is that ostriches were so arrogant and self-confident that they did not even bother to make the military formations. Instead of concentrating and engaging in a fierce battle with the Australian Army the emu ostriches scattered around as if nothing had happened...

The Australian soldiers began to shoot from the Lewis machine guns but they could not hit the enemy just because the ostriches decided to make a tactical retreat. After a few hours of running along a field bumps in a machine-gun fume the Australian army unit returned back to its base.


Two days after mulling over combat plans, Meredith finally came up with a cunning tactical move.

He managed to lure a thousand ostriches into an ambush at a dam. Finally, these elusive ostriches were trapped and no one could save them from the inevitable defeat
What a brilliant victory of human genius over the arrogant ostriches it was!

The atonement was close, and the major Meredith in anticipation of a historic victory with an ironic tone in his voice, ordered: Open the FIRE! Destroy the Enemy...


Unfortunately on this solemn note the machine gun broke and all those emu unhindered left the ambush site and as usual went to farms to torture the farmers.

Having suffered another shameful defeat, Major Meredith decided to change his tactics by loading a machine gun on a truck.
This exceptional move was going to change the course of this brutal war!
According to the plans of the major, this military operation was supposed to end with a stunning defeat of the cruel Ostriche Army.

So, the battle began...
The truck jumped over the bumps of the Australian plains... The machine gunner was shooting at everything that was moving,.. More than 2000 rounds had been spent...

But Meredith luck again betrayed him...
The reckless ostriches completely ignored machine gun fire.
They ran around the unfortunate shooter and insulted him with obscenities...


It was unbearable!
In the whole world there is no one who could stand such humiliation, so major Meredith stopped the war operation. He took the machine gun off the truck and on November the 8th and in six days after the first “battle” he sent his official report on the conduct of hostilities to the Government of Australia.

He indicating there that by November the 8th:
- 2500 rounds had been spent.
-The number of birds killed is unknown.”
Among other things the official report of Meredith reported thathis people did not suffer any losses...

One of the sources says that about 50 birds were killed, but other source indicate the number of the Emu casualties could reach up to 200 birds.
Well, there are no easy wars - the enemy was harsh and dangerous.

On November 12, Secretary of Defense Pierce assigned a new combat unit under the Major Meredith comand for a second attack.


From November 13 to December 10 of the 1932, the Army squad was traveled the inaccessible expanses of ostrich citadels, frantically fired from the machine gun at the retreating enemies and without fail to reported on successes of the raid to the Goverment.

The end result of the war was arguably that the emus won via outlasting the humans. While there were no human casualties, only 986 of the roughly 20,000 emus were killed, and 9,860 bullets had been used up.
With an exact 10-1 ratio of bullets to dead emu,

To be honest, the ostriches did not noticing the losses anywhere except the report.
They continued to scamper around the farmer gardens and impose their ostrich dictatorship on citizens as: - the Victors of the Great Emu War.


Germans at Stalingrad : Well that was the most humiliating defeat ever.
Emu : Hold my beer.,wn

Nice side step you have there Tank, not sure you’re keeping on Topic about the Great Patriotic though? I’m sure our Aussie friends would like to add some comments. Now how about we discuss the Polish massacre by your comrades??
Yes it's his typical response, he keeps posting his lies then doesn't respond honestly when challenged.

The stories he posts are so obviously missleading and fake they are sometimes accidentally humorous. He has no clue, I laughed so much when he kept confusing Emus with Ostriches

Happy Easter to everyone.

The Great Emu War.

The Sun Herald, 5 July 1953.

"If we had a military division with the bullet-carrying capacity of these birds it would face any army in the world... They can face machine guns with the invulnerability of tanks. They are like Zulus whom even dum-dum bullets could not stop.”


The harsh year of the 1932.

Australia sheltered many veterans of the First World War, who were engaged in agriculture. However not everything was going wel at that time. The prices for agricultural products fell, there were no promised subsidies and herds of poisonous insects ran through their farms. Sadness drove the souls and stomachs of farmers, and they minds were tormented by pessimism.

Suddenly, a new misfortune overtook the unlucky farmers.


Tens of thousands of emu ostriches did migrate from the inner regions of Australia to the farmers land. Insatiable ostriches surrounded the farm gardens and raided them by day and night. Unaware of pity, the emu robbed the farmers, and by doing so they threw the whole country into the abyss of ostrichophobia.

Minister of Defense Mr Pearce was a decisive man so he punched the table and... declared the war on ostriches (for which he was nicknamed “Minister of Defense from Ostriches”).


George Foster Pearce

An experienced veteran of WW1 the Major Meredith was appointed commander in chief of the Anti-Ostrich Operation.

The 2nd of November 1932 marked in the History of Australia as the day when the Great Australian army march against the treacherous ostrich invaders.


The Australian Regular Army unit immediately took decisive action, but everything went wrong right away.

The fact is that ostriches were so arrogant and self-confident that they did not even bother to make the military formations. Instead of concentrating and engaging in a fierce battle with the Australian Army the emu ostriches scattered around as if nothing had happened...

The Australian soldiers began to shoot from the Lewis machine guns but they could not hit the enemy just because the ostriches decided to make a tactical retreat. After a few hours of running along a field bumps in a machine-gun fume the Australian army unit returned back to its base.


Two days after mulling over combat plans, Meredith finally came up with a cunning tactical move.

He managed to lure a thousand ostriches into an ambush at a dam. Finally, these elusive ostriches were trapped and no one could save them from the inevitable defeat
What a brilliant victory of human genius over the arrogant ostriches it was!

The atonement was close, and the major Meredith in anticipation of a historic victory with an ironic tone in his voice, ordered: Open the FIRE! Destroy the Enemy...


Unfortunately on this solemn note the machine gun broke and all those emu unhindered left the ambush site and as usual went to farms to torture the farmers.

Having suffered another shameful defeat, Major Meredith decided to change his tactics by loading a machine gun on a truck.
This exceptional move was going to change the course of this brutal war!
According to the plans of the major, this military operation was supposed to end with a stunning defeat of the cruel Ostriche Army.

So, the battle began...
The truck jumped over the bumps of the Australian plains... The machine gunner was shooting at everything that was moving,.. More than 2000 rounds had been spent...

But Meredith luck again betrayed him...
The reckless ostriches completely ignored machine gun fire.
They ran around the unfortunate shooter and insulted him with obscenities...


It was unbearable!
In the whole world there is no one who could stand such humiliation, so major Meredith stopped the war operation. He took the machine gun off the truck and on November the 8th and in six days after the first “battle” he sent his official report on the conduct of hostilities to the Government of Australia.

He indicating there that by November the 8th:
- 2500 rounds had been spent.
-The number of birds killed is unknown.”
Among other things the official report of Meredith reported thathis people did not suffer any losses...

One of the sources says that about 50 birds were killed, but other source indicate the number of the Emu casualties could reach up to 200 birds.
Well, there are no easy wars - the enemy was harsh and dangerous.

On November 12, Secretary of Defense Pierce assigned a new combat unit under the Major Meredith comand for a second attack.


From November 13 to December 10 of the 1932, the Army squad was traveled the inaccessible expanses of ostrich citadels, frantically fired from the machine gun at the retreating enemies and without fail to reported on successes of the raid to the Goverment.

The end result of the war was arguably that the emus won via outlasting the humans. While there were no human casualties, only 986 of the roughly 20,000 emus were killed, and 9,860 bullets had been used up.
With an exact 10-1 ratio of bullets to dead emu,

To be honest, the ostriches did not noticing the losses anywhere except the report.
They continued to scamper around the farmer gardens and impose their ostrich dictatorship on citizens as: - the Victors of the Great Emu War.


Germans at Stalingrad : Well that was the most humiliating defeat ever.
Emu : Hold my beer.,wn
I'm afraid that this is worst than everything else
His opinion was asked about Katyn and his answer is to make, perhaps inconciously, a comparison with the investation of Emu in Australia . Clearly in his tortured mind, in Poland the situation was the same; elimination of nuissance ...
A revealing slip of his mind .
I pity him

New Zealand suffered such a malicious invasion around 1921, the CPNZ, Communist Party of New Zealand
But in such a fine country they had difficulties to breed and slowly but surely they dissapeared .
Please give us the recipe .

This invasion of Poland remind me the poem about the charge of the light brigade
The Poles were in the same situation

Cannon to right of them,
Cannon to left of them,

Nazi to the right of them
Communist to the left of them

Yes it's his typical response, he keeps posting his lies then doesn't respond honestly when challenged.

The stories he posts are so obviously missleading and fake they are sometimes accidentally humorous. He has no clue, I laughed so much when he kept confusing Emus with Ostriches

If nothing else he's at least consistant, if not entertaining in a strange kind of way.

His threads certainly attract some attention if the view list is anything to go by, although not too many 'likes' it seems.

Hopefully his readers have the good sense to do their own research before coming to any conclusions, other than having a good laugh.^&grin
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