"The Zulu War" (2 Viewers)

Hey Lt., these battle scenes are cooler each time I view them. It seems to be a never ending assault of different brits and Zulu every time I look. It is amazing how you layed out the The Rorkes Drift on your table. This is a battle that just keeps on giving. Great camera work, I like the hand to hand front shots, with the brits shooting in the rear. Battle on Lt. great stuff Mike.
K. V. they're all the same figures some appeared in the Plastic Thread as well as Frontlines and in cases are new photos of different scenes. Mike once again thanks for your comments an Eazy you now have two movies to watch with Kevin doing a super job with his Battle of The Bugle and his last group of photos are hard to beat he's done a great job in putting them together. The events at Rorke's Drift now continue as the Zulu marksmen on the slopes of Shiyane hill fire down into the British defenses but the range of about 300 yds is to great for the obsolete flintlocks and precussion rifles to be very effective. The British returning the fire was alot more accurate and as the action continues in front of the Hospital Coporal Schiess is facing two Zulus a Lieutenant Chard comes to the rescue of a private while another is finishing off a Zulu warrior...The Lt.


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The Zulu launch another major attack taking on heavy casualties....The Lt.


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Defending the south wall the defenders are holding their own against attacking Zulus....The Lt.


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Joe I think tonight I'm putting in the Zulu tape. Theres no Hockey on, and this battle must be seen again. It was definatly one of my all time favorites. My others were, Alamo, The Vikings, Spartucas, They died with their boots on, The charge of the Light Brigade Errol Flynn of course. The Longest Day, Saving Private Ryan, and The series Band of Brothers. How accurate they are or not, they just give me a proud and warm feeling. That took the greatest amount of courage, to climb into a plain and jump behind enemy lines at night. Knowing that your enemy was well entrenched, and many were battle ready. God Bless the Heros gone and never forgotten. I think Veterans Day, should be every day. I'm babling again take care Mike.
I'm watching one of my favorites as I draft this: Twelve O'Clock High with Gregory Peck. What a fantastic movie.
LT, how many soldiers do you have in this line? I think you have more than were involved in the original conflict:)

It is called special effects. He actually only has 12 soldiers, but by cutting and pasting as well as changing colors, it seems like 1000's......:D Michael
Mike (aka modwall) I've got to thank Steven Chong for his help in how to post photos and most of all Tim (aka fishead) my mentor who guided me along the way. Michael (aka maddadicus) you shouldn't be giving away my trade secrets knowing K.V. it'll be all over the forum even though rumor has it he's good at keeping a secret. The fighting now continues as Conte's 24th comes back on the on the scene as a private is down by a Zulu whose then dispatched by Lt. Bromhead while Colour Sergeant Bourne and Lt. Chard are also in the tick of it...The Lt.


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I wish I could have as much fun posting shots of my toys. You really do an amazing job telling a story.
Louis I'm sure with your knowledge of history you could provide us with a find story line of an event featuring a number of photos provided from your collection and enjoy it while you were doing it. The fighting at the Drift continues with individual locked in a struggle to survive....The Lt.


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It seems like there's no end in site as the defender struggle to hold on..The Lt.


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Whew! I saw all those zulus and I was scared to death. I almost lost my head. Maddicus thanks for clueing me in there. Lt you still are an amazement to me:)
Kilted glad to hear you survived from the Zulu attacks. By the way looking forward to more of your painted figures.....The Lt.
Just keeping the Kilted Vampire on his toe........The Zulus are now also pressing an attack against th Commissary Storehouse while continuing to take on heavy losses........The Lt.


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This thread reminds me of a American Civil War video I bought years ago, called Gettysburg in Miniature. Using 25mm painted figures, they dramatically recreated the battle of Gettysburg with still poses of the arranged troops in action. Well done and is one of my favorites vids of all times.......Michael
This thread reminds me of a American Civil War video I bought years ago, called Gettysburg in Miniature. Using 25mm painted figures, they dramatically recreated the battle of Gettysburg with still poses of the arranged troops in action. Well done and is one of my favorites vids of all times.......Michael

Do you still have a copy of that?
Lt, you've got this down to a science. The way you chat out of the conversation into your storyline is funny. Your like the energize rabbit, you keep going and going. You have that imagination with your soldiers, as I once did as a kid. I must get that back. I hope this battle never ends. Battle on Lt. Mike.
The Zulus climbing over their own dead and wounded are detemined to overcome the defenders.....The Lt


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The Little Legion figure in the photo is depicting Private James Jenkins and is based on a drawing of him aiming his Martini-Henry behind the breastworks during the height of the Zulu assault on the entrenchment where he saved the life of Lt. Chard. Jenkins was killed during the engagement...The Lt.

Do you still have a copy of that?

Yes, I do and have not been able to find a more current copy as I am afraid that this one will eventually stretch out.....If you can find one, you will not be disappointed ..Michael 130081772442 on ebay now........
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