"The Zulu War" (7 Viewers)

Randy here's a photo of the figures by WBritain consiting of two set rendering their depiction of the famous painting that Martyn's posted to help in accomplishing what you have in mind.........The Lt.

Randy here's a photo of the figures by WBritain consiting of two set rendering their depiction of the famous painting that Martyn's posted to help in accomplishing what you have in mind.........The Lt.


This is a nice set of glossies, but imagine if Ken visited it with the matte series :eek::eek:

Any thoughts Ken ??? :p
Randy here's a photo of the figures by WBritain consiting of two set rendering their depiction of the famous painting that Martyn's posted to help in accomplishing what you have in mind.........The Lt.


Thanks Joe for posting...
Randy, as you can see in the painting this is an impromptu square formed towards the end of fighting. There were most likely four or five of these squares formed, including one with at least 60 men that tried to break through the nek of Isandlwana back towards RD. They allegedly made it upwards of a mile.
Nice wide shot of your fated Hospital!
While sitting doing paperwork at work, I got itchy and turned around and snapped a couple atrocious photos. In the bottom, there is a special figure I hope Joe can pick ut:rolleyes::)

Is that like a .50 cal. bullet in the first picture????

Your welcome 1879 I hope Randy finds it helpful. Vic the round appearing in the photo was a powerful 577-450 round which was comapare to the American's 45-70 infantry round I'm sure I'll be corrected by it's owner if I'm wrong. The following event took place at 2400 hours on the 22nd of January 1879 when Lieutenant Bromhead along with B Company's tea maker Private Henry Hook known to us lovingly as Hookie along with a few men launch a foray to rescue the water cart. 1879 I sure could have used your red cone to add a little more realism to the event taking place.....The Lt.




You certainly don't need little traffic cones to pump out some excellent pictures! And you are correct in telling Jake about the round, as well as a vintage practise ball paper ammo pack from 1879:cool:
Great photos Lt., Bromhead seems to inflicting heavy casualties on the Zulu, Mike I bet your Zulus are glad the Brits don't have a .50 cal with them...

Excellent Martyn, that is one cool setup !!!

Glad you like it Scott

Here are some close up shots of “24th at breakfast”

“Don’t stop peeling the spuds”


“Fresh bread and more fire wood”


“Wash and brush up”


“Boots are cleaned before breakfast arrives”


“Around the breakfast table”




“Save some for me”



It's amazing how much fun you can have playing with your Trophy figure and the more you have of them the merry. Looks like you've had another fun session with selecting and posing your figures Martyn to share them with us. Thanks it's always a pleasure seeing them and looking forward to seeing what you have next headed our way..........The Lt.
Lovin' every single picture Martyn, many thanks. Although I don't collect Trophy, I think I would like to have a little set up like this. I would imagine that these are some of the harder to acquire sets??
It's amazing how much fun you can have playing with your Trophy figure and the more you have of them the merry. Looks like you've had another fun session with selecting and posing your figures Martyn to share them with us. Thanks it's always a pleasure seeing them and looking forward to seeing what you have next headed our way..........The Lt.

Hi Joe

I love my Trophy figures, with Britains matte AZW coming a very close second;)


Lovin' every single picture Martyn, many thanks. Although I don't collect Trophy, I think I would like to have a little set up like this. I would imagine that these are some of the harder to acquire sets??

Thanks again Scott;)

The Field Kitchen set appeared on Ebay a few weeks ago


Continuing the "Breakfast theme"

Opening the ammo boxes and getting ready to issue the cartridge packets after breakfast





Hopefully the ammo's issued to all before you have the Zulus launching an attack and the Gallant Brit's dashing for the their Martini-Henrys that are stack to form some sort of a defensive square. Along with Scott I'm enjoying your play time.........The Lt.

Those are wonderful sets and great diorama setups. I just love off duty scenes like these.

Hopefully the ammo's issued to all before you have the Zulus launching an attack and the Gallant Brit's dashing for the their Martini-Henrys that are stack to form some sort of a defensive square. Along with Scott I'm enjoying your play time.........The Lt.


Those are wonderful sets and great diorama setups. I just love off duty scenes like these.


Thank you Joe and Randy, I'm glad you like them;)



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