Aaaaaaah Joeseppi,
Big scale attack!
Lots of dead Zulus.
Very nice battle scene.
Mikey Likey!!!
A slight lull while waiting for the next assualt against the Commissary Storehouse....The Lt.
Hello Lt.
Are all of your buildings to scale and where did you find the dimensions?
I will have to build the entire Rorkes Drift battle scene soon and I figure that it should take up a 4x8 sheet of plywood. What do you think?
MY buildings are very close to scale and ifigured out the dimensions using the maps yardage scale to determine the scale of my buildings. If I'm not mistaken Nick I recommend that you pick up a copy of Osprey's Campaign Book "Rorke's Drift 1879 "Pinned Like rats in a hole" by Ian Knight.
I used the photo on page 30 of the layout which is identical to the drawing done by Lt. Chard of the buildings and placement of the defenses along with the placing of the doors and windows of the buildings as they are featured in the photo as well as the drawing by Chard to build my buildings and in setting up the defenses of my Mission Station. I would recommend that you use the 4x8 sheet of plywood I would have but my man cave wasn't big enough for it. Hope this helps and looking forward to seeing the end results.......The Lt.
Thanks Lt.
That's the same book that I am using and I was going to figure it out the same way if I couldn't get dimension. It's a very good book. Very informative. Thanks again and look forward in the future for an awesome "ZULU" promotional diorama using, [Blank, Blank] figures. lol
NNMC Mounted Sgt. Simeon Khambula, a native scout attached to Col Durnford's 2nd Column, was credited for opening up "The Fugitive's Trail" for the escaping British and colonials from the carnage at Isandlwana. A number of Imperial officers (four) and others made it through, though none wearing red, for King Cetshwayo had given orders to kill all the "redcoats" As the escapees got to the Buffalo River, the gauntlet of Zulus became almost impenetrable. At the drift in the river, men who couldn't swim made last stands at the riverbank and on the cliffs above.
The place would soon be know as "Fugitives Drift".
JoeHaving already featured the work of Artist Simon Smith on the Britian section of the forum I thought it's be appropriate to also feature his work here where I'm sure you'll agree it also belongs. I hope you enjoy his painting as much as I have. By the way can you tell me who the defenders are who appear in the painting.....The Lt.