"The Zulu War" (3 Viewers)

I've noticed sets and figures apppearing in the various glossy Threads Martyn and yet to comment on them but will do. In the meantime Assitant Commissary Dunne joined by Troopers Lugg and Green of the Natal Mounted Police along with members of B Company 2nd/24th continue manning the barricade in front of the Commissary Store House.......The Lt.


I have to agree one of your best, the lighting and display of the figures is excellent. Nice job.
I was at Yale this past friday to see the exhibition Endless Forms: Charles Darwin, Natural Science and the Visual Arts. A section of the exhibit included anthropological photos among which were images depicting Zulus. These were taken in London in 1853 when a group of Zulus were visiting the city and performing before British audiences. They were taken by Nicolass Henneman a Dutch-born photographer working in England. The prints are calotypes, an early paper photographic alternative to the daguerreotype. The calotype was invented in England by Henry Fox Talbot who was Henneman's mentor. Unlike daguerreotypes which were unique, multiples could be made from these calotypes. The Zulu pictures were printed up and sold for 6 pence each to collectors in the format known as cart de visites which were about the size of trading cards. Two examples by Hennemann are shown below. One shows a Zulu wearing a leopard costume.


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Commissary Dalton trying to calm cook who has spent all day in the blistering heat making soup.

The Witt's returning home to their Mission Station

What a nice way to pose your figures and new cooking wagon! Learning lots of history in the process!
Once again Scott very nicely done presentation and see you got your favorite Draft Horse to make an apperance......The Lt.
Thanks Gentlemen

I am having a lot of fun creating scenes. All thanks to LT as without his fantastic WB Zulu photos I would have never entered this war. :D
Thanks Gentlemen

I am having a lot of fun creating scenes. All thanks to LT as without his fantastic WB Zulu photos I would have never entered this war. :D

And so are we Scott enjoying the photos you've been providing and knowing we'll be seeing more.

Members of the 24th are unhitching and unloading one of their wagons shortly after arriving at the Mission Station.....The Lt.

Col. Glynn of the 24th Regiment was normally a good natured fellow, that took everything in stride. While out gallavanting around the Mengazi Gorge with General Chelmsford's minions, Glynn had just received news that the camp at Isandlwana is in a fight for it's life. He does not appear very happy as he urges his batman on, taking his new Spyder carriage as fast as it will go.


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Col. Glynn of the 24th Regiment was normally a good natured fellow, that took everything in stride. While out gallavanting around the Mengazi Gorge with General Chelmsford's minions, Glynn had just received news that the camp at Isandlwana is in a fight for it's life. He does not appear very happy as he urges his batman on, taking his new Spyder carriage as fast as it will go.

Excellent Mike........Tally Ho !!!!!
Nice set-up.

Could Col. Glynn be racing back to the drift to receive the Queen's Colour that was found bt Lt. Harford in the Mzinyathi river.
Nice new road Col. Glynn was caught gallavanting on my Aide De Camp while this poor lad is fighting for dear life.....The Lt.

Here we have a Mountain Screw Gun battery, with extra mules carrying ammunition, being escorted by Frontier Light Horse and Natal Native Horse.





They're as enjoyable seeing them for the second time Martyn as they were the first. Can't wait to see what's next....The Lt.
They're as enjoyable seeing them for the second time Martyn as they were the first. Can't wait to see what's next....The Lt.

Thanks Joe;), I had been neglecting my AZW Trophy and wanted to rectify it:D



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