"The Zulu War" (6 Viewers)

Does BBC1 or BBC2 translate to anything on Direct TV here in the states?

I got 800 channels,

please tell me it's on one of them.


Michael - You are cordially invited to come to my house for a Zulu DVD marathon. I have a copy of Zulu Dawn and also Zulu. I will also provide the beer, margarittas. and mojitos with nachos, pico de galo, salsa and whatever else I can throw together. All you have to do is get you rear end up to my house in Wisconsin. See you soon.

Michael - You are cordially invited to come to my house for a Zulu DVD marathon. I have a copy of Zulu Dawn and also Zulu. I will also provide the beer, margarittas. and mojitos with nachos, pico de galo, salsa and whatever else I can throw together. All you have to do is get you rear end up to my house in Wisconsin. See you soon.


What the heck, let's make it a real party, Joe, Scott, Mike, Martyn, Brian, et al you are also all invited. Wouldn't that just be great.

Another group of Brits caught on film

What the heck, let's make it a real party, Joe, Scott, Mike, Martyn, Brian, et al you are also all invited. Wouldn't that just be great.



Your wife would probably kick the 5 of us bums out,
and you might be sleeping on the porch just for inviting this crazy crew over.

Like a scene from "Animal House".

What the heck, let's make it a real party, Joe, Scott, Mike, Martyn, Brian, et al you are also all invited. Wouldn't that just be great.


I'm in everyone will meet at my house and I will drive the rest of the way to Mike's house and we can make a pitstop at the Toy Soldier Shoppe on the way there.
Wounded and his mate awaiting ammo as they load their last round....The Lt.

Great Joe, I'm going to try and get some playtime in tomorrow


Those are really cool diodramas.
thank you Joe and Martyn for posting
Along with Martyn I'm glad your enjoying the photos I know I am of your photos of your Trophy Sets. In the mean time Damian this Zulu Warrior is determine to join up with his fellow warriors.....The Lt.

Now aren't you glad you went and built the land these guys are fighting on/for?:cool: Great stuff!
A small pocket of members of the 1st Battalion 24th Regiment of Foot are making their last stand.......The Lt.


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