Being the favorie of mine from my photos taken earlier this month I thought it deserved another appearance. Nearing the end of the struggle taking place in the wagon park on the field of Isandlwana....The Lt.
It seems like that hasn't hasn't help Mike.............The Lt.
Enjoying your playtime Martyn, feel free to use as many pontoons as you see fit.
The field of battle is strewn with dead, dying and wounded.
The redcoats that are still alive will all be killed. Warriors of the great Army of Zululand will be carried away by their comrades to die later in ant-holes, ditches, dongas and homesteads.
They are all classified as "casualties".
Seems like the Royal Engineers and 24th Foot are still in for it although the first volley fire had it's effect....The Lt.
A unit of Natal Mounted Police and Mounted Infantry ambushed whilst on patrol.
Very nice... I didn't know you had TD3!!!!!