I just have to ask one question. How is calling the Russians and the Ukranians to the carpet to end the conflict cozying up to the Russians? Let's be honest, without the US help, Ukraine will fall and would have by now. The Russians are not the mighty bear they once were and Ukraine have done better than anyone would have ever imagined, but the end result would be the same. As a County, we cannot police the world for morals, it just doesn't nor never has worked that way no matter how much the Utopian belief would be. I am a realist, Putin is very dangerous, but this war needs to end, he is going to get a "pound of flesh" one way or another. We (USA) nor anyone else for that matter is going to "go to war" physically over the Ukraine or probably any other territory over there. We are going to stand our ground, but we are not going to mobilize our forces. So again, I think trying to get a permanent cease fire for both Countries, hammer out an accord and resume trade in that part of the world is a good thing. I don't call that cozying up to Russia. We cannot afford to continue to fully fund Ukraine. Let's put it in reverse, is Canada going to start writing the full check?
One of the problems with a lot of what is posted here is that all sides post it with emotion because they don't like this or that, or this person or that person ,etc. I don't care about that, I care about results, I am a realist like I said, I am never going to fully like any politician. None of them are perfect to my liking, actually far from it. They unfortunately are a necessity in our society. SO - I vote/believe for what is best for my situation, we get ONE spin around this world, I will be dadgummed if I am going to waste worrying about the personality of whatever buffoon is in office.
At the end of the day, the current guy in office is stuck with some awful scenarios that have been created an exacerbated over the last 50 years. He didn't create the trade deficit, that happened in the 80s when manufacturing started leaving America in droves, he didn't start the Ukraine conflict, he didn't bomb Palestine (although I may argue that if that happened 40 years ago, may not have the shiitehole situation we do today), he didn't open our borders and ignore the laws we had on the books which mandate an immigration process, he didn't allow certain South American countries to dump their violent gang members on US soil through a shady visa process, he didn't sell excess firearms to Mexican Cartels. This is not emotion, but merely fact. The current State in a lot of areas is a freaking mess, but I wouldn't move anywhere else. America still and continues to be a land of opportunity.