Things that annoy me (7 Viewers)

I like Farheed Zacharia from CNN on his Sunday! Great stories, great questions and great content. I also like Bret Bier from FOX, he report THE NEWS and also does the "outside our borders" segment to share stories about news every where else in the world and still tune into to PBS to REALLY see whats going on.

What annoys me about the media (on both sides and in the middle) is the attitude and that attitude can be dissected a millions ways around, but I grew up with Dan Rather, Charles Kuralt, Barbara Walters, Ted Koppel, Paul Harvey, etc and their style was Plus, the panel guest arguing has just become fodder for making a name for themselves.

I personally am sick of the muckraking and yellow journalism that our media has become and likewise the politicians who do it too.

John from Texas

Being the media is 90% in one direction ,,
Being the media is 90% in one direction ,,

I was at baggage claim last week, and CNN was playing on the monitor. They had a commercial for a new anchor/news person. It was 30 seconds of her posing and smiling and looking pretty. It looked liked a teeth whitening commercial. Nothing about her journalist credentials. I just thought "Walter Cronkite never posed liked that."
Traffic circles. They don't always result in disaster but I've seen some wild driving in the Gettysburg traffic circle. A lethal combination of overly aggressive and timid drivers. I suspect Demon Rum, however, in this latest incident:

Yeah, we have what is supposed to be the first roundabout in PA over here, near Schwenksville. I think someone who wants to be more like the EU is pushing these, over traffic lights or plain ol' stop signs. The roundabouts don't work, because people don't know how to drive. They still treat them as stop signs, instead of realizing it's a yield and you can roll if there's no one coming. Traffic lights with sensor controls would work better.

It's annoying to be on a conference call and someone is eating, schmatzing and smacking all the while. If you have to eat during a call, hit the @#$%^& mute button.

Comcast cable company! These robbers got me again. Woke up this AM and found that my favorite channel, Turner Classic Movies, had been moved to the Sports Entertainment Package and was no longer available to me under the package I currently pay for (and have had for years). The solution? I had to pay $9.95 per month to get TCM back by adding the Sports package to my bill. At least I now get the NFL channel and the Red Zone, plus such notable offerings as the soccer channel, the tennis channel (is that still a thing?), and the ever popular Country Music Channel. Hee-wack! -- Al
That guy who was sitting behind home plate at the Dodgers game last night wearing a Miami Marlins jersey- the only bright orange thing in the entire city of LA last night- except for perhaps Orange Crush and Daiquiris.
Comcast cable company! These robbers got me again. Woke up this AM and found that my favorite channel, Turner Classic Movies, had been moved to the Sports Entertainment Package and was no longer available to me under the package I currently pay for (and have had for years). The solution? I had to pay $9.95 per month to get TCM back by adding the Sports package to my bill. At least I now get the NFL channel and the Red Zone, plus such notable offerings as the soccer channel, the tennis channel (is that still a thing?), and the ever popular Country Music Channel. Hee-wack! -- Al

Comcast recently dropped Cinemax for anyone who was subscribing to it. They indicated it was being replaced with something called "Hitz" which is not actually a channel but mostly older movies that can be watched via On Demand. No corresponding reduction in price for losing Cinemax but the kicker was that you could resubscribe to Cinemax by paying Comcast a new monthly fee on top of the fee that you had already been paying to receive it in the first place. The NFL Red Zone is pretty handy. I'm surprised the NFL allows it because you can basically watch the important part of any NFL game without having to buy an expensive NFL plan.
That guy who was sitting behind home plate at the Dodgers game last night wearing a Miami Marlins jersey- the only bright orange thing in the entire city of LA last night- except for perhaps Orange Crush and Daiquiris.

He shows up at a lot of sporting events. I'm not interested enough to look him up but he is some product of the social media age who promotes himself for reasons that are not entirely clear to the rest of humanity. Anyone remember the guy who used go around with the John 3:16 sign to sporting events for years? He had some type of bushy rainbow hair. I think he is in jail now. Or "Dancing Barry" of the showtime Laker era? When I was attending USC football games back in the 80s, there was an old guy who looked like Charles Manson who always rang a cow bell at LA sports events.
That guy who was sitting behind home plate at the Dodgers game last night wearing a Miami Marlins jersey- the only bright orange thing in the entire city of LA last night- except for perhaps Orange Crush and Daiquiris.

That's the bozo known as Marlins "Hey everyone look at me in this expensive seat behind home plate even though I am not a fan of either team" Man...………

I'll never understand it; I'm a local sports fan, I do like the Giants, Cardinals, Braves and A's in MLB, but I'd be hard pressed to drop big money on a plane ticket, hotel, meals and most importantly a prime seat for a playoff game in any of their parks, he should put that money to better use.

Like buying a clue for instance.
I'm glad all the residents were allright, but I hope that this was just a regular gift shop, not a place selling antiques and militaria. People who drive like idiots are annoying.:mad:

Yes, the gift shop is the standard tourist shop. For anyone who has visited Gettysburg, this happened just across the road from the Virginia Wade house and a short distance from the Baltimore Street entrance to the GB national cemetery. Fortunately, it happened very early this morning because it is a pedestrian area near the tour bus center. The speed limit there can't be more than 25. This driver had to be completely out of control.
People who drive way too fast! A graduate of the Tiger Woods driving school visited Gettysburg this morning. I hope no one was planning on shopping at the Blue and Gray Gift shop:

you should have seen all the Texan/Galvestonians trying to navigate icy roads here...
people spinning out left and right trying to make turns......
Texans don't know how to navigate icy streets...

here's a 133 car pile up with 6 fatalities in Fort Worth...
pretty graphic...
The reoccurring dream where you are back in college or high school and there is some course you need to complete to graduate but you can't figure out what it is or where you are supposed to show up for the exam.
Worse than non-mask wearers are those people that pull up a scarf or banadana
People who use the terms "really unique" or "very unique". the word 'Unigue' is a sinuglar.
Worse than non-mask wearers are those people that pull up a scarf or banadana

Better something than nothing !

I'd say each to their own, but in this case only in the open air. {sm0}


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