Things that annoy me (15 Viewers)

Airport abbreviations that make it impossible to determine what city they are associated with. For example, BNA is Nashville. MDT is Harrisburg.
TSA. I hate almost everything about air travel. So it's difficult to single out one thing, but recently noticed that many TSA agents are extremely rude. I realize they have a thankless and impossible task but man can they be obnoxious. For example, coming through the airport yesterday and one agent was repeatedly yelling at folks in line that "it wasn't her job" to push items through the metal detector. I kind of thought that might be part of her job since she appeared to be otherwise standing there doing nothing. Also the ever changing rules about what you have to do. Sometimes you have to take your shoes off, sometimes not. Sometimes you have pull out all your electronics, sometimes not. Always changing and no apparent consistent standards. They stare at you like an idiot if you don't know the drill. Patting down old ladies and kids. The whole process is a sort of comedy to watch. The age of idiocracy.
The assumption in stores, especially gas stations, restaurants, etc that everyone wants to hear blaring country music. Nothing against anyone who likes CW, I just don't won't to share. :wink2: Chris
TSA. I hate almost everything about air travel. So it's difficult to single out one thing, but recently noticed that many TSA agents are extremely rude. I realize they have a thankless and impossible task but man can they be obnoxious. For example, coming through the airport yesterday and one agent was repeatedly yelling at folks in line that "it wasn't her job" to push items through the metal detector. I kind of thought that might be part of her job since she appeared to be otherwise standing there doing nothing. Also the ever changing rules about what you have to do. Sometimes you have to take your shoes off, sometimes not. Sometimes you have pull out all your electronics, sometimes not. Always changing and no apparent consistent standards. They stare at you like an idiot if you don't know the drill. Patting down old ladies and kids. The whole process is a sort of comedy to watch. The age of idiocracy.

Went thru TSA and there were two agents each looking at bags thru the x-ray machines. One pulled about every other bag, including mine, for individual search. The other passed every bag thru without problem. Trying to make a connecting flight, and just barley made it. And of course there was only one agent to check all the bags that had been pulled. Chris
TSA. I hate almost everything about air travel. So it's difficult to single out one thing, but recently noticed that many TSA agents are extremely rude. I realize they have a thankless and impossible task but man can they be obnoxious. For example, coming through the airport yesterday and one agent was repeatedly yelling at folks in line that "it wasn't her job" to push items through the metal detector. I kind of thought that might be part of her job since she appeared to be otherwise standing there doing nothing. Also the ever changing rules about what you have to do. Sometimes you have to take your shoes off, sometimes not. Sometimes you have pull out all your electronics, sometimes not. Always changing and no apparent consistent standards. They stare at you like an idiot if you don't know the drill. Patting down old ladies and kids. The whole process is a sort of comedy to watch. The age of idiocracy.


Apply for and get TSA pre-check. I think that might be your answer. Less people, happier agents, no is good. In fact, if you have TSA pre-check it goes on your ticket from the airline. C'mon man join the club!

John from Texas

Apply for and get TSA pre-check. I think that might be your answer. Less people, happier agents, no is good. In fact, if you have TSA pre-check it goes on your ticket from the airline. C'mon man join the club!

John from Texas

Pre-check definitely makes things easier.

Okay I got one...but first a disclaimer...I love dogs and grew up with them. Specifically, labradors. In fact, I have a breeders certification from AKC to breed labs and we have had two litters from my line. LOVE THEM more than my sister and have trained my dogs to earn Good Canine Certs from AKC so they can visit the old folks, hospitals or take them places.

Just got back from Home Depot and while checking out an older guy (Sorry I can't describe him like George) and his wife had their dog with them. He was skittish and was swinging his head at every person that walked by. Translation? He is NOT a service dog. He wouldn't sit nor stay, but the owner was not making a fuss of it, but I noticed it. Plus, his lead/leash was not that of a service dog. I say this because I have worked and been around military police service dogs when I was a cop in the USAF and military dogs (like mine) have a short lead.

So, they check out and are putting their money away and leaving out the exit. Enter, the shaved poodle the size of a burrito with a loooooooong lead who goes into attack/defend mode and begins barking (rather yapping) at the old guys dog. Who, retaliates with his own barks and pulls at his lead which is likewise as long. Chaos ensures at the exit with two dogs trying to attack each other and the small dogs owner pulls the lead in and runs past the big dog. I had had it and said "there NOT service dogs" as the fight ensued, but was drowned out by the barks and the commotion of everybody who was trying to get out of the way. The old guys splits out of Home Depot and the poodle heads to the paint department who is barking at everybody around. here is my gripe: HOME DEPOT is NOT PETSMART.

So there.

John from Texas

PS: I am sure we can start a thread on the whole service dog thing. I am a proponent of TRAINED service dogs...not FIFI. And remember I love dogs, but there is a time and place for mans best friend.
1 million percent agree John.. The amount of people who bring dogs everywhere is insane and out of control...
A companion animal is not a service dog, a comfort animal is not a service dog. A service dog is a trained animal for a specific purpose. People they are dogs... they can stay home by themselves..

I had a situation where we had a customer who threw a fit due to the fact that one of my store mangers refused to let her bring in her cat to make sure the cat liked her new mattress.
I ***** you not.. She wanted her cat to test the mattress. I had to call this lady and explain multiple times that people are allergic to cats and it can effect other customers. That the law does not cover companion animals. Her animal wasn't a service animal and she would not get it. I was a very mean person and didn't like animals. I guess all those times I volunteer to walk dogs at the animal welfare league on Tuesdays won't count.

Okay I got one...but first a disclaimer...I love dogs and grew up with them. Specifically, labradors. In fact, I have a breeders certification from AKC to breed labs and we have had two litters from my line. LOVE THEM more than my sister and have trained my dogs to earn Good Canine Certs from AKC so they can visit the old folks, hospitals or take them places.

Just got back from Home Depot and while checking out an older guy (Sorry I can't describe him like George) and his wife had their dog with them. He was skittish and was swinging his head at every person that walked by. Translation? He is NOT a service dog. He wouldn't sit nor stay, but the owner was not making a fuss of it, but I noticed it. Plus, his lead/leash was not that of a service dog. I say this because I have worked and been around military police service dogs when I was a cop in the USAF and military dogs (like mine) have a short lead.

So, they check out and are putting their money away and leaving out the exit. Enter, the shaved poodle the size of a burrito with a loooooooong lead who goes into attack/defend mode and begins barking (rather yapping) at the old guys dog. Who, retaliates with his own barks and pulls at his lead which is likewise as long. Chaos ensures at the exit with two dogs trying to attack each other and the small dogs owner pulls the lead in and runs past the big dog. I had had it and said "there NOT service dogs" as the fight ensued, but was drowned out by the barks and the commotion of everybody who was trying to get out of the way. The old guys splits out of Home Depot and the poodle heads to the paint department who is barking at everybody around. here is my gripe: HOME DEPOT is NOT PETSMART.

So there.

John from Texas

PS: I am sure we can start a thread on the whole service dog thing. I am a proponent of TRAINED service dogs...not FIFI. And remember I love dogs, but there is a time and place for mans best friend.

Spot on John. Anyone who knows me knows I'm an animal lover, cats, dogs, you name it, but this "dog" thing has gotten way out of hand.

In your scenario, what if that big *** dog mauled that poor burrito sized poodle, or worse yet, got all wound up and took a chunk out of some poor SOB trying to enter or exit the store?

I see dogs everywhere I go and the vast majority of them clearly are NOT service dogs.

My sister got a dog a few years ago, she takes him everywhere, put him in the carriage at the super market, the manager did not go for it, ie that **** did not flush, she got all torked off, tough cookies sweetheart, it's not a service dog, so enough with the nonsense.

Last year I attended show in PA, was on the first floor of the hotel, was laying in bed relaxing and I heard some dog barking his brains out in the hallway; what in the Hell? I open the door and there's the sister of the old battleax from my post office standing there with some hideous looking thing, it looked like a rat with curly fur. Went down to the front desk and asked what is the deal with the dog? She tells me "Oh, we're a pet friendly hotel and several rooms on the first floor are designated pet rooms."

My reply "Yeah; ok...……..listen, put me upstairs somewhere or I'll check out and you can refund my money, nothing against dogs, but I'm not listening to that yapping for three days"...…………...upstairs to the third floor I went.

Enough is enough.
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On pets, what is the deal allowing them on plane cabins with passengers in the US! I was blown away that pets are allowed in cabins, in Aussie they have to be in the hold with the luggage. I'm not a animal hater but seriously, I couldn't image sitting next to a dog carrying on like a pork chop for hours on end!

Spot on John. Anyone who knows me knows I'm an animal lover, cats, dogs, you name it, but this "dog" thing has gotten way out of hand.

In your scenario, what if that big *** dog mauled that poor burrito sized poodle, or worse yet, got all wound up and took a chunk out of some poor SOB trying to enter or exit the store?

I see dogs everywhere I go and the vast majority of them clearly are NOT service dogs.

My sister got a dog a few years ago, she takes him everywhere, put him in the carriage at the super market, the manager did not go for it, ie that **** did not flush, she got all torked off, tough cookies sweetheart, it's not a service dog, so enough with the nonsense.

Last year I attended show in PA, was on the first floor of the hotel, was laying in bed relaxing and I heard some dog barking his brains out in the hallway; what in the Hell? I open the door and there's the sister of the old battleax from my post office standing there with some hideous looking thing, it looked like a rat with curly fur. Went down to the front desk and asked what is the deal with the dog? She tells me "Oh, we're a pet friendly hotel and several rooms on the first floor are designated pet rooms."

My reply "Yeah; ok...……..listen, put me upstairs somewhere or I'll check out and you can refund my money, nothing against dogs, but I'm not listening to that yapping for three days"...…………...upstairs to the third floor I went.

Enough is enough.

I guess you weren’t barking up the wrong tree.

Apply for and get TSA pre-check. I think that might be your answer. Less people, happier agents, no is good. In fact, if you have TSA pre-check it goes on your ticket from the airline. C'mon man join the club!

John from Texas

Everyone in my family except for me has the pre-check. It does look fantastic but there is no place close to get it done. And I imagine some DMV type bureaucratic nightmare. Another beef with air travel. The exiting process from the plane where every idiot leaps to their feet the moment the seatbelt sign goes off and flood the aisles where they have to stand for ten minutes. If you are sitting in an aisle seat and don't immediately jump to your feet the person sitting by the window starts to glare at you. Then you get stampeded by those from the back of the plane when you try to get out. Human nature is bizarre. The impulse to get off the plane immediately at all costs even when you know the door won't open for several minutes can't be contained. At best you save a couple of minutes by bulling your way off the plane after sitting there for hours.

Regarding dogs. They are a pain in the backside. I see people walking them in the rain and freezing cold. My dad gets up at 5AM to take his out. A nightmare. I'll stick with cats.
things that annoy me...

those heart breaking commercials seeking donations for abused, abandoned and neglected dogs...
coupled with some sad song playing in the background...
they make me sick to my stomach...

they show these pitiful abused looking animals...
maybe blind in one eye...
starved til ribs are exposed...
scars on their head from sport fighting...
with the most soulful expressions of pain and neglect in their eyes...

coupled with captions like...
"What did I do wrong?"...
"Are you mad at me?"...
"Help me please...I'm hungry."...

seems like I see at least one of these commercial a day and I can't watch them...
I have to change the channel...

while they break my heart...I don't donate...
I feel my money would go to funding another heart wrenching commercial...

I have a dog...a mini schnauzer...he is my buddy...
his name is Boo...he sleeps in my bed...I love my pet...
these commercials are disgusting...
they play the sympathy card way too hard...
The really bad thing is less than 4% of the money you would donate would go to animal shelters. Aspca and Husu both keep 95 % of the money that is sent in for operating cost.
And the commercials is a direct play on a animal lovers guilt. Vile to say the least.
The really bad thing is less than 4% of the money you would donate would go to animal shelters. Aspca and Husu both keep 95 % of the money that is sent in for operating cost.
And the commercials is a direct play on a animal lovers guilt. Vile to say the least.

Pretty much as I figured; totally disgusting...…………….
We donate to a couple of small local animal rescues. I find that the smaller ones, although unable to reach every animal, really do effect the lives of the those they do help.

A few times a year we partner with certain groups to find out what supplies they need, blankets, food, toys, treats etc. Then we put an ad out offering a discount on our gym's services if you bring those items in. It s very popular and a win-win for everyone. Clients love it, the rescue organizations love it and we get to give back to a charity that is dear to us.
The NFL...and it keeps getting worse, year after year. Used to rank right up there with baseball as my favorite sport, now it's not even Top 5 for me. At least it hasn't sunk to the level of the NBA, which I haven't watched since sometime last century. -- Al
things that annoy me...

those heart breaking commercials seeking donations for abused, abandoned and neglected dogs...
coupled with some sad song playing in the background...
they make me sick to my stomach...

they show these pitiful abused looking animals...
maybe blind in one eye...
starved til ribs are exposed...
scars on their head from sport fighting...
with the most soulful expressions of pain and neglect in their eyes...

coupled with captions like...
"What did I do wrong?"...
"Are you mad at me?"...
"Help me please...I'm hungry."...

seems like I see at least one of these commercial a day and I can't watch them...
I have to change the channel...

while they break my heart...I don't donate...
I feel my money would go to funding another heart wrenching commercial...

I have a dog...a mini schnauzer...he is my buddy...
his name is Boo...he sleeps in my bed...I love my pet...
these commercials are disgusting...
they play the sympathy card way too hard...

Its the music that gets me!!!

John your neighbor

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