This forum is crazy (2 Viewers)

It will be, when the Spanish turning of inquisition upward with the plate to ..... and the dead parrot??????:eek::eek::D:D

Hmmmm, I'm guessing that there is no Russian word for 'Spam'
They're more switched on than I gave them credit for. :D
Оно будет, когда испанский поворот инквизиторства вверх с плитой спам и мертвый попыгай

Avrò lo Spam, lo Spam, lo Spam e Spam, con lo Spam. Più vicario del tè?
Ahh, the subtle art of butchering multiple languages in a single thread. :)
Hi guys,
I have been away for three days and can see things have cooled down and a number of posts deleted (including several of mine).
Last week I was finding the forum was not such a fun place and made a number of comments that probably added to that perception for other forum members. I would like to apologise for getting too serious about certain posts and in particular thank the moderators for deleting my comments.
Good to see the forum going positive again.

The reason I was away was a WWI / WWII re-enactor show about 100km west of Brisbane (in Oz). You will be happy to know the Lighthorse charged again at Beersheba and won again and the Desert Rats were victorious. There was a complaint from an Arab soldier that he killed an Aussie soldier 4 times and he still kept getting up ! The unexpected highlight was the German fighter plane breaking his propellor upon landing but luckily pilot was unhurt.

One of the re-enactors made an interesting comment. On the first day he was dressed as a WWII German and he said no members of the public approached him to talk. The second day he was dressed as a WWII Aussie and plenty of people came up to talk to him !

Regards to all,
Did anyone notice we have a lot more new members? Most of the guys who have been deleted though have been around a bit. So we could call it growing pains. But this stuff usually comes and goes. So hang tight and ry not to take ones self too seriously.:D:)
Did anyone notice we have a lot more new members? Most of the guys who have been deleted though have been around a bit. So we could call it growing pains. But this stuff usually comes and goes. So hang tight and ry not to take ones self too seriously.:D:)

Hope the grouchy old men syndrome do not drive the newbies away...I have seen it on toy train forums..:rolleyes:Michael
The good thing is although things got heated,it did blow over pretty quick and calm seems to have returned:)

The good thing is although things got heated,it did blow over pretty quick and calm seems to have returned:)

That may be a might be a tad optimistic Rob. Some calm has returned, some causes that disturb the calm are apparently continuing with unabated enthusiasm, seemingly with childish pride in the offenses.:rolleyes: Perhaps we should just try to endeavor to persevere.;)
My head must have been in my casting pot (or somewhere else :D ) because I saw none of the goings-on you're all referencing now. Sorry to see some people got upset enough to want to leave, and to them as are veterans of the forum, please don't let anything here bother you that much as to make you stay away. And to anyone who's just being a troll, why don't you go on over to TownHall or DailyKos and take up contrary positions to the posts on the articles there. That's real man's work, if you like being an instigator.
That may be a might be a tad optimistic Rob. Some calm has returned, some causes that disturb the calm are apparently continuing with unabated enthusiasm, seemingly with childish pride in the offenses.:rolleyes: Perhaps we should just try to endeavor to persevere.;)

The Outlaw Josey Wales - one of my all time favourite movies. Must dig it out and watch it again. For that line alone.

....Sorry to see some people got upset enough to want to leave, and to them as are veterans of the forum, please don't let anything here bother you that much as to make you stay away. And to anyone who's just being a troll, why don't you go on over to TownHall or DailyKos and take up contrary positions to the posts on the articles there. That's real man's work, if you like being an instigator.
Excellent advice Brad; no quarter asked, none given.;)
Ahhh Groundhog Day, a lot of it was shot right around where I live, at the beginning when he was driving into Punxsatawney, you can see the sign of the bar I used to hang out in behind the Phil welcomes you sign, a lof of it was shot in Woodstock Illinois in the square infront of the old court house, that an the gravel pit shots, lots of those around here.
My head must have been in my casting pot (or somewhere else :D ) because I saw none of the goings-on you're all referencing now. Sorry to see some people got upset enough to want to leave, and to them as are veterans of the forum, please don't let anything here bother you that much as to make you stay away. And to anyone who's just being a troll, why don't you go on over to TownHall or DailyKos and take up contrary positions to the posts on the articles there. That's real man's work, if you like being an instigator.

Excellent advice Brad; no quarter asked, none given.;)

While it is in fact excellent advise, Spitfrnd and my good Baron sir, I'm afraid it will fall on deaf ears.
And another well-worn cliche might be - there's none so blind as those who will not see.

"Endeavor to persevere...We thought about that. And when we had thought long enough, we made war on the Union." Chief Dan George delivered that line so matter-of-factly. He was great in that movie.

"I used to know these things, before I became so civilized".
Wow - I just got caught up on this thread :eek:

I leave for Jazz Fest for a few days and missed the action.

Finally - a War of Words without me :p - Did anyone mention the fact the entire K&C Range of Market Garden is being retired ?

LOL - Sorry had to do it one more time ;)
Wow - I just got caught up on this thread :eek:

I leave for Jazz Fest for a few days and missed the action.

Finally - a War of Words without me :p - Did anyone mention the fact the entire K&C Range of Market Garden is being retired ?

LOL - Sorry had to do it one more time ;)


Strangely……… no! :rolleyes::D

While it is in fact excellent advise, Spitfrnd and my good Baron sir, I'm afraid it will fall on deaf ears.
And another well-worn cliche might be - there's none so blind as those who will not see.


That behavior always reminds me of one of my favorite lines from "The Naked Gun":

"Let's discuss this like adults....Mr. Poopy-Pants!"

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