time on my hands at last (2 Viewers)

One of your most imaginative Robin, reminds of the great Burt Lancaster movie the 'The Train'.....:salute::


Yes.great set up Robin which reminds me also of "The Train", also with the guards sitting on top reminds me of Von Ryans express, though of course the wagons were full of allied POW's and not looted treasure !

Anyway, Well done again Robin ! :salute::
Bit of everything Robin, the Train,von ryans express and the monument men, great setup cheers Graham.
Interesting scene Robin. I tend to read a bit about recovering artworks stolen by the Nazis and it’s not always easy for the heirs of the family that originally owned them to recover them especially if an intervening buyer(s) has purchased them in “good faith.”

Brad, the movie The Woman In GOld comes to mind. Good film somewhat based on historical events. Fascinating story. Chris
Right out of The Train, having watched the movie last week for about the 10th time. The train and artifacts in your dio are very realistic. :salute:: Chris
Right out of The Train, having watched the movie last week for about the 10th time. The train and artifacts in your dio are very realistic. :salute:: Chris
A superb movie in every respect. Trains, planes, tanks, motorcycles, Lancaster, and Scofield. Shot in glorious black and white, movie making doesn't get much better than Frankenheimer's The Train. ^&grin -- Al
The fur trade, North American Rocky Mountains 1840. Robin.


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A trade post with the trappers and some "firewater" for the indians, maybe:D.... Great !{sm3}{sm3}{sm3}
Yeah Guns and Firewater, the very things these young bucks will want !

Lovely scene you've created there Robin and look forward to seeing it develop.

June 1941, Operation Barbarossa. Robin.


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Robin those are great looking buildings. Who did those ?

I see Oliver is out front of the porch asking for more. I'm sure the Germans will oblige !


Hi Steve, those houses are older FL items. Always trying to mix and match, so Oliver gets a gig. On reflection in 1941, the German vehicles probably would be Grey rather than camo, so artistic license {sm4}. Always good to hear from you, especially enjoy your Vietnam scenes. Robin.

Another set of great dioramas, there is no let up in the WOW factor on your superb thread. Thanks for sharing them. :salute::
Excellent pictures Robin {bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}

Reminds me of some of the less violent scenes in COME AND SEE

Stay safe mate

The French Foreign Legion is investigating reports of an uprising, but while the patrol is away, there is a sneak attack on the fort from some locals, which are repulsed by heavy fire power. Robin.

( the front of the fort is a Carlo special, K&C rear wall)


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