Tomahawk Lands! (1 Viewer)


Sep 17, 2009
This Tomahawk just landed at my airfield today! Beautiful paint scheme with detailed cockpit. Will look great next to the Spit and Hurc. Now waiting for the AVG version. :wink2: Chris





One thing I notice is a gap between the left base of the windscreen and the cockpit rail. Looks to be from poor workmanship at the factory. Not properly glueing the piece to the structure. Hopefully a one of a kind defect.
Agreed, it is a nice bird, well done Chris.

Mine just flew in today too! I didn't notice any problems with the windscreen. There is a tiny gap where the propeller fits, which allows you to see the metal rod that fits into the nose, but that is only close-up and with a view from a 90 degree angle. It is close enough to flush to not matter at all. This is my 10th WWII plane. It is my only desert version so far, and I love the way it looks! The cockpit detail is especially nice.
Same here , beautiful aircraft but no room for any airforce !!!!
That's a real beauty, Chris. Great colors. Wish I had space for it, but am overwhelmed with canvas falcons. Besides, I am waiting for the 'must have' AVG version, for which space WILL be made.:wink2: -- Al
Its a beautiful aircraft, very appealing! Gotta find some space on the tarmac…
She's a good looking bird!!! I'm picking mine up next weekend & can't wait been asking Andy for this long enough lol

Craig ^&grin
Congrats on a very nice purchase Chris, terrific model. I'll be adding this to my air fleet soon but decided to finish my original RAF range first before deploying to North Africa (which I'll finally do in London this month). This superb new plane along with the new RAF figures for NA make this range very collectable, time to shift the office around again!:smile2:

A great aircraft (probably the best painted by K&C so far) in the markings of a great man.

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