You do a great job with these. Did you buy more newspapers at the Show?
I have my suspicion whether this sniper made it to the POW camp alive {eek3} ^&grin
Grass mat and rocks - JG Miniatures
Yes Martyn, from the looks of this illistration I suspect the "capturing" might be a tad misleading. :rolleyes2:
Another great rendition, well done! {bravo}}
As always very nicely doe my friend{bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}{bravo}}
I have my suspicion whether this sniper made it to the POW camp alive {eek3} ^&grin
Grass mat and rocks - JG Miniatures
The men in the picture are National Scouts. Boers who joined the British forces. To this day there is great hatred towards them amongst Afrikaners.Nice little display. That Boer should have checked the batteries in his hearing aid before taking a pot shot at the troopers.
Nice little display. That Boer should have checked the batteries in his hearing aid before taking a pot shot at the troopers.
The men in the picture are National Scouts. Boers who joined the British forces. To this day there is great hatred towards them amongst Afrikaners.
They betrayed their own people and are generally regarded as beyond the pale.
Herman Charles Bosman wrote a beautiful short story called the Traitors Wife about a national scout who is betrayed by his own wife to the burgers still in the field to be executed rather than remain married to a traitor
As usual Martyn great images
Many thanks Damian, good to see you posting again {bravo}}
I have just found the 4 bound issues of "With The Flag To Pretoria" and "After Pretoria - The Guerilla War". Lots of great pictures in the 4 volumes {bravo}}
What do you mean Just Found! {sm2}{sm4}
Jeff :wink2:
The men in the picture are National Scouts. Boers who joined the British forces. To this day there is great hatred towards them amongst Afrikaners.
They betrayed their own people and are generally regarded as beyond the pale.
Herman Charles Bosman wrote a beautiful short story called the Traitors Wife about a national scout who is betrayed by his own wife to the burgers still in the field to be executed rather than remain married to a traitor
As usual Martyn great images
Great looking piece. If I'm not mistaken there's one on eBay right now.
Quite correct Martyn. What unit does this represent?
Martyn: Is this a single figure set? Very nice. Tommy"MAXIM GUN IN ACTION AT ONE THOUSAND YARDS" May 29th 1901
Martyn: Is this a single figure set? Very nice. Tommy