U-96 Sub.... Are You In ? (1 Viewer)

I did not state who I was referencing with the 300 versus 100 lot runs. I was referencing Figarti not K&C as you erroneously assumed. Economy of scale is a manufacturing fact of life whether you choose to recognise it or not! When Figarti went from 100 piece lots to 300 piece lots on their Tiger I the cost dropped significantly.

Get off your high horse. There are a lot of educated people on this board that understand and comprehend economies of scale. I work with them for a living.

Figarti was a very different model than most for a multitude of reasons - the time on design was usually a money loser for Rick as he made a lot of models he or his Dad wanted to make, they were not always profit driven. The material they used was very different and had a higher cost. The moulds they used were only good for 100 pieces due to material and composition. He hand engraved the bottom of the figures at one point. The first tiger you referenced was not necessarily super expensive for the reasons you think, ie the 100 unit run. It was super expensive because it was a crap ton of individual parts that had to be hand assembled. Rick talked of trying to launch it in full at Chicago and they failed due to production time, he even said he was putting a tiger together by hand during his flight to the show.

The point is you continually post these multitude of statements on here as if they are bonafide facts and you are continually off. Maybe you should try keeping your declarations fact based and there would not be so many misunderstandings which seem to follow you from sea to shining sea........or thread to thread in this case.

With me, I will start with the conning tower, then the base for the tower, then the deck gun. So I have the main component/ centerpiece first, And build from there..... I don't think anyone is going to be wrong in getting this. It just a plus in every way, I always loved the shock and awe pieces in the past, and this one hopefully will be the start of the next ones....


I agree....An occasional shock & Awe piece available for collector's to buy is a good thing. Price point is still important to many, but not all.
If delivery schedules don't change, we should see what U-96 is all about here soon.

I always find that the first person in a discussion to start calling names is the loser. Adults discuss a subject and argue points of interest pro and con rationally. Children call each other names.

I try to maintain civil discourse; so I would not respond in kind. I do however engage in humor in response to ridicule; but to recognise wry humor requires a certain level of sophistication.

Once again you just make it up as you go. Change the narrative, facts, etc. whatever you can do to keep this going. As has been proved many times in the past, you are a complete Maroon. If you actually had a command of the English language, you would plainly see that Brad was posting his opinion that $500 for the parts he would be interested are NOT WORTH it to him. I don't think he as talking about what he can afford or not, he is talking about his perception of Value.

But whatever, maybe you can stick to trying to come up with anatomically correct Elephant heads..................................never quite defined that one after at least 100 pictures of actual live elephants were posted showing about every kind of head shape and then some, but of course, your blinders must have been on during that one.

Back to regularly scheduled programming...........................................
Perhaps I could have been clearer (although Tom obviously understood what I was saying) but my spending $500 has nothing to do whether I can afford it but whether I wish to spend that amount of money on the conning tower et al and I do not wish to do so.
Not necessarily a must have for me but it looks good and will no doubt fill a gap in a few collections. Speaking only for myself I prefer to compare releases like this to products on the market rather than what might have been. There are an infinite number of things that it is not. It only aspires to be one thing and I would lean toward judging it on what TCS has set out to accomplish and the extent to which they have been successful. It is the same way a good movie reviewer rates a movie. Not all movies set out to change people's lives. Some are just there to entertain and should be judged with that in mind.
Not to go against anybody, I hope that this does sell out completely. So that if CS has other ideas in this grander pieces, it will not stop them from making it.....
I had to separate this from the other one I posted. This thread is beginning to be a continual discussions of other threads that fellow forum members started,that kept going against each other.
If some how the inclination is to revert back to being children, calling other ones in a demeaning way. P!ease stop. Let's just act the age we are, and fight the inclination.... I know I might be doing the same thing, but I just had to point it out.
This thread was doing good until the hostility, however small or big it is started.
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I think it will sell out as it is a very interesting piece at a reasonable price. A success will possibly result in a US Submarine.

Not to go against anybody, I hope that this does sell out completely. So that if CS has other ideas in this grander pieces, it will not stop them from making it.....
I had to separate this from the other one I posted. This thread is beginning to be a continual discussions of other threads that fellow forum members started,that kept going against each other.
If some how the inclination is to revert back to being children, calling other ones in a demeaning way. P!ease stop. Let's just act the age we are, and fight the inclination.... I know I might be doing the same thing, but I just had to point it out.
This thread was doing good until the hostility, however small or big it is started.

You are 100% correct. I unfortunately have lost patience and probably should refrain from posting a retort. I just cannot stand when facts get mixed with declarations that are either patently incorrect or grossly misstated or not conveyed as they are meant to be. I guess I am still annoyed with anatomy!

Anyhow, back to this thread, I do hope that this sells out too as I think it is a bold endeavor and commend Brian for giving it a go. I am probably in with the camp that if he would have made the whole thing I would be more inclined. That said, for me, the tower is the centerpoint and the Andrea one has been on my drawing board for a long time. I am not sure who has the better detail as I have not seen this one in the flesh, I have only seen the Andrea one finished in Russia.

All of that said to KV - I saw your note and we may just have to explore that one further!!

All the best
much like you I am on the fence. I have only ever missed out on 1 item - Figarti E boat and after friend's Gary and Han's disasters with both, I am happy I did!!!!!!!!

As to quality I agree, I am debating on having the Andrea pieces painted in Russia for roughly the same cost, they have been projects on my drawing board and since the tower is my main focus, that is probably the option I am going to go with instead of this one but again, no rush on either.



This is a great idea. A friend recently acquired the Andrea sets painted in Russia, and they look really nice. I will see if I can post a few images. I agree, no rush on either option.


This is a great idea. A friend recently acquired the Andrea sets painted in Russia, and they look really nice. I will see if I can post a few images. I agree, no rush on either option.


Awesome, look forward to seeing them.

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