Well tomorrow is the end. The 177th episode. Even though the show went down IMO it still gave me a lot of enjoyment over the years.{eek3} But don't worry you can still keep up with the 3 dozen spinoffs coming.^&grin

I'm about six episodes behind. Completely lost interest and forgot the plots and characters. I'll probably watch them at some point and FF through all the speeches just to see how it wraps up. The show lost its focus a couple of seasons ago and got stuck in the same rut over and over. A new bad guy or woman emerges to cause a threat. They play it out for a couple seasons. The reoccurring theme is whether it's possible for an individual to avoid seeking revenge in the presence of evil or whether that causes them to become like the evil doers. Every character struggles with this decision and comes down on both sides. Repeat endlessly.
Yes, I will be there, hoping for a good 'ending', though with all the spinoffs, not sure how much of an ending we will get. Then it's on the SAS Rogue Heroes. -- Al
Yes I got a couple shows to wrap up but SAS Rogue Heroes is on my list to watch also.
I'm about six episodes behind. Completely lost interest and forgot the plots and characters. I'll probably watch them at some point and FF through all the speeches just to see how it wraps up. The show lost its focus a couple of seasons ago and got stuck in the same rut over and over. A new bad guy or woman emerges to cause a threat. They play it out for a couple seasons. The reoccurring theme is whether it's possible for an individual to avoid seeking revenge in the presence of evil or whether that causes them to become like the evil doers. Every character struggles with this decision and comes down on both sides. Repeat endlessly.
Obviously, the show was at it's best early on when everyone was on the road and the chopping block. I think it started to bog down a bit with all the time spent in the prison but at least they eventually left that to so more good 'road' shows. When they reached Alexandria, I feel the decline sped up. -- Al
Not all that impressed with the finale but I guess they think they did their best, and I really don't have any idea how to have ended it anyway. The one thing I somehow missed during the goings-on is what the heck did Rosalita die from? I thought maybe she got chomped and I missed it, but evidently not. She just laid down and drifted off. Did she contract or mention anything in an earlier episode or did I just miss the reason last night? Now, which spin-off will appeal? -- Al
I think when she fell and she must have got bit on the shoulder. I think that's what Eugene was looking at.
Not a terrible ending. Some semi-regulars bit ^&grinthe dust.2 things got to me. The first is when the people were at the gates and they said they had to save the community well there was suppose to be 50,000 people in the Commonwealth and that look like a lot less. The Walkers must have had a all you can eat buffet. The second was the way they destroyed all the walkers in one shot. It just looked too easy.
I think when she fell and she must have got bit on the shoulder. I think that's what Eugene was looking at.
Not a terrible ending. Some semi-regulars bit ^&grinthe dust.2 things got to me. The first is when the people were at the gates and they said they had to save the community well there was suppose to be 50,000 people in the Commonwealth and that look like a lot less. The Walkers must have had a all you can eat buffet. The second was the way they destroyed all the walkers in one shot. It just looked too easy.
I also thought the whole incinerate the walkers in one go felt like an easy way out. I think that the new threat walkers, (moving faster, climbing walls, etc.) came way too late in the overall show so the impact of the increased danger just didn't make much impression. Thanks for the clue about Rosalita being bitten when she fell. I missed that as I was cussing the whole sequence as she burst forth like a superhero. Thought her going down in the swarm would have been much more realistic and poignant but I should have known the writers would wuss out and not kill the infant. -- Al
I also thought the whole incinerate the walkers in one go felt like an easy way out. I think that the new threat walkers, (moving faster, climbing walls, etc.) came way too late in the overall show so the impact of the increased danger just didn't make much impression. Thanks for the clue about Rosalita being bitten when she fell. I missed that as I was cussing the whole sequence as she burst forth like a superhero. Thought her going down in the swarm would have been much more realistic and poignant but I should have known the writers would wuss out and not kill the infant. -- Al
I also agree that the new walkers was a bit late in this show and I just read that Rosita was actually bitten on the neck. Also it was the actress's idea that she be killed.
What happened in the end? did the virus end, did anyone survive?
No spoilers from me, but I will say most of the characters seemed to have survived. Must say the ending with Darryl reminded me of Then Came Bronson, going down that long lonesome highway. -- Al
No spoilers from me, but I will say most of the characters seemed to have survived. Must say the ending with Darryl reminded me of Then Came Bronson, going down that long lonesome highway. -- Al

The finale was strangely emotionless for characters who have been together for so long. If they ended with Darryl riding off into the sunset and fading to black, that would have been fine, but they couldn't resist the temptation to promo the spin off shows. So the ending was jumbled and not really a TWD finale but a prologue for several new shows.

SPOILER: Are we really supposed to believe that Rick has been roaming about in the woods writing notes and placing them in a literal bottle like a lobotomized Howard Hughes instead of making his way back to his friends and family? I think the Carol character was smart to call it quits. These spinoffs are going to tank.
I stopped watching / caring about TWD after the first half of the last season. When the final half became available for streaming without commercials I decided to finish it. Unfortunately I just cannot slog through it. What a terrible, terrible tv show. The dialogue, plots, action scenes, characters are all cartoonish, paper thin and written to the level of an 8 yr old — a dumb eight yr old at that. Dumpster fire would be a compliment. A stupid TV show written by stupid people for stupid viewers. I’ll def never watch any proprietary show on the AMC channel ever again. Begone TWD!
I stopped watching / caring about TWD after the first half of the last season. When the final half became available for streaming without commercials I decided to finish it. Unfortunately I just cannot slog through it. What a terrible, terrible tv show. The dialogue, plots, action scenes, characters are all cartoonish, paper thin and written to the level of an 8 yr old — a dumb eight yr old at that. Dumpster fire would be a compliment. A stupid TV show written by stupid people for stupid viewers. I’ll def never watch any proprietary show on the AMC channel ever again. Begone TWD!

Tell us how you really feel.^&grin^&grin^&grin
I don't think the new shows will do very well. You got Rick and Michonne in one show, Darryl in another and Negan and Maggie in another. Negan killed Maggie's husband and I don't think she could forgive him in reality so I don't see her teaming up with him. Besides I like bad Negan better than reformed Negan. I think TWD time has passed.
I don't think the new shows will do very well. You got Rick and Michonne in one show, Darryl in another and Negan and Maggie in another. Negan killed Maggie's husband and I don't think she could forgive him in reality so I don't see her teaming up with him. Besides I like bad Negan better than reformed Negan. I think TWD time has passed.
Agree, don't think I will get involved, unless Negan happens to relapse, finishes off Maggie in a Battle Royal, and then goes on another tear with Lucille... ^&grin -- Al
Lucille, probably the greatest non human character on TV!! I actually had a signed Lucille, but I got an offer I could not refuse to sell it. Serioulsy, I could buy another one again!!!

I stopped watching / caring about TWD after the first half of the last season. When the final half became available for streaming without commercials I decided to finish it. Unfortunately I just cannot slog through it. What a terrible, terrible tv show. The dialogue, plots, action scenes, characters are all cartoonish, paper thin and written to the level of an 8 yr old — a dumb eight yr old at that. Dumpster fire would be a compliment. A stupid TV show written by stupid people for stupid viewers. I’ll def never watch any proprietary show on the AMC channel ever again. Begone TWD!

For me, it is mindless entertainment. Yes you know what is going to happen, but I still got through it. All good things must end at some point. I will probably watch the spin offs only b/c honestly, it is still better than most network tv. When I watch tv, I go in with no expectations, much like movies, if they entertain me for that short time, then I am good.

Critical acclaim for me is the death knell to most entertainment. If a so called critic likes it, then for me, again for me, I can "absolutely guarantee it will suck!"

The first episode of "The Ones Who Live" was about what I expected which wasn't much. How many scenes can they film on park benches? Did the writer have some meaningful life event on a park bench? I can take a few implausible plot twists like Rick becoming a helicopter pilot AFTER chopping off his own hand but those endless introspective Rick scenes are brutal. Hamlet he is not. And when he crashes the helicopter, who is the first person that he encounters? Nostradamus is not required to guess that one. I give it a C-. If the most recent season of True Detective taught us anything, it is that even a terrible show can be endured for six episodes. Particularly when one third of the show is commercials, open credits, and previews.
The first episode of "The Ones Who Live" was about what I expected which wasn't much. How many scenes can they film on park benches? Did the writer have some meaningful life event on a park bench? I can take a few implausible plot twists like Rick becoming a helicopter pilot AFTER chopping off his own hand but those endless introspective Rick scenes are brutal. Hamlet he is not. And when he crashes the helicopter, who is the first person that he encounters? Nostradamus is not required to guess that one. I give it a C-. If the most recent season of True Detective taught us anything, it is that even a terrible show can be endured for six episodes. Particularly when one third of the show is commercials, open credits, and previews.

I watched about the first 15 minutes, then a fly was buzzing around my bedroom and I got distracted and lost interest.

I'm Zombied out, no thanks.
I didn't think it was too bad but I liked the show much better when you thought there was just a few humans left and had to fight for survival. Now I think they have went overboard on the human fighting human and the zombies are just in the background.
Long ago lost interest after the old crews fell apart but really, another chopped off hand? The road warriors of old are really missed from the show. Still remember the shocking episodes involving Carol and the young girls. Now that was zombie TV worth watching. Dump the cities, get back to the road... -- Al

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