Welcome to the Deep Freeze (3 Viewers)

Latest lunchtime forecast is calling for 14" to 18" for most of Maine.

I wouldn't care much about the snow, but my wife has a total knee replacement procedure slotted for Friday morning.
We need to be there by 5:50 AM.{sm2}

Rather bad timing for this mess to arrive.

--- LaRRy
Latest lunchtime forecast is calling for 14" to 18" for most of Maine.

I wouldn't care much about the snow, but my wife has a total knee replacement procedure slotted for Friday morning.
We need to be there by 5:50 AM.{sm2}

Rather bad timing for this mess to arrive.

--- LaRRy

14 - 18 inches of snow! {eek3} Larry, that's insane. Hope all goes well for your wife . . . .
:smile2: Mike
We're dodging a bullet here somewhat, 1" to 3" expected, mostly rain actually as I am closer to the coast, but high winds again, we already lost 6 trees in our complex, bound to lose a few more now.

Inland MA, north and west as well as NH and ME are going to get clobbered, heavy wet snow too, which means power outages and as Brad said, we've got areas along the coast still without power.

What a mess.
14 - 18 inches of snow! {eek3} Larry, that's insane. Hope all goes well for your wife . . . .
:smile2: Mike

Much appreciated, Mike. ^&grin

Looks like the storm may end at midnight on Thursday so that will give me the chance to get outdoors at 2:00 - 3:00 AM to clear away enough snow at the foot of the driveway to get the car out.

--- LaRRy
Whoever said Spring is just around the corner probably says they can see the light at the end of the tunnel {eek3}

Snowmageddon ended here around 5PM, with only about 5 inches of wet snow deposited. The clouds thinned out to the west and we had a beautiful sunset. Today our temperatures are in the 40s, and the meteorologists who cried, "Wolf!" already walked back talk of another storm on Sunday as of 4PM yesterday. Now they forecast a snow shower tomorrow morning, and sun and temperatures in the 40s through the weekend. It sounds like it'll be good traveling to Louis' on Saturday.


A postscript...

We received 12 or more and the roads are a mess, plus certain roads are closed. People are still digging out. We lost power Tuesday night (generator kicked in) but finally got it back last night. Hopefully, things will be better on Friday but right now it's a day for staying home.
Sounds like the generator was a good investment on your part Brad . . .
:smile2: Mike
Mike, in the past week, yes! We've had it for five years and had to barely use it until the last week. At the risk of repeating myself, during Hurricane Sand in 2012 we had no power for two weeks and we decided, never again.

We got lucky. Only 6 inches and half of it has already melted, as it’s in the 40’s today.
Sounds like I am the jackpot winner for this one.
Currently we have about 14" and it is still snowing. Looks like I might top out at 16"-18"

I have had my snowplow man here early this morning and he followed up just a few minutes ago.
He will come again tomorrow and shovel where he can't plow, so I am in good shape.

Weather guy say another storm on Tuesday, he but is holding off on the totals.

I'm going out this afternoon and hunt down that darn GROUNDHOG!!!

--- LaRRy
Itt's strange to be up here in Canada listening to all the descriptions of the storm on the east coast. For the past several weeks there has been little snow and with temperatures mostly just above freezing, the small amounts of snow melted quickly. The ground in the city is completely bare. Glad the storm didn't make it here. Good to be left out of the snow and cold discussion for once. Good luck guys. Terry
Sounds like I am the jackpot winner for this one.
Currently we have about 14" and it is still snowing. Looks like I might top out at 16"-18"

I have had my snowplow man here early this morning and he followed up just a few minutes ago.
He will come again tomorrow and shovel where he can't plow, so I am in good shape.

Weather guy say another storm on Tuesday, he but is holding off on the totals.

I'm going out this afternoon and hunt down that darn GROUNDHOG!!!

--- LaRRy


Since your wife is having surgery tomorrow, could you get a hotel room tonight near the hospital?

Good luck.


Since your wife is having surgery tomorrow, could you get a hotel room tonight near the hospital?

Good luck.


Evening Brad,

I looked into that and (am /was) holding that as an option. The storm has pretty much wound down to just a small flurry and I am 90% plowed out. Just the small wall at the end of the driveway that keeps getting deposited by passing city plows.

BUT ... the benefit of living in a small town in Maine. The local police told me that should I have "ANY" problems in the morning ICE or car won't start) to give them a call and they will be here in 3-4 min; for a free ride to the hospital .... {sm3}

My hat is off to my local men in BLUE!

--- LaRRy

I assume you got there since you’re posting.

Hope it all goes well.

It’s great to live in a small town where everything is personal.

My best for your wife, Larry

My pocket garden

Now :

In 3 months from now will be

I assume you got there since you’re posting.

Hope it all goes well.

It’s great to live in a small town where everything is personal.


My best for your wife, Larry

Many, many thanks for the words, gentlemen.

Although we have more snow that night, we had no issue getting to the hospital by 6:00 AM.
The Waldoboro police called at 5:50AM to check up and verify we were fine. I brought them down a plate of cookies today as a thank you; which they were surprised at, but readily devoured ...^&grin

Yes, the 5 hour procedure went very smoothly. Total knee replacement, which is amazing. She is doing wonderful.

The F&%$ing insurance called the hospital today and wanted to her sent home .... :mad: ... AFTER ONLY 24 hours!!!!!!!
Thankfully, we have the top orthopedic surgeon in the state so he told them to "Go to <a very hot place>"
Hopefully she can leave the hospital on Monday or Tuesday.

PS: I still hate my own cooking. Anyone have any good recipes for Pop Tarts!{sm2}

--- LaRRy
My best for your wife, Larry

My pocket garden

Now :
View attachment 229089

In 3 months from now will be
View attachment 229090

Mirof .... what a welcomed sight ... flowers.

3 months would be wonderful, but in Maine the seasons are:

* Getting ready for the winter snow season
* Snow-mageddon and Nor' Easter season
* Not to much snow season
* Oh look, I see a bit of grass by the ice mountain. {sm4}

--- LaRRy
Although we have more snow that night, we had no issue getting to the hospital by 6:00 AM.
The Waldoboro police called at 5:50AM to check up and verify we were fine. I brought them down a plate of cookies today as a thank you; which they were surprised at, but readily devoured ...^&grin

"And on todays episode of Waldoboro RFD, Andy and Barney took Mabel to the supermarket as she was out of prunes and was having issues. She got the prunes and alls well that ends well, she's clean as a whistle..........................bo do dodo, bo do dodo dodo, dodo dodo do dodo dodo, bo do, dodo dodo, dodo do do dodo..................".................;)..............

Glad it worked out for you and Aileen, I sincerely hope those cookies were baked by her and not you as I've had her cookies and they are outstanding.............yours, not so much......................hers, tremendous out of the oven, yours, right out of the box.
"And on todays episode of Waldoboro RFD, Andy and Barney took Mabel to the supermarket as she was out of prunes and was having issues. She got the prunes and alls well that ends well, she's clean as a whistle..........................bo do dodo, bo do dodo dodo, dodo dodo do dodo dodo, bo do, dodo dodo, dodo do do dodo..................".................;)..............

Glad it worked out for you and Aileen, I sincerely hope those cookies were baked by her and not you as I've had her cookies and they are outstanding.............yours, not so much......................hers, tremendous out of the oven, yours, right out of the box.

Well, George, you are not too far off.

During the storm, the Waldoboro EMT service did make deliveries of medicine to Edna Winchenbach; who is 96 and "still" living in her home.
Good Maine stock! Not Andy & Barney .... BUT .... Andy and Greg ... so not to bad a guess.


And yes, the cookies were made by Aileen. If you behave yourself I "might" :rolleyes2: bring another batch for you at the Valley Forge show.
Is there anybody here who thinks George can behave for 7 weeks ...:tongue:

--- LaRRy

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