What is this ?? (2 Viewers)

Andy in his haste to get the despatches up grabbed the wrong tank chassis..

Andy accidently put pic's of a mated T34 chassis with a Panzer IV turret, possible future release!

Andy playing tricks and or thinks it's April fools in October!

Andy having one to many beers...

Andy is on holidays and his staff buggered up!

In any event, it's gunna be debated on here! {sm2}

I will go with the second last one,to many ciders.............................^&grin
Yeah I'm with you Wayne, maybe the last model to be constructed on a Friday afternoon, after a liquid lunch:wink2::tongue::wink2:^&grin
Dealers just been sent a message by K&C indicating new image now up on BBG65 and the T34 variant no longer
Andy in his haste to get the despatches up grabbed the wrong tank chassis..

Andy accidently put pic's of a mated T34 chassis with a Panzer IV turret, possible future release!

Andy playing tricks and or thinks it's April fools in October!

Andy having one to many beers...

Andy is on holidays and his staff buggered up!

In any event, it's gunna be debated on here! {sm2}



The last line is the answer. What someone had for breakfast would be debated on here if they mentioned eggs.

The last line is the answer. What someone had for breakfast would be debated on here if they mentioned eggs.

Yeah Jason, when it comes to here it's always scrambled! :rolleyes2:

This should not be considered as a mistake . At one time the Russians could not produce enough turrets for their T 34 tanks so sometimes they used the turrets from captured German tanks to compensate this shortage
In connection with item BBG65 it was probably a mistake to have that particular photo (ie. bottom right as shown
at 1st post here) showing with the others.

The photo suggests K&C might be thinking about something else or could have just been playing when the photos
were taken. Andy was not in HK when photos were put up so could be a simple error by one of his staff. To
make it a "Russian" probably involves a bit more than just putting German turret on top of a T34 hull.

Or it could be a cunning plan by Andy to see if anybody noticed and get some feedback ?! Either way well spotted
by Wayne.

Andy isn't Russian is here i detected a accent..............................^&confuse
He wouldn't have a turret problem would he..........................................^&grin
Too bad he changed his mind. But Guy is right about the turret shortage of 1942. There is a story about a Russian T-34 that had it's turret damaged and the salvage factory had no spare T-34 turrets. The turrets seem to be more often damaged than the hulls so replacement turrets were always in short supply. But the factory did have several salvaged Pz IV turrets that would fit with an adapter ring. They had to be hand cranked to rotate but the 3 man turret proved to be so much better than the T-34/76 two man turret that it led directly to the development of the T-34/85.

The K&C model shows the Pz. IV/T-34 immediately after conversion and before it was repainted with the German markings replaced by Russian ones. The slogan painted on the schurzen of the actual tank was возродиться из пепла which is "Reborn From The Ashes"

Here is a photo of a Russian KV-1 with a German 7.5 cm L/43 gun and a German commander's cupola as an example of what the Russians would do.


A common tactic was for a Russian tank unit to approach a German position with captured German tanks leading. The Germans recognizing a "friendly" tank, would delay their fire long enough for the Russian tanks to make a close approach.

The tank depicted by K&C is of an actual tank used by the Russians to lead the attack in Operation Uranus which was the encirclement of the Germans at Stalingrad. It is famous for the assault and capture of the Kalach Bridge by Soviet 26th Tank Corps, which used two captured German tanks and a reconnaissance vehicle to approach it and fire on the defenders getting ready to blow the bridge. It was the only remaining bridge over the Don River and without it, the Russians could not have completed their encirclement of the 6th Armee.
I really hope Andy has time to paint the Russian slogan on the schurzen and replace the German tank commander with a Russian one.

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What references are you using in relation to Russian actions with Panzer IV turrets on T-34's??
Do you think the set will come with one Pz IV turret and both the T-34 and Pz IV hulls. Or are we expected to use the winter T-34 hull from an earlier set?

Do you think the set will come with one Pz IV turret and both the T-34 and Pz IV hulls. Or are we expected to use the winter T-34 hull from an earlier set?


If nothing else it gave collectors the idea to take their winter T-34 hull and match it up with the winter panzer IV Turret, "IF' they so desire.

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