What is your favorite beer? (2 Viewers)


Mar 27, 2008
Hello, everyone!

I've just been reminded by posts in the Tsingtao thread under Beau Geste, that I wanted to start a thread to see what everyone's favorite beer is, for those who enjoy beer, as opposed to other beverages.

We have a pretty diverse group here, though the US and the Commonwealth are pretty heavily represented, and a lot of you are in many exotic locales, and well-travelled, so I thought there'd be an interesting set of responses.

For me, my travelling has been limited to Germany, Austria, the Low Countries and Canada. But even that takes in a good representation of beer-brewing and beer-drinking lands.

I'll start off with my own preferences. I like many different beers, but I'm most partial to Munich lagers-sweeter, maltier and lightly-hopped. I also like a good Bockbier and a Doppelbock, in season. But I also like the classic Bavarian Hefeweizen. So, in my fridge, I usually have:

Franziskaner Hefeweizen, both the light and dark
Augustiner's Maximator or Spaten's Optimator (especially in the winter and during Lent)

If I can't get those, it's Guinness for me.

So, how 'bout the rest of you beer drinkers out there?

Anyone else a homebrewer, too?

Guinness, Harp, Bass hard to beat these in combination and individually IMO.

However, that said, I have not met many beers I don't like and I can drink an Iron City any day of the week. There is something wonderful about Iron City every time I drink it while watching the Steelers/Pirates/Pens. Unfortunately, now as a Baltimore resident, I am stuck special ordering it at a laugable price. Thanks governor OMan for all of the wonderful added taxes!@ That's for another topic

I really don't drink much, but always love Fullers London Pride or ESB when I can get them.

Also enjoy Grain Belt Premium (hard to find outside MN), Molson Canadian, and Sierra Nevada pale ale.

Milwaukees Best, $11.77 for a 30 pack, gotta save money somewhere! Sure don,t when it comes to soldiers.
Actually if it is amber in color and comes in a bottle or can, what is there not to like.
My favorite beer is James Boag Premium Lager but I mainly drink Tooheys New or Carlton Midstrength because JBPL is on the expensive side for an everyday beer.

Bourbon is another drink I like as well as red wine, port, whiskey etc etc ;)
Try not to except great occassions , then it's water beer like Coors or such. Too much makes the hands shake , causing havoc on the shelves. Mike


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I'm sorry, but what the heck does this have with toy soldiers?


Nothing, really, hence locating the thread in the Miscellaneous category.

It occurred to me a while ago, after I'd joined the forum, and saw the kinds of comments and personalities that we see here among the members.

Also, if you go to any of the shows, you can see a good deal of socializing and fellowship, whether at hospitality suites, or in local restaurants, bars and pubs. And since another hobby of mine is beer, the question presented itself.

I did check with Shannon first, to see whether the topic might be inappropriate, since it does have world-wide readership, and those who have specific religious objections to consuming alcohol might take offense, and we agreed that it's not an offensive topic.

Anyway, interesting responses so far, guys...

Now Brad, don't get me wrong.. My last name is Brady and my middle is Padraic! Mike
Try not to except great occassions , then it's water beer like Coors or such. Too much makes the hands shake , causing havoc on the shelves. Mike

Good point, Mike, I've found sort of the same thing. One or two Franziskaners actually relax me, but more than that, and it's best not to pick up a brush, or an X-Acto, yikes!

Being a Real Ale man (that's warm and flat to the lager drinkers :eek:) my favourite is Harvey’s Best Bitter followed very closely by the Old which is a winter brew. Having said that I will have a go at most things if it’s wet and comes in a bottle :D.

I have to go with my delcious ice cold budweiser, or bud select, but in a pinch i'll take a natty bo (national boheimium) baltimore's finest ha!!..sammy
I'm sorry, but what the heck does this have with toy soldiers?

Absolutely nothing, that's why it's in the Miscellaneous discussion area. The miscellaneous category is for off-topic discussion and that way members who want to discuss something besides the hobby have a place to do it (which is fine) and those members who just want to talk toy soldiers (which is also fine) can do so without all the misc. topics getting sprinkled into the toy soldier topic areas. Everyone wins! ;)

Deschutes Brewery Black Butte Porter or anything similarly dark. This beer is special since it is the only thing my daughter in law and I agree on
Ratings are in stars.

Guinness **********
John Smiths ****
Kilkenney ***
That Lowen beer that I go for in Dalian *****
A lot of those Belgian wheat beers are good

I used to brew my own around 20 years ago, but adding an extra 2lbs of sugar over and above the recommended amount can bring on Zombie-Syndrome...and make you see stars...:D:D

Deschutes Brewery Black Butte Porter or anything similarly dark. This beer is special since it is the only thing my daughter in law and I agree on

That's a great post, it sounds like something out of a Western.

"Barkeep, gimme a Black Butte, and smile when you do!"

Prost, beianand!
Any light Hefeweizen, Molson, Labatts and locally, Kona Brewery makes some good ales.
Ratings are in stars.

Guinness **********
John Smiths ****
Kilkenney ***
That Lowen beer that I go for in Dalian *****
A lot of those Belgian wheat beers are good

I used to brew my own around 20 years ago, but adding an extra 2lbs of sugar over and above the recommended amount can bring on Zombie-Syndrome...and make you see stars...:D:D


Oh, I forgot.
Spitfire and Orkney Skull Splitter are pretty good as well.


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