What Toy Soldier items Have You Acquired in The Last 2 Weeks ? (1 Viewer)

Bought in an auction Part 3 : Tradition Of London ( Stadden ) 54mm painted

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Been looking for the mounted officer for ages: King and country mounted french infantry officer.

2nd lot of Britains Nassau 2nd infantry firing.

2nd Dead Frenchman from king and country

Set of Britains Nassau firing.

On eBay 66$ delivey included
2 pieces Tradition of London, 110mm,lead, sculpted Ron Cameron, studio painted, WWI

same day 29$ 9 pieces, F.A.E.V.Atelier Vanot, 54mm, lead,
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Bought this Cowboy at the Chicago Show.
The figure is from Black Hawk and so is the horse.
Happy Collecting!


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I have ordered a box of 28mm, multipose WW2 Japanese {30 Figures}
and some extras to supplement them.
They have Marines planned for the future.

Building these should keep me busy.
I picked up some plastic for winter painting. San Diego western cavalry set #1 & #2 . I got two sets of Paragon Cavalry foot and scouts. I painted set # 1 of Paragon foot cavalry. Last, I got a set of the new Austin western gunfighters character figures. I picked up my metal Britain's Indians which were pre ordered, K&C crusaders, Del Prado crusaders and knights and a Tradition metal General Lee mtd. Also, I am glad to have sold a trunk load of 1/72 plastic sets at the show. I now have a empty closet shelf and less boxes in storage. I really believed I would paint thousands of small figures at 72.{eek3} J
Do you paint your 72s on their sprue ?

Most of the time I painted on the sprue unless they needed trimming of any flash on figures. Most mounted were put on blocks for painting. I would wash figures and prime them on sprue then paint and varnish. J
I picked up this guy , just amazing detail in person .
Some real artists at work in this hobby .


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And more amazing is when somebody write
This a xxx name of the maker, in xxx ( metal,plastic,resin) , size xxmm, factory painted or ...
Very nice piece indeed
Bought through eBay last week ( 50$ including delivery )

Cavalier Bust 200mm, resin, painted (not studio but by an amateur), Bonaparte Military Models RB01, sculpture R. Bailey, still existing
French Napoleonic Armies, 75mm, metal, Hinchliffe, sculpted by Ray Lamb ( the UK one, not the US ), painted by ?? a collector obsolete
Tradition 90mm JW9004 , Metal, sculpted by J Willis, painted by ?? a collector, still existing
Tradition ?? not sure 90mm, US army WWII ?, metal, painted by ?? a collector,
I just obtained my 22 CJB Model, my first ever in RAF Markings, a 1927 'D' type Morris military ambulance. To photograph my new CJB RAF Ambulance, I set up examples of all my favorite glossy manufacturers to address the RAF on one of Nick from Crown Miniatures lovely airfield dioramas. In addition to the CJB Models RAF Ambulance and the CJB Models Mobile Canteen, there is a classic K&C wood warbird of a Spitfire Mk V, a glossy K&C RAF groundcrew, RAF MP, RAF motorcycle dispatch rider and Captain Clark Gable figure. From Heco Tinplate Models there is an RAF Pilot, Crewchief and groundcrew carrying a box of engine spares. From Yeomanry Miniatures, there are RAF pilots enjoying tea and a bun, and a WAAF.


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