What Toy Soldier items Have You Acquired in The Last 2 Weeks ? (1 Viewer)

Congrats, It must be nice having a Toy Soldier shop so close by ! :salute::

In many ways Sierra has become a pub to me. I head in there, see a few other collectors, get to chat with the employees and of course, purchase some pieces. Their shop is incredible and not just because of the toy soldiers!

On the subject at hand, I found CC031 in one of their display cases. I am not really a French Foreign Legion Collector but it reminded me of the Britain’s Deetail pieces I used to buy when I was a kid so I went for it.

Just picked up this beauty as well. I am very impressed with it and am looking forward to the figures. I do not like to compare manufacturers on the Forum but Jenkins is surely the equal of any of the big boys in terms of producing diorama friendly products.
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Just picked up this beauty as well. I am very impressed with it and am looking forward to the figures. I do not like to compare manufacturers on the Forum but Jenkins is surely the equal of any of the big boys in terms of producing diorama friendly products.
It's a beauty, Jack. Hope to have one within the next 2 weeks. Then I'm in line for the recently shown Schneider. French WW1 tanks, gotta love 'em.:wink2: -- Al
It's a beauty, Jack. Hope to have one within the next 2 weeks. Then I'm in line for the recently shown Schneider. French WW1 tanks, gotta love 'em.:wink2: -- Al

You will not be disappointed. I have visions of a diorama of a French convoy on a road once a manufacturer makes some late war marching French soldiers. Maybe to make them more affordable, they could explore options other than metal ...
You will not be disappointed. I have visions of a diorama of a French convoy on a road once a manufacturer makes some late war marching French soldiers. Maybe to make them more affordable, they could explore options other than metal ...

Check the WW1 French troop truck with driver that Jenkins has also released.... a great and very detailed truck!
The only draw back that I found out as I received my set is the fact that the cargo area and canvas cover are made in one single piece...so the canvas does not come out nor is it open for us to store supplies and soldiers...a serious draw back!!!!Maybe the guys at Jenkins had a savings drive in their development drive and forgot the mlilitary modler spirit in them......Bottomline a nice piece to add to a French convoy but as uselful as a brick given that it is limited to standing in the horizon line as target practice to a Jerry artillery piece.....:eek:;):confused:{sm3}:salute::{sm2}
Check the WW1 French troop truck with driver that Jenkins has also released.... a great and very detailed truck!
The only draw back that I found out as I received my set is the fact that the cargo area and canvas cover are made in one single piece...so the canvas does not come out nor is it open for us to store supplies and soldiers...a serious draw back!!!!Maybe the guys at Jenkins had a savings drive in their development drive and forgot the mlilitary modler spirit in them......Bottomline a nice piece to add to a French convoy but as uselful as a brick given that it is limited to standing in the horizon line as target practice to a Jerry artillery piece.....:eek:;):confused:{sm3}:salute::{sm2}

Yes ... the truck is something I will need as well. I agree, however, about the limitations. It must surely be an issue discussed at the drawing board given that being able to alter the appearance of the truck would make multiples worthwhile. A friend here in Brisbane was ready to buy three Marne taxis but without a driver able to sit behind the wheel gave up on the idea of multuples. That said, it compares favourably with the WW 1 trucks available from the other manufacturers. {sm4}
Yes ... the truck is something I will need as well. I agree, however, about the limitations. It must surely be an issue discussed at the drawing board given that being able to alter the appearance of the truck would make multiples worthwhile. A friend here in Brisbane was ready to buy three Marne taxis but without a driver able to sit behind the wheel gave up on the idea of multuples. That said, it compares favourably with the WW 1 trucks available from the other manufacturers. {sm4}

Hi Jack,
Fully agree!
In this helm of ours, other than the Scalelink Dennis 3 ton ( kit for assembly - that if I go for it will shurely enroll Obee's expertise ), you have a short lived and limited production of Bulldog Trucks that the Americans sold loads to the French and also used themselves ( sold by First Gear already on American WW1 painitng, or try your luck on ebay for the current version of the same truck on civilian clothing with a short cargo bay) , or you can convert 1917 civilian Ford trucks and sedans from Signatures - check my albums for these conversions. All conversions of Fords were done by Obee.
Not to mention the TAW sets....but them we have to live with the sad tombstone of never to be seen again.....Not sure why Graham ( the master behind TAW ) gave up.....if he sees fow much his sets are fetching on the market he must be feeling a full of himself....
Well having said that.....if the Jenkins guys could come up with a version - open cargo bay would be great:salute::^&grin:D:cool:^&cool
Latest acquisitions for me-a pair of old Helenic (pre-Imrie/Risley) Imperial German dragoons, an eBay find. I now have 4 of them, ready for repainting for my collection of the Kaiser's Army.

You will not be disappointed. I have visions of a diorama of a French convoy on a road once a manufacturer makes some late war marching French soldiers. Maybe to make them more affordable, they could explore options other than metal ...
Hard not to envision a dio of The Sacred Way involving truck after truck full of troops and supplies, with the appropriate work crews along the road and troops marching to the front on side paths. The JJD truck is a superb start. it might not take much to manufacture an open back version. I can also see artillery caissons and guns on the road to Verdun. -- Al
Hard not to envision a dio of The Sacred Way involving truck after truck full of troops and supplies, with the appropriate work crews along the road and troops marching to the front on side paths. The JJD truck is a superb start. it might not take much to manufacture an open back version. I can also see artillery caissons and guns on the road to Verdun. -- Al

Fully agree.....let us see if JJD can pick up the idea...I would assume 90% of the master mold and other parts would not change all that needs to change is the cargo area...
Latest acquisitions for me-a pair of old Helenic (pre-Imrie/Risley) Imperial German dragoons, an eBay find. I now have 4 of them, ready for repainting for my collection of the Kaiser's Army.


For those, youngers, who don't know
Hel(l)enic Miniatures 1956 Mr Imrie first company with his wife Helen, in 1964 when Mr Risley joined them, the company was renamed I/R for Imrie/Risley
Hellenic 1.jpg Webb-Hellenic-02.jpg
Solido Belge
Belgian ( Brussels ) company, producing first in composite 70mm from 1945, and later in plastic 60mm
They are easy to recognize, they are normaly all bearing the names Solido on the base ( here, plastic )
WR-solido-aux-pas.jpg W-solido-belge.jpg
These King&Country SP30 Bridge and 2 each SP29 Jetty sections were added last week. These Diorama pieces are an enormous "Bang for the Buck" item IMO !
Add to that some of the new K&C commandos to wreak some havoc !


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Two Special Commissions from the Trophy of Wales "Crimean War" series

Cornet Henry John Wilkin and Major General The Earl of Cardigan - 11th HUSSARS


I am keen to start a side collection of peace time figures. This is one of the first sets that will kick this collection off!hilltop1.jpgretry6.jpgtdfhills3.jpg
I am keen to start a side collection of peace time figures. This is one of the first sets that will kick this collection off!

Yes good, and with the name of the maker, could be better

CBG Mignot France , Napoleon III s' Zouaves, Papal Palace gards, lead, 54mm
WR-DSC_0824.jpg WR-DSC_0825.jpg


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