Whats your K&C plan? (1 Viewer)

I collect only the Medieval Crusades, so my plan is made quite easy by the fact that the releases for the line I collect are few and far between. A sizeable number of pieces from this series were retired this month, so I'm hoping a new release may be coming soon. I'm all caught up on the offerings in this line from K&C at this point.
I stop buying K&C items nowaday due to higher price with no improvement in quality. I spend my money on CS ( WW2 only) as pricing is still reasonable.
I'm going to move to First Legion for the Samurai series.

Then why must you share your non KC plan with those who still choose to collect K/C. Of course you now know that CS has started to make 1/28 vehicles, which do not match up to any other mfg.'s offerings..Michael
Then why must you share your non KC plan with those who still choose to collect K/C. Of course you now know that CS has started to make 1/28 vehicles, which do not match up to any other mfg.'s offerings..Michael

what's the problem ? I still have many K&C items in my collection. I just dont' buy the new released ones any more ( I may still buy the old K&C items that fit my dio); And that's my plan and I'm sticking to it.
Whats your K&C plan?

My interest has not changed but my spending habits have. Even managed to resist the move into the SOE series. So, I lurk in the background awaiting the monthly Dispatches... admire the new releases, but atm that is as far as it goes. :( There's lots of sets that I'd like to own, but for well over a year now, nothing has been released in my area of interest that I MUST have and the days of trying to include every release in a series are long gone. If something like the long promised (but never delivered) Chinese pirates for the USN/SOHK series or a WW1 Rolls Royce Armored Car were to be released I'd be the first to buy one. But I'm holding off buying anything unless it really fills a gap in what I collect or really pushes my buttons to the point where I absolutely have to own it. For me it's not a price issue, it's more that my collecting interest has hit a bit of a dead end, unfortunately.
I have only bought two items this year and they were from k+c uk^&grin
But i have been swaping alot of my older pieces for newer items thats the only reason i have been able to keep on collecting
I used to be a completist but now i only get what i really like
The prices are breaking my heart:(
Agree on the price issue, it has made me think, especially when you see the second hand prices on ebay.

Regarding plan, there is a limit I will be buying because of above and other manufacures such as first legion [crusaders] and Britains [zulus]

Medieval warriors - have all upto MK75 and then I did not really like the new sets.
Nap - Brit - have all upto NA194 and then the price went to high.
Nap - Fren - have all upto NA183 and then the price went to high.


BotB - have all except for this months release and if push come to shove this is the set I will continue with, but £42 single figure is a bit much for me but like the new jeep very much and is on the list.

RAF - Have all up to RAF25, think the price gets a bit steep after that, the Typhoon is just to high for me, might wait until a trip to the states and then buy it. Like the new RAF lorry and will be getting it.
Luftwaffe - Have a few [all planes] figure and will continue picking up.

Brits - D Day - Have about 70% but will cut down on due to price.
Yanks - D Day - Have about 80% but will cut down on due to price.

Germans - Have about 60% but will cut down on due to price.

Desert war - have a lot of Brits and Germans and will continue to pick up as and when I see them going cheap.

On going cheap - have noticed a few people selling off collections on ebay etc and have picked up some good pieces, I would rather do this than buy new as I think I am getting a better deal.

Russians Berlin '- have all [the T34 is a great K & C Tank] and will look at new sets but depends on price.

New Greeks - will wait to see, but at the price I will look at the quality compared to First legion.

Issues for me is obviously the price, but also the historical accuracy, there are some errors creeping in which can only be written off as 'artistic licence' so far.

Hi guys,

As I have recently posted, funding issues have meant that it's RAF and only RAF for me...awful I know, whatever will I do ^&grin.

I am actually in Boston right now, about 20 minutes from leaving the hotel to head to Hobby Bunker to pick up a Typhoon! It's a ridiculous amount of money (I can't even begin to think what you guys across the Atlantic must be thinking of the price!) but I am justifying it by making it a joint gift from all my family for my birthday haha, they all know I want it so instead of buying a gift are making a donation to my Typhoon fund. That will give me a Hurricane, Spitfire and Typhoon which alone will look amazing set up together on display, but my plan it to make a large RAF split-era diorama 1940/1944 as I think we will see many more Normandy RAF releases in the coming months, along with the already rich collection of Battle of Britain pieces...Andy bring on an AA gun and some more airfield buildings please!!!

And guys, let's keep this friendly and in the spirit of this forum :) Rob asked what your K&C plan is...well if your K&C plan is to no longer collect K&C then that is your plan, it's valid, as are the reasons behind it...I am sure there are many in that position that a few are speaking for. I know I have just sold 95% of my collection (which was really tough to do actually) and one of the main reasons is rising prices prohibiting me from collecting various ranges.

Good question Rob i don't have a plan just let it happen as ive found out from month to month my plan gets changed but im leaning towards non-action figures as they make better Dio,s IMO........:cool:

I have gravitated that way too. It is a nice change of pace, and you really can do a greater variety of dios that way. For the same reason I have dabbled in new eras.

I also love airplanes and have put together a collection of 7 WWI and WWII planes from K&C and JJC so far. However, on the subject of prices that others have mentioned - this does make me worry that I will not be able to continue with the planes much longer. The WWI planes at least are more affordable than WWII are becoming and take up less space. I am adding a few more groundcrew and pilots right now. I will continue with the Battle of Britain though. I went back and forth on the Typhoon forever but still haven't bought it. I am all about finding deals right now. I keep telling my wife how much money I am saving by buying now when I see a deal rather than waiting until later to pay too much on pieces that are getting hard to find. You have to justify it someway. I even made out a spreadsheet to show her how much I saved on one large purchase.
Good question Rob i don't have a plan just let it happen as ive found out from month to month my plan gets changed but im leaning towards non-action figures as they make better Dio,s IMO........:cool:

Wayne, how right you are.Non- action figures are a 100 times more interesting than the figures in firing position.
I follow you completely.
I'm working on rebuilding of the Wounded BBA026 Sherman tank to a deep-wading tanks.
He comes into my new diorama of Omaha Beach.
I have pre-order the new winter jeep BBA 50-51 and 52 at my K&C dealer.

I hope to see winter Fallschirmjäger on the Chicago Toy soldier show.

Hi guys,

As I have recently posted, funding issues have meant that it's RAF and only RAF for me...awful I know, whatever will I do ^&grin.

I am actually in Boston right now, about 20 minutes from leaving the hotel to head to Hobby Bunker to pick up a Typhoon! It's a ridiculous amount of money (I can't even begin to think what you guys across the Atlantic must be thinking of the price!) but I am justifying it by making it a joint gift from all my family for my birthday haha, they all know I want it so instead of buying a gift are making a donation to my Typhoon fund. That will give me a Hurricane, Spitfire and Typhoon which alone will look amazing set up together on display, but my plan it to make a large RAF split-era diorama 1940/1944 as I think we will see many more Normandy RAF releases in the coming months, along with the already rich collection of Battle of Britain pieces...Andy bring on an AA gun and some more airfield buildings please!!!

And guys, let's keep this friendly and in the spirit of this forum :) Rob asked what your K&C plan is...well if your K&C plan is to no longer collect K&C then that is your plan, it's valid, as are the reasons behind it...I am sure there are many in that position that a few are speaking for. I know I have just sold 95% of my collection (which was really tough to do actually) and one of the main reasons is rising prices prohibiting me from collecting various ranges.


Good post Chris
Unfortunately....price has detoured my spending habits .......but will try and stay with Egypt ...and 1940 RAF......until they end ....:wink2:
Well I just recently got an apprenticeship, so will be getting a bit more money! :D hoping to get the rest of the d-day british foigures i need for xxx corps, a few airfield sets, few german sets, and bob american! :D
I plan to meet up with Andy at his shop in San Antonio...Kings X for the "Battle of the Bulge, Beer and Bratwurst gathering on Friday the 30th of September. Planning on asking him about any WWII Russians in the works as they were mentioned in Brisbane. Also if the Stuka has a chance of being produced ! It would look great next to my new Typhoon. My own collecting is now all WWII....Battle of the Bulge, German Africa Korps, RAF and Luftwaffe aircraft and figures, Berlin 45' / Volksturm to include Germans and Russians, and the Berlin 38' series. These all seem to be able to keep my plate full on a monthly basis ! I will be sure to follow up on the conversation with Andy after the 30th. ^&cool
Congrats mate. Does not sound like you will have much long!!!!!

Well I just recently got an apprenticeship, so will be getting a bit more money! :D hoping to get the rest of the d-day british foigures i need for xxx corps, a few airfield sets, few german sets, and bob american! :D
I plan to meet up with Andy at his shop in San Antonio...Kings X for the "Battle of the Bulge, Beer and Bratwurst gathering on Friday the 30th of September. Planning on asking him about any WWII Russians in the works as they were mentioned in Brisbane. Also if the Stuka has a chance of being produced ! It would look great next to my new Typhoon. My own collecting is now all WWII....Battle of the Bulge, German Africa Korps, RAF and Luftwaffe aircraft and figures, Berlin 45' / Volksturm to include Germans and Russians, and the Berlin 38' series. These all seem to be able to keep my plate full on a monthly basis ! I will be sure to follow up on the conversation with Andy after the 30th. ^&cool

Please let us know what he says about Russians!!!!.
My KC plan is getting squeezed by space
RAF is priority so is 8th army
Had to disband AK due to WW1 planes KC and JJ (space)
SOE i ad matte only. SOHK is full no more space on that shelf.
The other ranges i'm not really into them
Have 100 LAH figures but never displayed
Space is my worst ennemy
' That will give me a Hurricane, Spitfire and Typhoon which alone will look amazing set up together on display, but my plan it to make a large RAF split-era diorama 1940/1944 as I think we will see many more Normandy RAF releases in the coming months, along with the already rich collection of Battle of Britain pieces...Andy bring on an AA gun and some more airfield buildings please ' !! Chris

Nice one Chris, this is a purchase you really won't regret. Its a superb Typhoon and everyone I've talked to who has got it is really pleased with it. Sounds like its selling very well too.

We now have enough Typhoons on TF to help remind Rommel he has a very important Dr's appt in Berlin!:wink2:

' That will give me a Hurricane, Spitfire and Typhoon which alone will look amazing set up together on display, but my plan it to make a large RAF split-era diorama 1940/1944 as I think we will see many more Normandy RAF releases in the coming months, along with the already rich collection of Battle of Britain pieces...Andy bring on an AA gun and some more airfield buildings please ' !! Chris

Nice one Chris, this is a purchase you really won't regret. Its a superb Typhoon and everyone I've talked to who has got it is really pleased with it. Sounds like its selling very well too.

We now have enough Typhoons on TF to help remind Rommel he has a very important Dr's appt in Berlin!:wink2:


Haha indeed we do Rob! Just got back from Boston and set the Typhoon up alongside the Hurricane...beautiful! It was hard to part with that much cash at the time but it will take pride of place in my collection and I plan to build a very handsome diorama around it! I have never built a large scale diorama before but if I am ever going to, the Typhoon deserves to be the one I do it for!

I did notice something however that I haven't noticed on K&C planes/tanks before, and it could be because I haven't bought any 'new' releases for a long time. The quality of the painting seems to have dropped a little, or rather the quality of the finishing. The Typhoon came new in box, never opened and in at least 5 places there were paint chips, and in another, on one of the black stripes it could clearly be seen that it must have been chipped at the factory and hastily painted over with a blob of black! Now I have spent an hour touching it up with delicate precision to get it to what I would call 'finished', but it is a little disappointing to spend what was in effect $400 on it only to find it in almost second-hand condition. I wonder if anyone else has felt this or if I just got a lemon! But on the flip side, the plane looks amazing now and what little defects there are I will put down to a rough flight that ended in a wheat field in Normandy and a little contact with a few Gerry bullets!

Off to collect the Spitfire from my mailing address now...it will be dry bread and water for the rest of the month for me I think!


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