Why I'm not buying anymore 1/30 armour (2 Viewers)


I think that if you had said simply, as you have in some other threads that I've read, that K & C didn't appeal to you anymore, I don't think anybody would have paid a moment's notice.

After all, there are many companies that don't appeal to me and we don't all like the same things (even those we used to at one time enjoy).
1) Increase in cost of production for the manufacturer : Andy agreed on that thousands of times
2) Increase in profit margins : very unlikely
3) Increase in the quality of the product : this is where I left K&C. I do not think that the increase in the quality of their products was asking for such an increase in price.

....See, I have dozens of employees working for me and I do care for them. Couldnt treat them like they re treated in canadian wallmarts... But thats another story :) Alex

Curious as to what kind of business you are in? The economy is not strong in the states. Canada is experiencing a slowdown too, I believe. Any business that can treat its dozen of employees so well in such tough times is one that I NEED to know about! :)

On your 3 points above:

1) As a business person you should recognize the pricing advantage FL has over K&C, due to the fact that it sells direct to its customers, with no dealer/"middleman" such as TreeFrog. (excepting at trade shows where George represents FL).
2) China has been seeing wage pressures across all industries, even as the dollar has weakened and some (input) commodity prices have risen.
3) FL and Figarti make excellent products certainly, yet at this point they are still more niche players. I think a better analogy (but still not perfect) for K&C, which is a manufacturer, not a retailer (as is Walmart), is Toyota, with FL and Figarti as Porsche and Land Rover. All make a fine product, and are popular with different kinds of buyers.
Health care related business (medical clinic)... That's the only thing that will and will always run without suffering from the 'bad' economy... Cause that's the only think people do really care about. That's what my dad told me when I was still ambivalent about going in med school ... 16 years ago ... He was so true.

Hi Guys,

Thankyou Stephen for your comment and questions…

Re technology pushing the boundaries… As far as K&C is concerned we will try to go as far as we can with future innovations depending on several factors… namely additional cost and “survivability”. By that I mean that K&C (and others) have to ensure that our products are sturdy enough to travel all the way from China to all parts of the world and, hopefully, arrive in good shape i.e. Not with broken parts or in “kit-form”.

K&C (and other companies) are all trying to innovate and put in more and more detail but that all comes at a price. In today’s tough economy we all have to balance what is really essential in a model and what is “nice but costly” in any finished product.

Over the years K&C has learned many important lessons from our competitors just as I am sure they have learned from us.

In the years to come all of our products will continue to develop and I believe improve as we all learn fresh technologies and techniques in manufacturing.

There’s things we do now we could not have attempted 5 years ago… Where we will all be in 5 years time… That my friend is the $64,000 question… But it will be fun getting there!

Best wishes and happy collecting!
Andy C.
Seems your comments in some cases could equally apply to other manufacturers that you believe are better. For example :

"better tracks on AFVs" - correct me if I am wrong but was there not an issue with one brand's (one of the three you mention) tracks where a large proportion arrived in the USA damaged. That brand no longer seems to produce vehicles.

Price - FL and Figarti are higher priced for vehicles and FL for figures. All would prefer to have 4 figures for US$89 but it is a few years since K&C last brought out a 4 man set. If they were continuing with such pricing they would now be half the price of FL and significantly cheaper than Figarti. Not sustainable. Are the charges you charge your clients the same as they were 5 years ago ? I doubt it.

As a side note I am surprised K&C maintained it's original pricing on some 4 man items (ie EA009) and singles (ie Black Watch) for as long as they have. I could tell they were doing additional production runs this year and in view of current pricing these runs would not have been as profitable as newer items. Get the older cheaper items while you can.

Scale issues - let's just say it has been a matter of much comment in relation to one of the brands you seem to prefer.

"quality of the figures sold with AFVs always the same as the 'regular' figures"
and size of Chasseurs and Cuirassiers - as a K&C dealer for ten years and a member of this forum for about 3 years this is the first time I have ever seen or heard such comments. Don't recall seeing it mentioned on the forum before.

Just my thoughts.

Photo of figarti Churchill tank ,comes with metal parts as did the 5.5 gun + none of the items came damaged so it can be done
Hi Andy

Many thanks for the reply. Yes it certainly is a finely balanced tradeoff between detail and price and i think K&C have worked out that balance well. Visual appeal also plays a bit part in collectors decisions (it certainly does in mine anyway). I think the TS market is so competitive nowdays that if manufacturer "X" was able to make and sell a figure or vehicle at a much cheaper price then the rest of the manufacturers (and still make a profit) they would be doing just that right now. I don't see any evidence of that when i look at the prices being asked by the various newer manufacturers competing in say the WWII range.


Hi Andy

Many thanks for the reply. Yes it certainly is a finely balanced tradeoff between detail and price and i think K&C have worked out that balance well. Visual appeal also plays a bit part in collectors decisions (it certainly does in mine anyway). I think the TS market is so competitive nowdays that if manufacturer "X" was able to make and sell a figure or vehicle at a much cheaper price then the rest of the manufacturers (and still make a profit) they would be doing just that right now. I don't see any evidence of that when i look at the prices being asked by the various newer manufacturers competing in say the WWII range.


A interesting point is the new Figarti Churchill is cheaper than the new K&C Panther , so it just go to show you don't need to pay more for extra detail :eek:
Photo of figarti Churchill tank ,comes with metal parts as did the 5.5 gun + none of the items came damaged so it can be done

Very nice looking tank, weathering and overall paint job are both excellent, like your use of th JG bases too, they are superbly done as well, all around nice picture you took..........
Very nice looking tank, weathering and overall paint job are both excellent, like your use of th JG bases too, they are superbly done as well, all around nice picture you took..........

Thanks for that George, when I've got time the weekend I want to take photos of the new truck & field gun but bit pushed for time at the moment with the work on the house :eek:
I really like the tanker pose its very realistic and looks a great buy
Thanks for that George, when I've got time the weekend I want to take photos of the new truck & field gun but bit pushed for time at the moment with the work on the house :eek:

Love the camo on the truck, looking forward to your pictures. Maybe you can do a diorama of XXX Corps smashing their way down Hells Highway trying to ride to the rescue of Frost and his boys......;)
Hi Uksubs

Yes a fair point. I have not seen a Figarti tank up close but judging from your photos it looks a well modelled tank. When it comes to price i still think they are reasonably close to each other. Take for example the Figarti version of the Russian JSU which retails for $219. I would imagine that the different manufacturers keep a very close eye on each others pricing and try very hard to be competitive because let's face it price is a big factor in a consumers purchasing choices. As another example i see most of the matt figures seem to sell for about $29-$32 each.


Love the camo on the truck, looking forward to your pictures. Maybe you can do a diorama of XXX Corps smashing their way down Hells Highway trying to ride to the rescue of Frost and his boys......;)
Who told you George about my big plan :eek::confused::D
Your right that what I'm working on & that why I've got a Bailey Bridge coming in the post
Think K&C British D-Day figures will go well with the Figarti Armour ,just need some armoured cars :D
Who told you George about my big plan :eek::confused::D
Your right that what I'm working on & that why I've got a Bailey Bridge coming in the post
Think K&C British D-Day figures will go well with the Figarti Armour ,just need some armoured cars :D

A natural fit seeing as how you are such a big fan of the Battle of Arnhem, who can blame you, ranks right up there for me with Waterloo, Gettysburg and The Battle of the Bulge, all of the heroism, the what if's, the woulda, coulda, shoulda's about it are fascinating.

Do you have the older K & C Armored car from the first Arnhem series or DD 60, either of those will do in a pinch.

Bet you were a happy man when K & C did all of their recent British infantrymen to go along with the paras................ s
A natural fit seeing as how you are such a big fan of the Battle of Arnhem, who can blame you, ranks right up there for me with Waterloo, Gettysburg and The Battle of the Bulge, all of the heroism, the what if's, the woulda, coulda, shoulda's about it are fascinating.

Do you have the older K & C Armored car from the first Arnhem series or DD 60, either of those will do in a pinch.

Bet you were a happy man when K & C did all of their recent British infantrymen to go along with the paras................ s
I've not got any of K&C older stuff & think are stick with figarti for armour as they look great on there own ,On the soldier side I'm hoping K&C will make some British D-Day soldiers just walking down the road instead of all action figures
I was just thinking for me correct camouflage is a big selling point to me & if it don't look right I won't buy it
If I like the vehicle but did not like the paint scheme I may still buy one just get out the paints. But, I see what you mean a good AFV painted incorrectly or badly is a put off
If I like the vehicle but did not like the paint scheme I may still buy one just get out the paints. But, I see what you mean a good AFV painted incorrectly or badly is a put off
The thing is Mitch for a £200.00 tank why should you have to pay to get it repainted for that price it should be right in the first place :(

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