Hi All!
I am just back from the UK where we all had a great time. The Saturday night event was interesting, well attended and my only complaint is that it seemed to go by too fast.
Several new items were on display including unpainted patterns of AZW tents, photos of new sculpts for the Sudan and the AZW, resin paint masters and pre production paint samples from the factory. I think they all have been covered here and elsewhere.
As a further explanation the ACW Ambulance and team is fixed to a scenic base so we could use realistic reins and attach them to the drivers hands. Any other approach would necessitate some type of over scale treatment. I think you will like it when you see it.
I believe the next full fledged evening W. Britain event will be in the fall next year at Williamsburg, VA... but that isn't in stone yet.
The first offerings for the Matte 'War on the Nile' will be in the Jan/Feb 2010 catalog with additional releases in the supplements later in the year.
I hope this answers some of your questions... it is back to the bench to put in a little more time on some new ACW sculpts!All the Best,
Ken Osen