Wittman Tiger (3 Viewers)


Sergeant Major
Oct 10, 2010
Just received it yesterday. Despite minor issue with decals, the new Wittman tank is awesome. The tank oversize (> 1:30 ?) makes it work perfectly with all figures ( CS, K&C...etc...) as obviously all figure sets are a bit bigger than 1:30 scale anyway....Now the whole thing just looks right to me...

Highly recommended....Good job CS.


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Excellent photos. Really shows the size of these huge vehicles as compared to the men. At last, a Tiger that looks right in scale, compared to the foot figures. Can't wait to get mine. This is an outstanding release. I am especially impressed with the close up shots of the tank CO in the hatch. He just looks correct standing in the hatch and not overwhelming the hatch, as all other previous releases have depicted with the oversize figures/undersize tanks. -- Al
Very nice tank and dio. I knew of CS winter Tiger, but was unaware of the release of this Witmann`s version until I saw this thread. The only thing that bothered me, as you pointed out, is the 007 decal quality, but not to the point to not covet one of these...^&grin
Just received it yesterday. Despite minor issue with decals, the new Wittman tank is awesome. The tank oversize (> 1:30 ?) makes it work perfectly with all figures ( CS, K&C...etc...) as obviously all figure sets are a bit bigger than 1:30 scale anyway....Now the whole thing just looks right to me...

Highly recommended....Good job CS.

You beat me to the punch. I just received my Wittman Tiger and add on crew set today and was about to take some pics and post the exact same sentiments. You hit the nail on the head with the oversized figures. Everyone seems to latch on to K&C's recent Tigers being a correct 1/30 per dimensions, but I thing if you applied the same metrics to the figures they would turn out to be about 7 feet tall on average.

The only constant in this industry seems to be the figures, with K&C, CS, Thomas Gunn, etc. all making them to look good together. Finally, CS has given us tanks sized correctly to the troops who manned them.

This new CS Tiger is amazing! The detail is exquisite, the color scheme is great, the size is right, and the figures have rivalled if not surpassed K&C at this point. All at a price point significantly below its competitors.

The decals still do suck though, and you can tell they are definitely decals. That is one of my two gripes, the other being that CS has stopped shipping their tanks with cupola mounted machine guns! Bring these back please or sell them separately as they were a great additions. I'd accept the price on AFVs creeping up $10-$20 if that's what it took. Other than that, Collectors Showcase has hit the ball out of the park with this tank and a Winter Tiger is in my future. If anybody is on the fence on these, buy it, you will not be disappointed.

Now, when is that (expletive deleted) Jadgpanther I saw in the teaser photo being released Bryan? :salute::
When you see these with the figures it just makes me want to run out and buy one. This week going into the shop and picking it up, I mean hiding it away.{bravo}}{sm4}
Tomorrow I will post pics of the Collectors Showcase Wittman Tiger and King Tiger together. No measuring though.....Only for fun ! {sm2}
I won't be getting one in answer to your question. Its been measured and its just too large for my liking. I am glad everyone else is happy but, measuring the accuracy of a tank by overscale figures does not work for me in this instance or, in fact any instance.
I won't be getting one in answer to your question. Its been measured and its just too large for my liking. I am glad everyone else is happy but, measuring the accuracy of a tank by overscale figures does not work for me in this instance or, in fact any instance.

Maybe I have been too shrill about this issue, but I agree with what he says....Michael
Maybe I have been too shrill about this issue, but I agree with what he says....Michael

I totally respect your opinions on this tank if the exact scale is important to you.
For me it's not that too important if it's a bit on the larger size. I look at the whole
picture and if the tank is proportionate when displaying with the figures then that's good enough for me {sm3}.
I understand what Mitch and Michael are saying and why they are bothered by over-scale issues. The scale issues concern me too but I am getting the Wittmann Tiger even though it won't display with my other 1/30 scale Tigers from KC and CS. The new tank WILL make an excellent stand alone display with any of my over-scale KC and CS figures because this tank is correctly sized to those figures and with the add-on crew, I don't intend to miss out on what is another fine Tiger model from CS. It IS going to be my last Tiger for quite awhile (sure it is:rolleyes2:), so I will just enjoy it's uniqueness. -- Al
For those who stick to the true 1/30 vehicles by CS and KC, do you purchase the overscale figures? Just curious, as the large figures have never looked right and bugged me.
I understand what Mitch and Michael are saying and why they are bothered by over-scale issues. The scale issues concern me too but I am getting the Wittmann Tiger even though it won't display with my other 1/30 scale Tigers from KC and CS. The new tank WILL make an excellent stand alone display with any of my over-scale KC and CS figures because this tank is correctly sized to those figures and with the add-on crew, I don't intend to miss out on what is another fine Tiger model from CS. It IS going to be my last Tiger for quite awhile (sure it is:rolleyes2:), so I will just enjoy it's uniqueness. -- Al

Every vehicle in the new 1/30th scale line from the Panther onwards was meant to remedy the under scaled vehicle issue that has long been apparent in the industry for years.

The Tiger fits in beautifully with the new KT and Panther as well as the Wespe, Steyr 1500 PzKfw IV and so on. In addition all AFV's to come are designed to be correct 1/30th scale vehicles for this line.

We had two roads we could travel when scaling the Panther: To continue miss-scaling vehicles at 1/32-1/35th for 1/30th scale figures or go for it, take a risk and right scale all AFV's from the Panther on. We chose the latter and are so glad for it. Customers have snapped up our AFV's in volume at the new corrected scale.

We feel sorry for those that have large collections of under scaled models of course, but should we have kept doing the wrong thing because of that? Absolutely not.

Hope the above helps in understanding the hard decision that was taken a while back to forge ahead and correct years of badly scaled AFV's.

Tally Hooo!

Figures IMO are much more subjective in nature. When you look at, lets say, the Waffen SS quite a lot of the troops were huge was not uncommon for them to be well over six feet and nearer seven feet in height. Add these calculations in the mix and thats why its so difficult to get figures correct and, possibly why most are made beyond the 1/30th hobby.

I have never really measured AFV's properly but, know the measurements of the AFV's in question and, its not rocket science to quickly calculate what they should be. I also know that a lot of early AFV's were more 1/32nd scale not so sure which ones Brian believes are 1/35th but, there are none in my collection and not many I could think of in our hobby off the top of my head. I had some issues with the Tiger 1 before I saw the scale issue and, as said feel that its just too big regardless of what has been said about true 1/30th it just does not seem to add up to the dimensions that I am aware it should be.

For those who stick to the true 1/30 vehicles by CS and KC, do you purchase the overscale figures? Just curious, as the large figures have never looked right and bugged me.
I would still like to see photos of the Panzer4, Panther and new Tiger side by side. I have the Panther, but not the other 2..Michael
I understand what Mitch and Michael are saying and why they are bothered by over-scale issues. The scale issues concern me too but I am getting the Wittmann Tiger even though it won't display with my other 1/30 scale Tigers from KC and CS. The new tank WILL make an excellent stand alone display with any of my over-scale KC and CS figures because this tank is correctly sized to those figures and with the add-on crew, I don't intend to miss out on what is another fine Tiger model from CS. It IS going to be my last Tiger for quite awhile (sure it is:rolleyes2:), so I will just enjoy it's uniqueness. -- Al

You said exactly what I thought. Also the painting on included figures are much improved as well.

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