Wittmann Tiger Fiefel with uneven air filter exhaust hoses (1 Viewer)


Dec 25, 2017
Pics of my second Wittmann Tiger with views of the turret box/Fiefel hoses on back of hull. On this one they are of uneven height creating more instability of the turret when positioned straight forward in my opinion. The turret glides over the left hose with no problem but hits the right hose dead on and must be slightly lifted to pass over it. My point of all this is that at the price these are going for no one should have to contemplate a return or self modification. K&C will hopefully QC check the second batch due to be available in February more closely before shipping them out to dealers/customers. Thanks for all the input on the first post, much appreciated.


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I'd think that three or four washers (or quarters) spread out in the turret socket would level things up nicely. Just a suggestion.:)

The photos show the problem very well. I have many Tiger I tank models from 1/72 to 1/16 scale and all have larger clearance between the turret box and the rear deck than is shown in your photo!
I'd think that three or four washers (or quarters) spread out in the turret socket would level things up nicely. Just a suggestion.:)


Raising the turret is certainly the easiest fix, apart from refund/return of course. However turrets (on most tanks) are usually very close to the deck and it does look a bit weird when they are raised up, of course some collectors would be ok with that, and that's fine.

Looking at the photos the base of the turret box seems curved rather than flat, could be an error with the model, or maybe just an optical illusion.
I'd think that three or four washers (or quarters) spread out in the turret socket would level things up nicely. Just a suggestion.:)


...fine line of lifting the entire turret off of the hull vs. having right clearance for the stowage box. Not optimal, but I've received worse from other manufacturers.
Raising the turret is certainly the easiest fix, apart from refund/return of course. However turrets (on most tanks) are usually very close to the deck and it does look a bit weird when they are raised up, of course some collectors would be ok with that, and that's fine.

Looking at the photos the base of the turret box seems curved rather than flat, could be an error with the model, or maybe just an optical illusion.

Another possible fix would involve sanding a millimeter or so off the bottom of the turret bin. Obviously, that’s a destructive solution, making it an undesirable remedy to some collectors.:eek:

Another possible fix would involve sanding a millimeter or so off the bottom of the turret bin. Obviously, that’s a destructive solution, making it an undesirable remedy to some collectors.:eek:


I'd consider it a 'modification', it would only be 'destructive' if something went wrong, and what could possibly go wrong with me sanding some polystone off a model with my Dewalt angle grinder ^&grin
Thank for posting the photo but wonder if it would be a big deal with most collectors if so send it back end of story
Thank for posting the photo but wonder if it would be a big deal with most collectors if so send it back end of story


Not a deal breaker for me and no intension of sending mine back.

Just have to be careful moving it around so one hand on bottom the other on top avoiding three very sharp metal antennas


Not a deal breaker for me and no intension of sending mine back.

Just have to be careful moving it around so one hand on bottom the other on top avoiding three very sharp metal antennas

I agree m8

Not a deal breaker for me and no intension of sending mine back.

Just have to be careful moving it around so one hand on bottom the other on top avoiding three very sharp metal antennas


I'd be very careful about putting hands on the bottoms of models, there's been a lot of sexual misconduct allegations lately.
I'd consider it a 'modification', it would only be 'destructive' if something went wrong, and what could possibly go wrong with me sanding some polystone off a model with my Dewalt angle grinder ^&grin

I suddenly have visions of you with your angel grinder going flat knackers bouncing the turret on the spinning disc, with a xxxx in one hand saying 'she'll be right mate, just taking a whisker off the back mate and Bobs ya Nana'. {sm2}
I suddenly have visions of you with your angel grinder going flat knackers bouncing the turret on the spinning disc, with a xxxx in one hand saying 'she'll be right mate, just taking a whisker off the back mate and Bobs ya Nana'. {sm2}

"Angel" grinder, I wish ^&grin
I'd consider it a 'modification', it would only be 'destructive' if something went wrong, and what could possibly go wrong with me sanding some polystone off a model with my Dewalt angle grinder ^&grin
I would like to see that ^&grin
I would like to see that ^&grin

Not much chance of that Neil, I won't be buying this model as I don't collect Eastern Front sets. Well that's not strictly true as I do have Wittmans 'Kursk' Tiger 13-31 made by The Collectors Showcase that I purchased because someone was selling it for next to nothing. Remember that set, everyone was critical of the incorrect arrangement of the roadwheels, and a few others issues. Despite the detail errors I think it's one of the best looking models in my collection. I guess you could say the same for this new K & C Tiger, it obviously has a few issues, but if you want it, forget what others say, just buy it ^&cool

BTW, here's an interesting interview with Wittman after the Villers Battle. Interesting to note how close the respective tanks were before anyone noticed them, similar close distance (less than 200 meters) when Wittman didn't notice the Canadian Firefly behind the garden wall that took him out when he was in Tiger 007.

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I'd think that three or four washers (or quarters) spread out in the turret socket would level things up nicely. Just a suggestion.:)

So I went ahead and tried that , it really doesn't help at all maybe makes the whole turret even more unstable. Tried dimes, washers, etc.
So I went ahead and tried that , it really doesn't help at all maybe makes the whole turret even more unstable. Tried dimes, washers, etc.

I always use stacked index cards. Much thinner and lets you control how much you shim it a lot more precisely. You can cut them in circles to completely fill the hole in the hull.
I must be missing something here: You buy a new tank. It's obviously defective. You return it to the manufacturer for a refund. Case closed.
I have successfully utilized a belt sander to adjust the fit of a turret to a hull on a polystone model. Wear a respirator when machining plastic as the resins can be toxic if inhaled! A way to raise a turret is to drill three 4mm holes 120 degrees apart on the hull turret ring. Insert three 4.5mm BBs into the holes and put the turret in place. The turret will sit higher and the BBs act as bearings resulting in smooth turret rotation.

I suddenly have visions of you with your angel grinder going flat knackers bouncing the turret on the spinning disc, with a xxxx in one hand saying 'she'll be right mate, just taking a whisker off the back mate and Bobs ya Nana'. {sm2}
I have successfully utilized a belt sander to adjust the fit of a turret to a hull on a polystone model. Wear a respirator when machining plastic as the resins can be toxic if inhaled! A way to raise a turret is to drill three 4mm holes 120 degrees apart on the hull turret ring. Insert three 4.5mm BBs into the holes and put the turret in place. The turret will sit higher and the BBs act as bearings resulting in smooth turret rotation.

Toxic, schmoxic... we used to paint in my dad's auto body shop (no paint booth) until we were nearly high and then sit outside with a beer or two and spit-for-distance while the coats set up!

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