WW 1 Centenary Diorama (1 Viewer)

I do see what you mean! By the way - even though this will be 1940 - I wouldn't mind betting that during WW1 - things might have looked very similar. Take a peek at the film in the link below:

I used such a tented facility during the 1960's in Germany. Things hadn't changed much then, either. jb

I will say that the poor buggers looked cold! and they reminded me of a mob of council workers digging a hole only there were less of them than a council mob :wink2:
Excellent - beats a 7lb jam tin with holes in the base made with a nail - and hung from a convenient branch - everytime!

Question? - Do you have any original pics of this set-up? If so - would love to see them. Wel done - once again. jb

....ha ha that's really funny and reminds me how we used to use a plastic bucket hung on a hook, with nail holes in it's bottom, for a 1 minute shower at our grandparents 'bach' (beach-house) back in the 70's.....it was amazing how quick you could wash ya hair, soap yourself up and get rinsed off in less than a 1 minute...{eek3}{eek3}^&grin

Wayne mate, that 'love-tub' piece is amazing, can't wait to see the final display lads...:salute::
Again to-day was spent on the Great War dio where we started on the German strong point, as was their want the Germans occupied the high ground looking down and across no mans land to the British trenches, much still to do here eg: trench walls, thick belt of wire, ground work and adding texture to the bunker.

A view from inside the bunker.

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Also more work done on the general area.

And the third dio table goes up, the plan is for this one to be a split dio one side being a German airfield and the other a British airfield.

A few more shots of the day's work. Glenn, Phil, Bob and Wayne weave their magic again! We are using two K&C 77 mm artillery pieces. I love the camo pattern. Probably my favourite K&C WW 1 piece. I added the photograph of the coffee because I felt that it gave a sense of the two addictions being catered for simultaneously.




ABC 1.jpg

Bob the builder at work

ABC 2.jpg

Glenn and Phil at work on a third table

ABC 3.jpg

The German strongpoint takes shape

ABC 4.jpg

Putting your head above the trench line is dangerous!
Very well done lads! I hope Jack didn't take too long to get that coffee for the working men?
Thanks for all of the pics lads. I like to see how things are made - and you are showing well, how this is all "coming to life". Hope you have a book made up to show visitors how it was made - and by whom. :cool: jb
Thanks for all of the pics lads. I like to see how things are made - and you are showing well, how this is all "coming to life". Hope you have a book made up to show visitors how it was made - and by whom. :cool: jb

That's a great idea Johnny, really enjoying all the pic's guys, keep them coming. Also nice to put some names to faces too! You boys almost need a coffee machine/person on the go 24/7...^&grin^&grin
That's a great idea Johnny, really enjoying all the pic's guys, keep them coming. Also nice to put some names to faces too! You boys almost need a coffee machine/person on the go 24/7...^&grin^&grin
Mate, Jack is our facilitator, 'Dear Leader' (self proclaimed) and tea lady... though I would've opted for someone more comely and with better legs :rolleyes2:. A book of our 'big days out' is a possibility so stay tuned.
Again another pleasant Sunday spent working on our dios, we are about 90% done on the Great War dio having almost finished the German bunker etc today, we test fitted a pair of 77mm guns and they came out very well. Next week we will complete the dio by finishing the wire, dry brushing and adding the figures and all those little details that really bring a diorama to life.

Here is a figure that Bob adapted from a K&C Egyptian into a Digger shoveling coal, he says it needs some more work.

Added some water to the shower barrel.

More of the German bunker.

Hey that's one of my core series you are tampering with, please revert back to the Egyptian bread maker immediately, whatever next{eek3}, Robin.
We also had the great pleasure of Marg's (Jack's much better half:wink2:) company to-day.

The team....
Again another pleasant Sunday spent working on our dios, we are about 90% done on the Great War dio having almost finished the German bunker etc today, we test fitted a pair of 77mm guns and they came out very well. Next week we will complete the dio by finishing the wire, dry brushing and adding the figures and all those little details that really bring a diorama to life.

Hi Wayne and team,
Congratulations...once again!!! The German gun emplacement on the high ground dominates the landscape.......the Commonwealth troops will have a REALLY hard time........:salute::
This Wingnuts Gotha will be the centrepoint of our airfield - with a 73 cm wingspan it could hardly go anywhere other than the centre!




Just pulled out the tape measure at 73 cm this thing is bloody huge, I know you told us but you don't get it until you see the actual length, don't drop it when you bring it in Dad would be most cheesed off {sm2}, centre of the table it is ^&grin


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