WW 1 Centenary Diorama (1 Viewer)

Gentlemen (or Ladies if are one of them) today we continued the work on the Great War Western Front dio, we had the almost the full team on hand apart from Glen with Phil returning from his holiday only slightly worse for ware :wink2: the pictures tell the story.

Some more pics...

We also added a few extra items to the ALH dio..

Then stood around talking about it ^&grin
My shirt gives the impression that I am two stone heavier than I am.
Just in case anybody has noted the blue tarpaulin type material on the ground. That is for wrapping up the bodies if anybody criticises the trench diorama !
Just in case anybody has noted the blue tarpaulin type material on the ground. That is for wrapping up the bodies if anybody criticises the trench diorama !

Noted and strangely enough Jack was standing on it! {sm2}{eek3}{sm4}

Coming along nicely fellas.

Well, then, chaps, take those stones out of your pockets and throw them away and you'll look thin and svelte :wink2:
If I add my "Well Done" - it sounds just a bit lame!

But I do mean it. Well Done indeed. I would add "Nice Dio" - but you might think I was taking the P. :D:salute:: johnnybach
Now that's just right!!{sm3}

Universally called "The Bog" - in the British Army - so a "Bog Roll" is just the ticket.:D

One of the first things you learned to do - when on Exercise - was to arm yourself with a "soft" roll or two, of your own. I used to keep one in my left ammo pouch.

Also, as "bogs" were an infrequently encountered item - when on the move (especially one as lavish as yours - with a roof - which is close on indulgent - if not sheer luxury!), but also a shovel too!!!

Well done:D - bet that will get a smile or two from the visitors - when you're open for business ( if you'll pardon the expression!).{eek3} jb
Now that's just right!!{sm3}

Universally called "The Bog" - in the British Army - so a "Bog Roll" is just the ticket.:D

One of the first things you learned to do - when on Exercise - was to arm yourself with a "soft" roll or two, of your own. I used to keep one in my left ammo pouch.

Also, as "bogs" were an infrequently encountered item - when on the move (especially one as lavish as yours - with a roof - which is close on indulgent - if not sheer luxury!), but also a shovel too!!!

Well done:D - bet that will get a smile or two from the visitors - when you're open for business ( if you'll pardon the expression!).{eek3} jb
It's in the mail...:wink2:
Awesome dunny mate and I have a WW2 Jerry that might find your dunny handy! ^&grin Oh and there is a Brit WW2 soldier that would love to use it as well!

Never mind Jerry, look at the size of them splinters......ouch {eek3}^&grin

Simply brilliant boys, a nice touch{sm4}

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