I don't think that is what anybody was saying. I believe it is the general opinion that Mike Norris does EXCELLENT Glossy work with Little Legion. Based on that style it is my opinion and others it seems that IF he would have been the one to end up with the Trophy Line, then maybe Trophy could have continued.
The facts Martin, obviously from your posts Ken is a good friend and again, my opinion is my opinion. I mean Ken no disrespect. BUT here are the facts as I see them:
1. Trophy was turned over what seems many many moons ago to Ken. IT SITS.
2. Trophy done in MATTE in my opinon is Crap with a capital C no matter who makes it including Len himself. Part of the charm is the gloss, that is why Little Legion (IMO) is doing great.
3. Original Trophy holds a special place to most collectors. Look at the frenzy of auction prices.
4. And without getting too personal and particulars, my own attempted dealing for an older stock piece was a not good experience.
Long story short, at this point, I would rather see the moulds stay buried then see them in Matte or not done like original Trophy. Also, I don't believe they would ever be affordable due to my previous experience.
Just my opinion, wouldn't be unhappy if its proven wrong.