Japan Earthquake (3 Viewers)

Just seen the reactor blow!!! wow, they are having all sorts of problems and, just had another very large after shock with expectant tsunami's
The earth itself is literrally growning..Terrible diaster....One cannot ignore the series of natural disasters, global economic problems,and political upheaval in the middle east: Read Matt:24.....
I have just watched on the news a scientist saying they believe there could be a whole series of movements along the pacific rim and it could affect the san andreas fault.

Sadly, looks like it won't be the last earthquake or Tsunami we will see
Food for thought:
My wife and I were watching the news this evening. It was reported that this earthquake caused a fissure in the earth's crust 150 miles long and 50 miles wide. It also moved the island of Japan eight feet and changed the earth's axis by 10 inches. Now that is a powerful force to be reckoned with . . . . did somebody say 2012 . . . .
:smile2: Mike
If the Mayans could see into the future, they might have had some insight about the Conquistadors. Very unfortunate the History Channel and others are playing that 2012 nonsense up for ratings. Some people take that way too seriously.
If the Mayans could see into the future, they might have had some insight about the Conquistadors. Very unfortunate the History Channel and others are playing that 2012 nonsense up for ratings. Some people take that way too seriously.

I concur with Combat. Earthquakes happen all the time and more often that we think.
The following Wikipedia article shows indeed that big ones are pretty frequent...We are of course more sensitive and aware when they unfortunately incur significant losses of life and heavy damage.
The other factor is modern communication. We hear about these events all over the world within a short time, and rather than look to geology some people get superstitious. Certainly these event ARE scary even to hear about. Cape Ann sits on a fault line but it hasn't moved much since 1755. I remember a tremor in the 1960s. Since recorded history only started here in the 1600s, who knows how many or how bad the quakes were before that time. (Most of the native people here were dead by the 1600s.)
So are you saying religion and after life even god is superstition?? we cannot prove one thing or another with either that or the mayans but, you seem rather quick to dismiss ancient cultures out of hand. I remember similar narrative about the uncovering of egyptian culture but, a lot has now been learned and accepted from this culture alone.

Lets hope their not right as I will be docking in the US for a christmas break with the wife's family.

Fact is its the largest earthquake in japanese living history and they expect another possibly as large to come very soon. Perhaps some won't seem so blase when the san andrea fault goes.

I raised a point about a cultures expalnation as to the end of their calander not an explanation for the earthquake or Tsunami. Modern technology and understanding still does not know everything

....... Modern technology and understanding still does not know everything

Well no Mitch, but science does not admit to knowing everything, each time our civilization knows more about something, it's because the scientific method finds that information. Even with history for example, I won't know everything about an incident like the 1814 British raid on Sandy bay (Rockport, Mass) but I can know more about it each time I find a record from the National Archives, or a period letter, or even the log of the British ship involved in your National Archives. Heck, I lived for five years right on the site of the fort that was raided and knew nothing about it! I also live on an earthquake fault but if I hadn't read about what the historians and the scientists recorded about that fault, any tremor would be more irrationally frightening. If I thought the thunder god was angry I might not take actions to save my family. If I didn't know I lived on a fault at all, I wouldn't have extra food put away, water, batteries, tools etc.

A recent power blackout had my daughter spooked because she's recovering from two heart surgeries. Technology saved her in the case of her heart and this minor technology failure was remedied by my neighbor on his iPhone. He was able to find that the blackout was only local by going to a newspaper website. Then he called his wife to get pizza where she was (with power).

Here's another short case of the Ancient Aliens series on The History Channel. There's a character on that show who claimed that a UFO sighting AND abduction happened in colonial Boston. If you look at a copy of the source, the journal of John Winthrop, the 1825 editor was able to explain the incident as marsh gas and the incoming tide. A man almost 200 years ago had a natural explanation of what a 17th Century man thought was mysterious.
while I appreciate what your saying we are not really talking of thunder gods. The Mayans were brought up because of the exact date they stated and, that they wrote of substantial activity prior which, we are getting.

Now I am not saying I dispute science but, I also don't, because of science, disregard other ways of interpretating things because it does not fit with scientific theory.

Otherwise some of the things I mentioned earlier would be seen as what you called superstition. As I said, geology informs us of the fragility of the planet but, these superstitious cultures talked of polar shifts and other such phenomenon thousands of years ago these are now being accepted in science after much ridicule.
Everything has a beginning and an end....Compelling food for thought...Science doesn't even come close to answering the question of "the beginning" and doubtful if it can predict the end: Matt 24
I just feel so sorry for those poor people. Thats the only important fact!!
Yes,my heart goes out to them.They have a long road ahead but they are a strong people and they will come out of this even stronger.
Some of the film is just draw dropping.The town where some ten thousand are missing looks like its almost been removed from the surface of the earth. And how you even start removing the mountains of debris is beyond me. I hope every country that can is doing all in its power to help. And then theres the nuclear power station problems.

I don't think I will ever moan about lousy weather again, my thoughts are with the people of Japan this evening.

Yes its stunning how bad it is. The nuclear issue is a problem for all of us not just the japanese people if they cannot get it sorted
Can you site an example of one of these legends now accepted by science?
the 1825 editor was able to explain the incident as marsh gas and the incoming tide. A man almost 200 years ago had a natural explanation of what a 17th Century man thought was mysterious.

Or what a 21st Century man would claim was a sign of the end of the world.

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