Nfl 2012 season!!!! (2 Viewers)

I read earlier today the Jets have brought Marty Morninglory in as OC, he of the West Coast Offense scheme.

So no more ground and pound then?

Explain to me how the Jets are going to run a West Coast Offense with Sanchize as the QB, no pass catching back out of the backfield and only deep threats at wide receiver; oh wait, I know, they are going to trade Sanchize to the Iggles for Vick and bingo, problem solved.......:rolleyes2:

J-E-T-S=total and absolute train wreck.

You're in a boisterous mood today!

It's not going to happen immediately. May take a couple of years, assuming Rex is here past next year. Apparently, the new GM only has to keep Rex for another year. Not sure i believe that but we will see.
You're in a boisterous mood today!

It's not going to happen immediately. May take a couple of years, assuming Rex is here past next year. Apparently, the new GM only has to keep Rex for another year. Not sure i believe that but we will see.

You're making my point regarding the train wreck aspect.

So now the Jets are going with a different offensive plan without the correct players to run it, so is that fair to Rex?

"The new GM only has to keep Rex for another year"...............then why bother, just can the guy now and start over, the last thing Rex wants to be is a lame duck coach.

When you clean house, you clean house, you don't redo the kitchen but not the kitchen floor, you do it all in one shot.

Let the new GM hire "his guy", what GM worth his salt wants someone elses coach as his?

Makes no sense.
A friend of mine is going to a birthday party today for a five year old girl whos family is made up of Ravens season ticket holders, the girls mother does the "Ray Lewis onto the field dance/seizure" that he does every week, I told him don't go postal and clock her or else you'll be watching the game from a jail cell. I told him if he does clock her, make sure you burn the white suit and pay off the cab driver.....

Is it Sunday yet, time seems to have stopped and is going backward.

It's kind of sickening that this criminal is a hero to so many. I guess the masses can forgive about anything if they play football well enough, but it's tough to stomach a murderer getting so much praise. And I see the 49ers have added to the NFL's hall of infamy with a sexual assualt charge this week.
It's kind of sickening that this criminal is a hero to so many. I guess the masses can forgive about anything if they play football well enough, but it's tough to stomach a murderer getting so much praise. And I see the 49ers have added to the NFL's hall of infamy with a sexual assualt charge this week.

Combat, Ray Lewis never murdered anyone and I don't care who he plays/played for, he should have never left the scene of a crime but that was what he did, and not coming forward about what happened at the murder scene that night, but after reading your comments why did I even bother to comment??

Ray Lewis has done more good for the communities of Baltimore then I can type, whether it's food drives, clothing, fund raising, speaking at shelters or college classes and so on, but hold onto your hate I'm sure you can find some usefulness for it somewhere in life...Sammy
Combat, Ray Lewis never murdered anyone and I don't care who he plays/played for, he should have never left the scene of a crime but that was what he did, and not coming forward about what happened at the murder scene that night, but after reading your comments why did I even bother to comment??

Ray Lewis has done more good for the communities of Baltimore then I can type, whether it's food drives, clothing, fund raising, speaking at shelters or college classes and so on, but hold onto your hate I'm sure you can find some usefulness for it somewhere in life...Sammy

After looking into it, this is, in fact, what happened. Wrong place, wrong time. We all make mistakes. He's a great ambassador for the sport. If you can, check out the Football Life piece the NFL Network did. It's well worth watching.
Combat, Ray Lewis never murdered anyone and I don't care who he plays/played for, he should have never left the scene of a crime but that was what he did, and not coming forward about what happened at the murder scene that night, but after reading your comments why did I even bother to comment??

Ray Lewis has done more good for the communities of Baltimore then I can type, whether it's food drives, clothing, fund raising, speaking at shelters or college classes and so on, but hold onto your hate I'm sure you can find some usefulness for it somewhere in life...Sammy

How do you know that? OJ was found not guilty. Think he never murdered anyone? At the very least Lewis was involved in a cover up. He's a criminal who plead guilty to obstructing justice in a double homicide. Great role model for the community. He should keep his money. Baltimore doesn't need it. Because he is a great football player on a team that you pull for is not a license to get away with murder. That's a basic problem with sports. Fans have no perspective. In any other scenario you wouldn't spit on this clown if he was on fire.
How do you know that? OJ was found not guilty. Think he never murdered anyone? At the very least Lewis was involved in a cover up. He's a criminal who plead guilty to obstructing justice in a double homicide. Great role model for the community. He should keep his money. Baltimore doesn't need it. Because he is a great football player on a team that you pull for is not a license to get away with murder. That's a basic problem with sports. Fans have no perspective. In any other scenario you wouldn't spit on this clown if he was on fire.

Combat is correct. The thug Lewis committed his crime(s) in the Buckhead area of Atlanta (where I live and grew up). It was about that time that a "bad element" started encroaching into this premium, upscale area of Atlanta. Things went downhill from there. Not so many years later Buckhead's "old guard" got together and shut down all the clubs bars and other joints that were attracting the wrong crowd. Eventually a major redevelopment, very upscale, was begun. Unfortunately it ran dead on into the real estate collapse. Only recently has construction startedvagain, after several years of huge holes and static cranes marring the Buckhead landscape. It really all started with the Lewis incident. The entire debacle really go started with the Lewis event,
How do you know that? OJ was found not guilty. Think he never murdered anyone? At the very least Lewis was involved in a cover up. He's a criminal who plead guilty to obstructing justice in a double homicide. Great role model for the community. He should keep his money. Baltimore doesn't need it. Because he is a great football player on a team that you pull for is not a license to get away with murder. That's a basic problem with sports. Fans have no perspective. In any other scenario you wouldn't spit on this clown if he was on fire.

Hate on Combat, this will be my last comment on it, you think he's guilty of murder then so be it, I guess it must be true...Sammy
Hate on Combat, this will be my last comment on it, you think he's guilty of murder then so be it, I guess it must be true...Sammy


I like Ray Lewis the fb player and can honestly say that he is the greatest middle linebacker of modern time just like Butkus of the 60s, Lambert of the 70s and Singletary of the 80s.

Ok, all of that said, he has done a lot of making up over the last 10 years in a lot of ways. Facts are he was at the scene of a terrible crime and instead of coming forward and telling the truth right away, he sat stone silent and did not do the right thing. Do I think he murdered anyone, no, I personally do not, do I think he saw most if not all of the entire scene, yes I do and he lied about it. That is where his innocence died in the minds of most fans.

Now, do I think he is worthy of the HOF, yes, b/c personally, I believe it should be based on the playing ability and impact on the game. Same reasons why Pete Rose, Dave Parker, Barry Bonds and Roger Clemons should be in Baseballs. Specifically, Barry Bonds has hall of fame numbers and ability without all fo the home runs, he is one of the best hitters in baseball. Clemons had plenty of numbers before any controversy and it has never been proven he did anything wrong. Lots of double standards everywhere.

I guess overall point is everyone has their own feelings on this one and it is just opinions, can't take it personally.

Like you said Tom, everyone has thier own opinion, so time for me to move on from this topic, as it seems finally game day!! got to finish chores and such so when the games start there are no interuptions, less then 10 hours to go!!!...Sammy
TGIS is all I can say, enough with the talk all week long and the analysis over and over, up and down, back and forth, left and right. Seems like the vast majority of talking heads on ESPN and the NFL network are taking the Ravens.

Good, take the Ravens.

Will be heading out of here in about 5 hours or so and traveling down to the stadium to tailgate and drink adult beverages, we'll see what happens.
I hope you don't mean what happens when you drink adult beverages {eek3}

I don't want to get a call in the middle of the game saying "I need a lawyer!" ^&grin
I hope you don't mean what happens when you drink adult beverages {eek3}

I don't want to get a call in the middle of the game saying "I need a lawyer!" ^&grin

Won't be too bad today regarding adult beverages; it is SUPER windy today, warm out now (about 50), but they are saying the temps will be dropping throughout the day. If the wind stays like this and it's COLD on top of that, long passes and field goals are going to be an adventure today to say the least...............
17-0 Falcons 6 seconds into the 2nd quarter!{eek3} 49er's big time flat. Better get their act together, fast, because this game is real close to being out of reach. -- Al
17-0 Falcons 6 seconds into the 2nd quarter!{eek3} 49er's big time flat. Better get their act together, fast, because this game is real close to being out of reach. -- Al[/QUOTE 49er's have awakened. 17-14 and we have a ball game. -- Al
Falcons had their chances. Blew a 20-0 lead last week and escaped, blew a 17-0 lead today and ran out of luck. Congratulations to the 49er's. One Harbaugh in the SB, now for the next.:wink2: -- Al
This one may haunt the Falcons, especially the interception that cost them 3 possible points.
Pats lead 13-7 at the half. Ravens lucky Brady mishandled the clock at the end of the half or it could be worse. Ravens offense has to find a way to keep Brady off the field or the Ravens defense is going to get worn out. Still anyone's game and probably will be another cliffhanger. -- Al

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