Nfl 2012 season!!!! (3 Viewers)

No hate to it pal. The guy plead guilty. If you know what actually happened, please tell it to the authorities so that they can bring resolution to the families of those that were murdered. Ray knows the answer, but he's not talking. Wonder why?

I'm good Pal, I said my piece...Sammy
The most incongruous moment of the whole game was the vicious, almost criminal hit, put on Steaven Ridley by that thug Pollard, whose hit record goes back to when he knocked out Brady for the season in 2008. Ridley is seriously hurt and while at the same time trainers are looking at him (and I thought he was seriously hurt, and he appears to have a concussion), players are fighting for the ball. It seemed little consideration was given to Ridley. Thank god he was able to walk off the field.

I like Flacco and some of the guys on offense like Ray Rice but some of the guys on defense are thugs.
What I can't understand is grown men getting all worked up about a GAME that, regardless who wins or loses, nobody's life changes, either way. Furthermore, no one has any connection to the team other than as fan. No one is truly part of the victory, or the loss, as they are merely spectators. The truth is "your" team (not really) could win every game by 100 points from here out and it wouldn't extend your life by a second, wouldn't make you a better or worse person, would not change your life one iota. People do not respect someone because they "cheer" for a winning team. The players coaches and staff are the only ones who can really hold their head high,or low. Everyone else is just part of the anonymous landscape, buying into the marketing hype that affords ridiculous player salaries, where a thug linebacker makes more money than a brilliant cancer researcher, engineer or aircraft carrier pilot. If you ask me our priorities are waaaaayyyy out of whack.
What I can't understand is grown men getting all worked up about a GAME that, regardless who wins or loses, nobody's life changes, either way. Furthermore, no one has any connection to the team other than as fan. No one is truly part of the victory, or the loss, as they are merely spectators. The truth is "your" team (not really) could win every game by 100 points from here out and it wouldn't extend your life by a second, wouldn't make you a better or worse person, would not change your life one iota. People do not respect someone because they "cheer" for a winning team. The players coaches and staff are the only ones who can really hold their head high,or low. Everyone else is just part of the anonymous landscape, buying into the marketing hype that affords ridiculous player salaries, where a thug linebacker makes more money than a brilliant cancer researcher, engineer or aircraft carrier pilot. If you ask me our priorities are waaaaayyyy out of whack.

Got to have some outlet in life some enjoyment some passion,without the fans you wouldn't have a game.
The most incongruous moment of the whole game was the vicious, almost criminal hit, put on Steaven Ridley by that thug Pollard, whose hit record goes back to when he knocked out Brady for the season in 2008. Ridley is seriously hurt and while at the same time trainers are looking at him (and I thought he was seriously hurt, and he appears to have a concussion), players are fighting for the ball. It seemed little consideration was given to Ridley. Thank god he was able to walk off the field.

Pollard; wow, where do I begin with this thug.

2008; blows out Brady's knee, Patriots without him finish 11-5, had he played, they would have gone probably 13-3 and made the playoffs.

2009; was in the area as Welker tried to cut and go around him, he blows out his knee and is done for the playoffs, Patriots lose to the Ravens 33-14 in the playoffs.

2011; in the AFCCG, Pollard drags Gronkowski down, blows out his ankle, he was a non factor in the Super Bowl, Patriots lose.

2012; almost kills Ridley in the AFCCG, momentum turned on that helmet to helmet hit, turned a close game into a two score game and ended it.

If hate were people, my hate for him would be China.
He's not exactly playing with a full deck, half a deck or any cards. My favorite Suggs look:

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A face only a mother could love; he makes Kevin Youkilis look like a runway model.

Nice interview he gave to some Baltimore reporter on the field, dropped about three F bombs towards Brady, Belichick and the Patriots.

So much for winning with class.
What I can't understand is grown men getting all worked up about a GAME that, regardless who wins or loses, nobody's life changes, either way. Furthermore, no one has any connection to the team other than as fan. No one is truly part of the victory, or the loss, as they are merely spectators. The truth is "your" team (not really) could win every game by 100 points from here out and it wouldn't extend your life by a second, wouldn't make you a better or worse person, would not change your life one iota. People do not respect someone because they "cheer" for a winning team. The players coaches and staff are the only ones who can really hold their head high,or low. Everyone else is just part of the anonymous landscape, buying into the marketing hype that affords ridiculous player salaries, where a thug linebacker makes more money than a brilliant cancer researcher, engineer or aircraft carrier pilot. If you ask me our priorities are waaaaayyyy out of whack.

I agree with 99%, no 100% of what you said; the comical thing to me is you're from the south, where football is second to...................nothing near as I can tell.

So how is Atlanta dealing with the NFCCG loss, up 17 to zip and they lost, tough break for the Falcons and their fans.
Got to have some outlet in life some enjoyment some passion,without the fans you wouldn't have a game.

Well FAN is short for FANATIC, so there you go..................I've said it nine million times, will say it again, sports are the toybox of life, there are SO many things that are more important that sports, the older you get, the more you understand that.

Rutledge is so on point with his comments; if the Patriots win the Super Bowl, I'll feel great for a few days, then it's time to move on with the rest of my life, if they lose, I'll be upset for a couple of days, then it's time to move on with the rest of my life; either way, life goes on, the ones who REALLY have to live with it are the owners and players.

Bubba Smith said after the Colts beat the Cowboys in the 1971 Super Bowl 16-13, he was happy for a few seconds, then he immediately thought about how they lost two years prior to the Jets 16-7 and his happiness was gone. Mike Curtis said he thinks about that Jets loss everyday of his life.


What a cross that is to carry around with you, felt so bad for the guy, it wasn't so much what he said, but the way he said it..................
Since we are bashing the Ravens, being a good Steeler fan, thought I would jump in :)

My 2 cents;

1. Flacco - I still think he is an arrogant buffoon with not a lot upstairs, that said, I give him credit for his last 2 games - fairly error free and accurate. My big question mark on him: he has not taken a big hit yet, how will he react? Who knows. SPikes got him pretty good last night, first I can remember. Again, I just do not consider him intelligent.

2. Suggs - one step above neanderthal. I mean that from a class standpoint, he just doesn't have any. It is unfortunate b/c he does have a lot of ability.

3. Pollard - should be removed from the game. Dirty player period. Consistent from team to team. If James Harrison did what he did, he would be banned from football permanently.

4. Ray Lewis - regardless of his off field issue, he is the premier Middle LB of his era.

5. Ed Reed - Probably my favorite Raven (if that is possible), I have always respected his unique almost super human ability.

6. Anquan Boldin - my second favorite Raven, loved him at FSU, still respect him immensely, a true hard nose dedicated footbally player.

One other comment, I really "wince" at the lack of class displayed by some Ravens and others around the league, it is just unnecessary and uncalled for. THey are the best at what they do, there is no reason at that age level and ability level to act like an idiot. Win with class should be a no brainer.

Another comment often leveled at Harrison for the Steelers is that he is dirty, classless, etc. He has had his moments,but honestly, I think he is just a downright angry and mean individual. I think every team has one of them built in that mold.

Finally, we all need to sit back and realize that we are cheering, getting emotionally involved, etc. and what are you really watching??? A bunch of millionaires chasing around a bunch of millionaires playing a game we all enjoyed on the playground and eventually in high school. Nutty, isn't it?

Help me out here Al, I can't fight 'em all at one time!! it's like a feeding frenzy in open waters:)...Sammy
Help me out here Al, I can't fight 'em all at one time!! it's like a feeding frenzy in open waters:)...Sammy
Sammy, sorry I'm late to the defense but I just got up and read all this. The most important thing to remember is that all this Raven bashing is coming from fans of teams that DID NOT get to the Super Bowl. Do the Ravens have that wouldn't make the World's Top Ten Nice Guy List? Sure do. Do other NFL teams? Sure do. Everyone of them. It's the nature of the beast, always has been and always will be until the powers that be regulate hitting out of the game and issue a set of flags to everyone to wear. Thugs have always been part of the game but when thay are on the team you love, they are hard-hitters that play all out. On the opponents team? The same player is a dangerous thug that should be banned. Anyone remember Jack Tatum or Dick Butkus, Sam Huff, Jack Lambert? The list is endless. Do the Ravens have some players that show less than common sense when dealing with the press? Sure do but once again this is hardly confined to the Ravens as EVERY other team has young atheletes with more money than mouth control. Actually, the mouth problem is pretty much an all-sports related problem. So, sour grapes leave a bad taste and the bashing is the result. So let them all bash, point fingers, and recoil in disgust, but it is the Ravens who have earned the right to compete in the Super Bowl this year and not the teams of these other disappointed fans. We Ravens fans will just enjoy the ride.:wink2: -- Al
Help me out here Al, I can't fight 'em all at one time!! it's like a feeding frenzy in open waters:)...Sammy

I think I was pretty fair in my assessment, good with bad and i also included one of my own team's offenders! My comments were more in general with using a few of the Ravens as a current example. No real sour grapes here, my team just couldn't get the engine started again at the end of the season, we didn't deserve to be there.

I think I was pretty fair in my assessment, good with bad and i also included one of my own team's offenders! My comments were more in general with using a few of the Ravens as a current example. No real sour grapes here, my team just couldn't get the engine started again at the end of the season, we didn't deserve to be there.


Tom, as you see in my last post I used a smiley so no hard feelings here, as Al mentioned every team has issues with certain players, I could just as easy rattle off some hard words for some Steeler/Cowboy/Begal/Jets ect..players, but no need, I sure as hell don't exspect fans of other teams to rally around my team to win the Superbowl or even like them, so be it, I guess football is something like toy soldier collecting...we all love the toy soldier hobby (NFL) but we don't all collect the same thing (teams) and sometimes we argue about scale issue/color etc..(players) but in the end we all like to be in this hobby (NFL fans) :)...Sammy
Tom, as you see in my last post I used a smiley so no hard feelings here, as Al mentioned every team has issues with certain players, I could just as easy rattle off some hard words for some Steeler/Cowboy/Begal/Jets ect..players, but no need, I sure as hell don't exspect fans of other teams to rally around my team to win the Superbowl or even like them, so be it, I guess football is something like toy soldier collecting...we all love the toy soldier hobby (NFL) but we don't all collect the same thing (teams) and sometimes we argue about scale issue/color etc..(players) but in the end we all like to be in this hobby (NFL fans) :)...Sammy

Just enjoy the next two weeks there Sammy, Super Bowl trips don't happen every year, it's been what, 12 years since the last time the Ravens went, so enjoy it, specifically next week when all the hype builds up.

Read a good story today about the Ravens and how Harbaugh took a huge gamble by firing Cameron and making Caldwell the OC, a guy who had never called the plays before, the article credits him for going after Cole, who replaced the injured Talib and the Ravens scored 3 touchdowns as a result.

Article also pointed out how the Ravens rallied around Ray Ray when he announced he was retiring, they were burping and farting their way down the stretch losing 4 out of their last 5 games including getting blown out at home by the Broncos, then they caught lightening in a bottle and are off to the super bowl.

Article concluded by saying the league has been watered down so much over recent years, there are no more dynasties like in the 70's, 80's and 90's and all that it takes now to get to/win a Super Bowl is get good match ups in the playoffs, get hot and waltz into the Super Bowl, he pointed out how the Colts in 2006, Giants in 2007, Steelers in 2008, Packers in 2010, Giants in 2011 and Ravens this year are all proof of that, couldn't agree more.

Like I said, enjoy it and think of it this way; "your" Ravens were about 36 seconds away from going home until the Donkos secondary had a brain fart and allowed a 70 yard bomb to tie the game, that's how razor thin the line is between victory and defeat in todays NFL.
Sammy, sorry I'm late to the defense but I just got up and read all this. The most important thing to remember is that all this Raven bashing is coming from fans of teams that DID NOT get to the Super Bowl. Do the Ravens have that wouldn't make the World's Top Ten Nice Guy List? Sure do. Do other NFL teams? Sure do. Everyone of them. It's the nature of the beast, always has been and always will be until the powers that be regulate hitting out of the game and issue a set of flags to everyone to wear. Thugs have always been part of the game but when thay are on the team you love, they are hard-hitters that play all out. On the opponents team? The same player is a dangerous thug that should be banned. Anyone remember Jack Tatum or Dick Butkus, Sam Huff, Jack Lambert? The list is endless. Do the Ravens have some players that show less than common sense when dealing with the press? Sure do but once again this is hardly confined to the Ravens as EVERY other team has young atheletes with more money than mouth control. Actually, the mouth problem is pretty much an all-sports related problem. So, sour grapes leave a bad taste and the bashing is the result. So let them all bash, point fingers, and recoil in disgust, but it is the Ravens who have earned the right to compete in the Super Bowl this year and not the teams of these other disappointed fans. We Ravens fans will just enjoy the ride.:wink2: -- Al

Thanks Al for the help, I was taken on ill Raven posts from all over the place!!:) and I will enjoy the ride as you mentioned Al, it's good to be riding up front for a change:)...Sammy

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