Resin figures. (14 Viewers)

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Just because they didn't release a lot of new items, that doesn't mean they didn't have a good show. Moreover, it is not K & C's practice to announce new items at the Show like Figarti does. It's just a different way of doing things.

Trust me, as I explained earlier, they had a very good show.


That a fair point Brad but a lot of people have said to me about lack of new item In general and less you like grey Germans there not much out there WW2 wise , just my opinion so Brett can say what he wants but does not mean he right as Andy has said himself many a time this forum only reflex a small part of the hobby . Also thank for your pleasant reply Brad :salute::
That a fair point Brad but a lot of people have said to me about lack of new item In general and less you like grey Germans there not much out there WW2 wise , just my opinion so Brett can say what he wants but does not mean he right as Andy has said himself many a time this forum only reflex a small part of the hobby . Also thank for your pleasant reply Brad :salute::

Regarding lack of new items and not much out there WW2 (I am guessing you mean K&C) wise you may wish to refer to the new Chicago edition of the Collector as follows :

Pages 3-4 4 Field Grey vehicles and several figures
Pages 5-6 Sherman, Valentine and Stuart
Pages 8-11 Commandoes (12) and some Germans
Page 12 Germans and waiters at cafe
Pages 15-16 Russian Valentine, BA64 and multiple Russians
Pages 17-20 12 US Airborne
Page 22 British Artillery and Limber
Pages 27 -30 New Winter PzR IV and figures

Probably representing more WW2 releases in same time period (say 4 months) as K&C's WW2 competitors combined. .

I have not counted total K&C WW2 items but in my opinion to say there is not much out there WW2 wise is probably
not a fair reflection of K&C's WW2 large variety.

If you and your sources thought K&C did not have a good show did they express any views on the success of the
show for other brands that do WW2 ? Seems a bit strange only commenting upon one brands "lack of success".

Anyway I hope you and a lot of people find what you are looking for.

That a fair point Brad but a lot of people have said to me about lack of new item In general and less you like grey Germans there not much out there WW2 wise , just my opinion so Brett can say what he wants but does not mean he right as Andy has said himself many a time this forum only reflex a small part of the hobby . Also thank for your pleasant reply Brad :salute::

Surely you're not serious Neil, the number of 'new' WW2 items K&C have been producing lately is amazing.....and I don't even collect grey Germans or BoB and I'm largely a WW2 collector.

To think that nearly every 4x weeks a new batch of figures and vehicles are released is some-what of a small miracle if you ask me. Heck, I'm in permanent catch up mode when it comes to my purchases and have been since 2004.

To be fair, yes you're entitled to your opinion, but if you're not happy with the latest offering from K&C maybe you should put forward some idea's & suggestions of what you'd like to see them make, rather than make 'general' statements like that.
Surely you're not serious Neil, the number of 'new' WW2 items K&C have been producing lately is amazing.....and I don't even collect grey Germans or BoB and I'm largely a WW2 collector.

To think that nearly every 4x weeks a new batch of figures and vehicles are released is some-what of a small miracle if you ask me. Heck, I'm in permanent catch up mode when it comes to my purchases and have been since 2004.

To be fair, yes you're entitled to your opinion, but if you're not happy with the latest offering from K&C maybe you should put forward some idea's & suggestions of what you'd like to see them make, rather than make 'general' statements like that.

I think Neil was more referring to that K&C has released a lot of WW2 that this lot is just the same old same old and just a lot of Germans again . I like some of them and think the wounded set is the pick for me but a lot of Germans for one month.{sm2}
Surely you're not serious Neil, the number of 'new' WW2 items K&C have been producing lately is amazing.....and I don't even collect grey Germans or BoB and I'm largely a WW2 collector.

To think that nearly every 4x weeks a new batch of figures and vehicles are released is some-what of a small miracle if you ask me. Heck, I'm in permanent catch up mode when it comes to my purchases and have been since 2004.

To be fair, yes you're entitled to your opinion, but if you're not happy with the latest offering from K&C maybe you should put forward some idea's & suggestions of what you'd like to see them make, rather than make 'general' statements like that.

I think your find I've had made lots suggestion about new RAF ,Luftwaffe item and to be fair to Andy he said there nothing new coming out ,even asked if KC would make a V2 range which he said no to but it his business so he know what sell and it must be grey Germans ^&grin
I have to go home now cause people are throwing sand in the sand pit...{sm2}


Eh, can some offer any info here???? I had a post deleted in this thread , it answered the above quote along the lines of thee things blow over don't worry about it. Did anyone find any offence it what I wrote???^&confuse

Eh, can some offer any info here???? I had a post deleted in this thread , it answered the above quote along the lines of thee things blow over don't worry about it. Did anyone find any offence it what I wrote???^&confuse



That is strange?
I think your find I've had made lots suggestion about new RAF ,Luftwaffe item and to be fair to Andy he said there nothing new coming out ,even asked if KC would make a V2 range which he said no to but it his business so he know what sell and it must be grey Germans ^&grin

Thanks for the clarification as the meaning of what you are saying above is not the meaning of what you were
saying about lack of "WW2" releases in earlier posts. A better way might perhaps have been to say you were disappointed
no RAF or Luftwaffe items announced.

Since you are wanting to be fair to Andy you may wish to note his brand has released far more RAF
and Luftwaffe, including aircraft, than the other brands combined ( 4 x at least). In relation to V1/V2 stuff Andy did mention in Brisbane a couple of years ago that he had been planning to do such a series but Figarti beat him to it. TG now also
entered that area. I am not sure how big the market is for V1/V2 items is but in my view it is a kind of niche area
within WW2. From what I have seen Figarti seems to have that niche covered quite well and perhaps Andy thinks
there is not too much potential in that area.

Thanks for the clarification as the meaning of what you are saying above is not the meaning of what you were
saying about lack of "WW2" releases in earlier posts. A better way might perhaps have been to say you were disappointed
no RAF or Luftwaffe items announced.

Since you are wanting to be fair to Andy you may wish to note his brand has released far more RAF
and Luftwaffe, including aircraft, than the other brands combined ( 4 x at least). In relation to V1/V2 stuff Andy did mention in Brisbane a couple of years ago that he had been planning to do such a series but Figarti beat him to it. TG now also
entered that area. I am not sure how big the market is for V1/V2 items is but in my view it is a kind of niche area
within WW2. From what I have seen Figarti seems to have that niche covered quite well and perhaps Andy thinks
there is not too much potential in that area.


Can you give it a rest sometimes. You are no longer a police officer and it is not up to you to police this forum from having a opinion .We have moderators for that Brett. Are you so squeaky clean mate.
Can you give it a rest sometimes. You are no longer a police officer and it is not up to you to police this forum from having a opinion .We have moderators for that Brett. Are you so squeaky clean mate.

Simmo, I don't see Brett "policing" the forum as you say and he has every right to correct someone, especially if the comments are incorrect. Sure there are lot's of Germans but then in previous months release's there were heaps of Brit commandoes, tanks, vehicles, 25 pounder etc as well as the U.S. Para's and Russians. Even in the latest German releases, I hardly would say they are "same old, same old" as you say as the figure poses are very inventive and in the case of the WS figures, reflect action poses of real German soldiers during WW2. I also remember a period that there were lot's of Luftwaffe and RAF releases which is an area I do not collect. I was disappointed that there wasn't anything for me, but I didn't come on here making wild and inaccurate statements.

You can't always get what you want and Germans do sell very well so naturally K&C will produce a range more often that sells well. They are after all a business and a business has to make a buck to survive. K&C releases way more than all it's competitors combined and Brett was making that point to counter what Neil is saying that they are not releasing much new stuff lately.

As for your comment "Are you so squeaky clean mate", I think that's an inappropriate thing to say on here.

I think Tom raises a good point here. All the releases come in cycles. This latest 'German' Dispatch is no different from some of the others like RAF, D Day, Afrika Korp or Luftwaffe Dispatches. Sooner or later all ranges dominate a Dispatch and that's just the way it is. So as a collector I'm over the moon when the RAF dispatch was out but if its SOHK or Afrika Korp next up I'm not going to worry about it. Save up my cash and wait for my turn to come around again. NO producer can possibly satisfy all collectors of all ranges all the time, it's la la land to think they can. We once had one member (name no names as he's posting again!) who wrote on the forum 'Andy we collectors want you to make ten or more Afrika Korp figures every month!! {eek3} {eek3} Its laughable. Sometimes we all have to be a little patient and wait for our turn to come. And I must say we WW2 collectors are very lucky, we seem to get releases of one sort or another all the time whilst other ranges get visited much less often.

So the fact there were loads of the Hun this month matters not to me, they look great and I may dip my toe at some point, but there is always something else around the corner, that's one of the things that make collecting K&C very enjoyable:salute::

Personally speaking i think K&C are doing a stirling job,the more Germans the better,after all they are more interesting than the allies thats why they sell so well................:wink2:
Hooray! Thread seems to be working again now!:salute::
Eh, can some offer any info here???? I had a post deleted in this thread , it answered the above quote along the lines of thee things blow over don't worry about it. Did anyone find any offence it what I wrote???^&confuse


Some funky things have been happening on this thread! I noticed that there had been a post deleted by me...yet I have no recollection of ever doing it, and when I saw the post I wondered why it had been deleted. Weird!

It's time to tone down the rhetoric, guys. We're shifting from "This is what I think of these soldiers" to "I'm right and you're stupid." Have an opinion, don't mock others.

In terms of resin figures (yes, the topic of this thread), there is a lot of misinformation floating about. I look forward to an official announcement to set things straight.
Originally Posted by The Military Workshop
Thanks for the clarification as the meaning of what you are saying above is not the meaning of what you were
saying about lack of "WW2" releases in earlier posts. A better way might perhaps have been to say you were disappointed
no RAF or Luftwaffe items announced.

Since you are wanting to be fair to Andy you may wish to note his brand has released far more RAF
and Luftwaffe, including aircraft, than the other brands combined ( 4 x at least). In relation to V1/V2 stuff Andy did mention in Brisbane a couple of years ago that he had been planning to do such a series but Figarti beat him to it. TG now also
entered that area. I am not sure how big the market is for V1/V2 items is but in my view it is a kind of niche area
within WW2. From what I have seen Figarti seems to have that niche covered quite well and perhaps Andy thinks
there is not too much potential in that area.


Brett. Don't put words in my mouth mate as your way of the mark , Andy already said there be no new RAF Luftwaffe this year way before the show ::wink2: As for the show in general I'm well happy with all the new stuff coming from figarti .Is it right in saying also that your just a KC dealer and don't work direct for KC ? .So it just your view on how you see things but it does not make your opinion right does it :salute:::salute::
Some funky things have been happening on this thread! I noticed that there had been a post deleted by me...yet I have no recollection of ever doing it, and when I saw the post I wondered why it had been deleted. Weird!

It's time to tone down the rhetoric, guys. We're shifting from "This is what I think of these soldiers" to "I'm right and you're stupid." Have an opinion, don't mock others.

In terms of resin figures (yes, the topic of this thread), there is a lot of misinformation floating about. I look forward to an official announcement to set things straight.

Don't worry Pete, in my younger drinking days I often did things I later had no recollection of ' doing':wink2::wink2::salute::

Simmo, I don't see Brett "policing" the forum as you say and he has every right to correct someone, especially if the comments are incorrect. Sure there are lot's of Germans but then in previous months release's there were heaps of Brit commandoes, tanks, vehicles, 25 pounder etc as well as the U.S. Para's and Russians. Even in the latest German releases, I hardly would say they are "same old, same old" as you say as the figure poses are very inventive and in the case of the WS figures, reflect action poses of real German soldiers during WW2. I also remember a period that there were lot's of Luftwaffe and RAF releases which is an area I do not collect. I was disappointed that there wasn't anything for me, but I didn't come on here making wild and inaccurate statements.

You can't always get what you want and Germans do sell very well so naturally K&C will produce a range more often that sells well. They are after all a business and a business has to make a buck to survive. K&C releases way more than all it's competitors combined and Brett was making that point to counter what Neil is saying that they are not releasing much new stuff lately.

As for your comment "Are you so squeaky clean mate", I think that's an inappropriate thing to say on here.


Tom who are you to say my comments are wrong when you don't even collect KC ?
At the risk of usurping the role of Pete and his colleagues, I think we all need to calm down a little and perhaps lower the rhetoric.


At the risk of usurping the role of Pete and his colleagues, I think we all need to calm down a little and perhaps lower the rhetoric.



Think it only fair that I have the right to reply to comments made about my post Brad when people are just jumping on the bandwagon
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