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  • Larry, A late Merry Christmas and that in a few hours we may all have a Great New Year! Happy New year and let us keep in touch. Your sets and the pictures are just great.
    Thanks Lawrence! I figured I mind as well go the Ranger route since my dad went that route. My older brother who is in his final year of ROTC just recieved his branch assignment to Ordinance, with specific attachment to an EOD unit.
    Hey Lawrence! Actually going the Army Ranger route (which includes airborne training). I was sworn into the Army a week and half ago. I ship out for Ft. Benning at the end of July for 16 weeks of One Station Unit Training (Infantry school), Basic Airborne Training after that for 3 weeks, then 8 weeks of Ranger Assessment and Selection Program. After this I'm assigned to one of the 3 battalions in the 75th Ranger Regiment. Thanks for holding onto the SF set for me, but I've had to stop collecting unfortunately, just has become to expensive for me. But I'll enjoy the collection I have and hopefully will be able to resume one day. Regards, Jake
    Hey Jake, Great to hear from you. Looks like you are keeping yourself busy. If memory serves me correctly, you are going the airborne route. Hope all is going well with that. Also, still have that SF set for you. Take care and keep me posted. If you are ever in NY, give me a holler. All the best, Lawrence
    Ha!!! Yeah, well, I will work on my typing skills. Guess she and her friends went for Italian but weren't impressed with the meatballs they got- go figure!! :)
    Thank you very much for the kind words on the kids (the He's 15 already thread). They were very kind- didn't really sound like my kids in fact :)) Jill is going to NYC on Sunday- not sure if she'll be in the area but I told her to at least stop in and say hello. Her and Victoria are going to a show. Hey- I start a new job with the Department of the Noavy on July 5th- CRRAZY huh?? :) Take care and all the best to you and your family.
    Hi Lawrence,
    I collected Britains in the past, plus Tommy Atkins, they are the best of glossy figures that I believe, more details than Britains and others, now I am collecting K&C. I used to have plastic figures like Airfix, Historex, etc. Not too many Trophy were on the market here in Australia. I only know one but no more stock now. I like Napoleonic and Zulu British, but the Boxers series are the most colourful.

    I think the tigers that made in the Phillipines have more details than the ones made in China (only 50 made). The Phillipines tigers were made later than those of China.

    Have a nice day.

    Hi Lawrence,
    So sorry to reply that late, I am not quite familiar with this forum and just realised that you have replied to my K&C Tiger and Trophy Boxers series in your album TODAY in the comments that I made to you two weeks ago.

    Actually I did check any new photos you posted in the last two weeks.

    I am interested in the Dragon gun, Kansu Braves, Tigermen and the Jingalls and of course, the K&C TK01, though I prefer the best one that K&C still shows in their Collector Magazine, but also like to have one that you have.


    Hon Chan
    Great to hear from you. I would love to see your new Napoleonic trophy. I had to laugh when you wrote "hide them from the boss." I know you are kidding, but I feel the same way!:tongue: Take care
    Thank you for the comment Lawrence

    Did you notice I swapped out the gun crew on the gunboat? I inherited the set from my late father whom never displayed it. I wish the Trophy of Wales were a wee bit smaller so they would fit in with my ole Britain’s better, but nice detail. I just watched the 1939 version of the 4 feathers and low and behold I spied dhows and gun boats, it was filmed in the Sudan on the Nile. I recognized the Old World buzzards, they are different then our North American vultures, different species but serving the same ecological notch. Well looks like I will be canceling my trip to Egypt, and Afghanistan too, cannot follow British Colonial history anywhere anymore. Guess I will stick to my books, old films and miniatures Anyhow, I will post more soon; I really want to do backdrops and foliage with some better lighting.

    Hallo Lawrence
    Thank you for the birthday wishes,I'm thinking about new JU 52 or HE 111.,,Unfortunately I have not seen,,and you?
    I did lose my voice and I am afraid i taught my boys a few new words as well:redface2: Thanks, it was nice to see the Lombardy Trophy go back to Green Bay. I am excited for you to see that collection of Arsenyev pieces!! Man, it is exciting to see that level of military miniature (painting & casting). The big question: were they for sale or being shown?:wink2: I would love to see his collection. I put the photos up of my Egyptian sets, take look you may recognize one%^V
    Thanks Lawrence,
    I am putting a pot of Red Beans & Sausage on the stove in the morning and kicking back the rest of the day in anticipation of a great game! I appreciate your support and you thinking of me. I just hope it is not a blow-out either way, I really want to see a good game, an epic game perhaps!
    Not much new on the collecting front. I was surprised to see that Zulu War Oxen set go for almost $500 bucks on Ebay. I picked mine up from a guy for a little over $200 and though THAT was too much! I have been picking up some older Lasset studio painted models from the 1970s lately. They are nothing like the Russian pieces, but they do have a certain charm about them. I will have to post some photos after i organize and catalog them. Anything new on your end?
    I hope all is well with you and your family. I have a photo I will send you soon and I think you will get a kick out of it. Take care
    I hope my Packers pull out a win for me (I am originally from Wisconsin). I will pull for the Jets for you. I am looking forward to both games. I teach at a Liberal Arts college here in AR. This is not where I would have chosen to live, but you have to pay the bills. I really cannot complain, I get to teach what I want. I specialize in the French Revolution Napoleonic period, Military History in general, Modern Europe, and the Middle East. The students are quite good and the class size is not huge so I can do a lot with each class. I certainly wish I had a city like New York within striking distance, Little Rock and Memphis are tolerable, not great. Did you not say you own and run a restaurant? What kind of restaurant and where is it located? Take care, and I hope you get that Somme Bombardment set. After I got that one the flood gates kind of opened for Trophy WWI stuff. It is usually more reasonable and I have very pleased with it.
    There is a Trophy Somme Bombardment set screaming your name on Ebay! I picked up the Zulu oxen cart set lately, not much else going on. Busy with teaching my classes. Actually some snow and in the 20s here in Arkansas! Anything new? I hope all is well.
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