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  1. 9thHussar

    Boxer artillery set 1900 armies in plastic

    Hi Johnny quite a simple job really - the dragons-head cannon is a spare in the AIP British Colonial artillery set, so nothing special here just painted it up. The figures are from the AIP Boxer rebellion set and tried to choose 5 poses that could be altered to artillery crew. The two with...
  2. 9thHussar

    Boxer artillery set 1900 armies in plastic

    Hi been itching to do this conversion for a while - might do next one on an older looking limber for the dragons head cannon piece Regards Dave
  3. 9thHussar

    A call to arms new release - 95th riflemen napoleonic wars 1/32nd

    Hi Fish yes his head and arms can be moved with plier grips to create different postures. The other two loading and bayoneting can be animated to a lesser extent and the firing rifle pose is best left as is. Really would like the other 4 poses originally sculpted but who knows when? They fit...
  4. 9thHussar

    A call to arms new release - 95th riflemen napoleonic wars 1/32nd

    Re: A call to arms new release - 95th riflemen napoleonic wars 1/32nd - PAINTED UP Hi - a few of these ACTA Riflemen lots painted up - need a final touch up and lots of variety. 95TH RIFLES NAPOLEONIC WARS: 60TH...
  5. 9thHussar

    A call to arms new release - 95th riflemen napoleonic wars 1/32nd

    Hi I am also going to paint a set of the 95th Rifles as Portugese Cacadores 1812-1814 as they had a very similar style of uniform - just need to fashion an ammo pouch to go on the front of the waist belt - easily made from greenstuff. The Cacadores had a lighter green/brown uniform with...
  6. 9thHussar

    A call to arms new release - 95th riflemen napoleonic wars 1/32nd

    I have almost completed painting the 95th Rifles set and all the equipment is in the correct location on the soldier. I think that they are good action figures and I do hope that ACTA release the other x 4 poses in a 2nd set. I have painted x 8 as 95th Riflemen 1812-15 , x 4 as the 60th Rifles...
  7. 9thHussar

    A call to arms new release - 95th riflemen napoleonic wars 1/32nd

    You start looking at a subject and it expands from there... there was several Canadian Militia regiments in the War of 1812-1815 against the USA which had this Rifleman style of uniform. The most colourful was the 2nd Glengarry Militia which had a blue stovepipe with red/white scots/highland...
  8. 9thHussar

    A call to arms new release - 95th riflemen napoleonic wars 1/32nd

    hi maybe they can be used with minor alterations for the light units of the Kings German Legion - there were 2 regiments of Rifles both with distinguishing features to identify etc... regards Dave
  9. 9thHussar

    A call to arms new release - 95th riflemen napoleonic wars 1/32nd

    Hi Fish the 4 poses are as follows: standing firing - this chap is a bit shorter in stature but is in scale with the other poses loading with arm high in the air running with rifle held to side on guard with rifle across belly I will post photos when painted Hope they release the other poses...
  10. 9thHussar

    A call to arms new release - 95th riflemen napoleonic wars 1/32nd

    hi - a friend sent me a box of these 95th Rifles today. They are good figures with potential - x 4 different poses in the box of x 16 figures and the plastic is twistable and you can create alternative poses except for the standing firing pose. The heads and arms and legs can be...
  11. 9thHussar

    A call to arms new release - 95th riflemen napoleonic wars 1/32nd

    hi Bill Farmers webpage seems to have disappeared - cant find it - there was a link from the Plastic Soldier Review website (1/72nd figures) but the link is not working. Ron Camerons sculpts were great - Airfix and Britains Deetail early sets, but I still enjoy Bills work as it is full of...
  12. 9thHussar

    Expeditionary Force new figures 1/32nd

    hi - these ACW XPD Force figures fit in well with Accurate/IMEX/Britains Deetail - very much my scale of figures. I have several Deetail ACW Cavalry troopers mounted on the XPD Force horses. The Zouaves look very accurate with fine detailing and the Ancients will be a real pleasure to paint...
  13. 9thHussar

    Expeditionary Force new figures 1/32nd Check out the website - upcoming releases on show - love the Zouaves and Ancients - classy figures!!
  14. 9thHussar

    A call to arms new release - 95th riflemen napoleonic wars 1/32nd

    hi - theses sculpts are the same style as the ACTA British Guards 1815 set. I read somewhere that Bill Farmer sculpted the Imex/Accurate figures too. - all welcome additions 9th
  15. 9thHussar

    A call to arms new release - 95th riflemen napoleonic wars 1/32nd

    Hi STEVE WESTON has this new release featured on his webpage ACTA 95TH RIFLES 4 X POSES - BOX OF 16 FIGURES These were sculpted back in 2005 but finally on release 9thHussar
  16. 9thHussar

    Test shots?

    Re: Test shots? painted Boxer photos hi, I have a few photos of this make of Boxers painted up on my showcase page - hit the link below and scroll through the photos regards Dave 9thHussar
  17. 9thHussar

    Steve Weston's Mexicans

    Steve Westons Mexicans fit in well with the DSG/Britains Deetail Mexicans too
  18. 9thHussar

    Lancashire painted soldiers

    thanks Tom - more photos added recently regards 9th
  19. 9thHussar

    Vintage Britains Deetail Knights

    Hi these are really good photos. I always believe that we enthusiasts sell toy and model soldiers as we understand the hobby best! I used to have loads of Deetail as a kid, my favourites being ACW. I always wanted them to produce Deetail Zouaves. regards 9thy
  20. 9thHussar

    Vintage Britains Deetail Knights

    hi - you should send these photos to Britains - best pictures that I have seen promoting their Deetail figures. you should do some more for the WW2 and ACW / Wild West poses. regards Dave 9thHussar